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First feeding and Sleep question

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Love my boys...

Member since 5/05

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First feeding and Sleep question

DS is 2 1/2 months old and a big eater. The other night he drank 12 oz in one feeding, so we decided it was time to introduce a little oatmeal. For the past 2 nights, I've given him 1 tbsp of oatmeal with 4 tbsp formula. He loved it and it went great. But last night, he slept for 11 1/2 hours (he's been sleeping max 6-8 hours) and he's already napped twice today (this morning for about 2 1/2 hours and he just fell asleep again). Is this normal? Did I start feeding him too soon? I tried to call the ped but the office is closed. He's been really happy when he's up so I don't think he's sick or anything.

Thanks guys!

Message edited 8/19/2006 5:59:40 PM.

Posted 8/19/06 5:04 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: First feeding and Sleep question

My doctor said to wait for 4-5 months, but all doctors are different. I have heard that solid foods help them to sleep longer though.

Posted 8/19/06 5:59 PM

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Member since 7/05

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Re: First feeding and Sleep question

We also waited until 4 months, but I've heard of plenty of babies who were big eaters and so they were started on it earlier.

It is probably not related to the extra sleeping. Every once in a while they sneak days in like that -- to give us a break and let us sleep through the night and also as a result of growth spurts, long days, and just when they need a little extra rest.

Posted 8/19/06 6:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

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Re: First feeding and Sleep question

My dr has us wait to but it is not unheard of to introduce some cereal this early. 12oz in one sitting does seem like alot though, he is handling it ok?

I hope he continues to be a great sleeper for you!

Posted 8/19/06 10:50 PM

Love my boys...

Member since 5/05

2412 total posts


Re: First feeding and Sleep question

I gave him 6 oz at first and then he just wanted more. I figured he'd eat another ounce or two, but never expected him to finish the bottle!

He didn't want the cereal tonight.

We'll see how tonight's sleep goes.

Posted 8/19/06 11:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: First feeding and Sleep question

Sorry it took so long I didn't see FMChat Icon

I started with Rice Cereal because the Oatmeal is supposed to come after rice. I was told 4 months but forget about it. Andrew drinks so much formula I had to start him on cereal. I went be my own instinct.

I don't believe in waiting until 4 months for cereal.

Andrew slept a lot more with the cereal. I haven't given it to him in a week or so because he has been so congested and he would have a hard time swallowing it.

I give him 6 oz bottle and 1 tbsp of cereal with 2 oz formula for dinner. He finishes it all and sometimes even wants more bottle.

How's he doing on it?

ETA: Andrew doesn't always want to cereal either.

Message edited 8/22/2006 7:41:38 PM.

Posted 8/22/06 7:41 PM

Love my boys...

Member since 5/05

2412 total posts


Re: First feeding and Sleep question

No problem, thanks for responding!!

I did the oatmeal because he has a hard enough time going to the bathroom, I figured the rice would make it worse. Anyway, he must have been going through a growth spurt that week, because he's calmed down a lot during his feedings. I've actually held off the last few days with the oatmeal. I'm seeing the ped next Friday, so I'll see what she thinks about feeding him (she said I could start at 3 mos if I wanted).

Even taking away the oatmeal, he's now sleeping anywhere from 9-12 hours at night, which is AWESOME Chat Icon Chat Icon I hope it stays that way.

How's Andrew feeling?

Posted 8/23/06 8:53 AM

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Member since 6/05

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Re: First feeding and Sleep question

I was just reading the Weissbluth book and he says that eating solids/cereals has no effect on sleeping patterns. Guess that doesn't apply to all babies! He says a lot of things that I find a bit off though...

Posted 8/23/06 4:59 PM

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