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Moms (and Dads)

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Moms (and Dads)

Do you read to your child(ren) ?

I just saw a commercial for this Story Book Reader and I'm quite shocked. While I assume something like this might come in handy now and then, I hate to think that this completely replaces reading to your child(ren). What does everyone else think?

Story Book Reader

Posted 11/20/05 5:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

I read a book to Jacob every night. My mother is a teacher so I already have an entire library for him....

Posted 11/20/05 6:06 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

681 total posts

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

Posted by HillandRon

I read a book to Jacob every night. My mother is a teacher so I already have an entire library for him....

I think that's great. I love to hear that.

Posted 11/20/05 8:06 PM


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Re: Moms (and Dads)

I read to Ava everynight also......I'm a teacher so Ava already has her own library!

Posted 11/20/05 8:23 PM

My Everything

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

How early should you start reading to them? Do you hold them in your lap and read to them? Miranda always wants to be held over the shoulder so that's a hard position to read in.

Posted 11/20/05 8:27 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

I don't think anything can replace actually being read to for a child. If you think about it it is such an amazing experience. I taught prek for 3 years and kinder for 1 and I just know how magical the experience can be when a kid is really enjoying the book he's being read.

I read to Emily as part of her bedtime routine, which will be happening soon right now. she just had her bath, and when i feed her now i am going to read her goodnight moon by margaret wise brown and hug by jez albrough.

as far as position read to miranda in whatever position she wants. i think at this point it's more important to hear the soothing sound of your voice then to necessarily see the pictures since she probably can't make ot all the details in them anyway. or as a way to have your husband, you and miranda all bond together, can he read to her from behind you to show her the pics while you're holding her over your shoulder on the stability ball?

Posted 11/20/05 8:53 PM

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

My kids get 2 stories a night. One book and one story without a book where they fill in the blanks, ie "We pulled into our driveway and there was a _____" and they pick things like a dinosaur, a hot air balloon, etc.

Posted 11/20/05 9:37 PM

I love my kids

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

We read to Kiera constantly and at one year she has quite the vocabulary. Even the doctors are amazed at how much she says.

Every night before bed she gets 2-3 stories. I started this from when she was a couple of months old. It's amazing to see her knowledge grow over the months. She now points to things as I say them to her and says what the pictures are.

My best friend taught 1st grade for a couple of years and she says that she could tell from the first day which kids were read to at home. She said their vocabulary and overall intelligence was far more superior then those children who were not read to.

To me any reading is important but I think it's more important to be read to at a young age. It's a bonding and learning experience.

Posted 11/20/05 10:24 PM


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Re: Moms (and Dads)

Andrew's bed time routine includes a book being read to him. He is 18 months old now, and loves to go to his bookcase in his room, pick out a book, and sits on our laps and listens to us read the book. HE started to really get interested in the books around 15-16 months old. But we always read to him since he was born. most of the time before that all he wanted to do was eat the book. Now he listens. We also go to the library once a week and go to story time which he loves, as well as going to the Children's room adn he can pick out a book or two to take home.

Posted 11/20/05 10:28 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

I just went to that amazon site and actually looked at what the link was for, and while I love reading to my Emily and to my students as well, I can see how that thing wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. It shouldn't replace being read to and talking about/discussing books -- but it's just like the whole book on audio casette tape thing for kids. We have a listening center for my class and for the older kids 4-6 years old and stuff, it helps them a lot with matching spoken words to words in print (1:1 correspondance) because they can point to each word as it is written -- it also helps them recognize sight words and learn how to use picture clues. So it might not be the worst thing in the world but does not replace being read to.

Posted 11/20/05 11:44 PM

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

Andrew gets a book read to him right before bedtime. He is easily distracted and won't sit still, but we do it anyway!

Posted 11/21/05 10:58 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

I have a huge library of books for marissa and I read to her almost everynite and she loves it but we do skip pages cuz she turns the page on me and points to things and goes through the book as I am reading but we get through the book

Posted 11/21/05 11:05 AM


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Re: Moms (and Dads)

I read to Jared when I put him down in his crib. We always read "Guess How Much I Love You"

Posted 11/21/05 11:29 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

681 total posts

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

I'm glad there are people out there who still read to their children! However, I might purchase this 'book' for a family member who I can bet probably does not read to her childChat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 2:11 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

Also keep in mind if you get taht little fisher price children's radio I think they still make it with a tape player you can always borrow books on tape from the library. They come in big zip loc bags with handles and have the children's book with the casette tape and you can also buy sets like that at the book stores and through i have tons of them from my class like chicka chicka boom boom and they are nice sometimes because the child can point to the words and follow along and feel like they are reading all by themself, and also a lot of the time there are songs at the end of the tape -- chicka chicka boom boom hasa song, i know an old lady who swallowed a fly, the three little kittens -- TONS of them.

Posted 11/21/05 2:14 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: Moms (and Dads)

Me and DH both read to our daughter every night. She picks the books and we read them to her. She loves hearing us tell her the stories. I don't think its the same when its a tape.Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/05 4:13 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

Posted by NovemberSue

Me and DH both read to our daughter every night. She picks the books and we read them to her. She loves hearing us tell her the stories. I don't think its the same when its a tape.Chat Icon

It is definately not the same -- but when they get older -- like 5-6 years old they can do it during independent play time and it could be a very good thing. I still think every child should be read to by an adult every day. My mom read to us until we were about 12 years old. Then it was just more reading "with" then to -- we'd take turns on chapters.

Posted 11/21/05 4:19 PM

Dad of Twins

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

No, but I would like to one day.

Posted 11/21/05 6:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

I actually have the story book reader.. My son doesn't like me reading to him.. Only sometimes.. He is really stubborn, adn likes to "do" things on his own- whether he knows how to or not. I like this item, because he recognizes words from the books, and repeats them.

(He is 2 1/2.. even when he was small, he felt the same way..) Now that he is a little older, he SOMETIMES- will hand me a book and ask me to read it, and I get like two pages in and he takes it back and says "i do"..

I went to school for early childhood education. I value reading to your children, whether your own or your students, but some children have that independence from the beginning- unfortunately, my son is like that. Hopefully when he gets bigger, he will want mommy to read more, but I will not force him to listen to me read to him.. I am happy that he is trying to do it on his own. JME

Posted 11/22/05 12:07 AM

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Re: Moms (and Dads)

I can see how this toy would be good at the recommended age (5 and up) so the child can start learning to read for himself but it shouldn't replace parents reading to the child. Jake just loves it when I read to him. I put him down in his crib and read to him there. Or sometimes we lay on the bed together and I hold the book up over both our faces and I read to him that way.

Posted 11/22/05 9:17 AM

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