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Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
I thought Jacob was making progress with sleeping thru the night. Turns out he isnt and I am slowly withering away. He was sleeping from 9pm till about 4-4:30am, eating, (only like 3 oz though) then back to sleep till at least 6:30 sometimes 7 or 8. But the past week or two he is HORRIBLE. He falls asleep still at 8:30-9 but wakes at 10ish, 11ish (not just little whimpers either, like full fledged crying) i go in and put the paci in. Then hes up at 2amish, i try the paci and that goes on for about a half hour of him sucking it, spitting it out, crying, putting back in, spitting out.. etc...finally asleep.. ahhh... up at 3:30, same scenario, i try the paci, rocking the crib... asleep again... ahhh... NOT! Up at 4:30, i finally try a bottle, he eats it, I put him down again and then he's restless to go back to sleep, squirming, fussing, crying, i rock the crib, i try the paci.. finally he falls asleep and then by now its 5am and then he's up at 5:30, 6:00, and 6:30 and then i cant take anymore and i just get up for the day.
He is swaddled, i tried to undo the swaddle, thinking maybe he felt constricted. Nope, then his arms go up in front of his face and he rubs his hand together like he's washing them while he stares at them. So back in the swaddle.
Also his daytime naps are so not good. I put him in the crib to nap and he naps one day 40 min, the next day an hour, the next day 30 min... they are all over the place, and i read that when they catnap during the day they tend to do the same at night. How do i force him to sleep more during the day after he slept for 40 min.?????? He gets bright eyed and bushy tailed.
Could it be i have reinforced bad sleeping habits with rocking him to sleep every night so he is associating that with falling back to sleep and when its not done he cries and cant soothe himself? And with going in to put the paci in every time he cries??? I just know Jacob and if i dont go in when he first starts crying then he gets more worked up and cries to a level 10 and then its really HARD to get him back to sleep. I tried like 2 weeks ago to let him kinda cry it out at around 2 am, with going in in intervals, and it went on from 2am until 4:30 am and finally i just caved and gave him a bottle to get him back to sleep. Was i wrong?? Should i just have let it go on?
I need things to change, I am sleeping on the floor in his room every night and it totally blows! I am so tired, and now with me working it really blows! PLEASE HELP ANY SUGGESTIONS I WOULD APPRECIATE!..
ETA: Jacob is 17 weeks. And yes I have room darkening shades....
Message edited 4/26/2006 12:07:23 PM.
Posted 4/26/06 11:01 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Ok, I realize what I'm about to suggest is EXTREMELY controversial. I was comfortable with doing it eventually, I'm not sure you will be. No one is at first. I read a book on physical development that suggested it.
You could try letting Jacob sleep on his belly for one nap in his crib (or even on the floor). Makes sure there are NO toys, stuffed animals or blankets in his crib. The mattress and sheet must be firm. Place him with his feet at the bottom of the crib. You do that so when he wakes up any flailing leg or arm movements will enable him to "crawl". If you put his head near the top of the crib, he'll bonk his head when he scoots up.
He should sleep for about 2-4 hours.
Message edited 4/26/2006 11:25:13 AM.
Posted 4/26/06 11:24 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/06 606 total posts
Name: Jennifer
It does get better... I looked in your profile and he's 3 months? It's a little hard for me to remember, but I know I nursed on demand til 4 months. She was in the pack-n-play next to the bed, so I would roll over and feed her. I never really let her CIO because she would have become hysterical. I fed her in the middle of the night for a while b/c she just slept better with a full tummy. Now at 18 mos. she sleeps peacefully through the night. Your son might just be having a bad week, that happens. Do you have a room-darkening shade for his naps?
Posted 4/26/06 11:50 AM |
my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
You just described my son at 3 months! The good news is it does get better (and you get used to it, when he doesn't wake up I do anyway)
The night you described sounded bad..I had many nights like that but I bet tonight will be better. He still has nights like that. It could have been gas, if he was tossing and turning alot I usually believe it is gas.
Question-after you give him his nightime feedings (4am) etc to you put him down right away? I burp him and let him sleep on my shoulder for at least 10 minutes to prevent indigestion and gas. I even get an upset stomach if I eat late at night. When he wakes up for paci etc try to have him sleep on you in a sitting position to relieve gas. Also try water, he might be thirsty.
My son wakes up sometimes of his paci falls out, this happens alot when he is congested or has a stuffy nose. I put saline in his nose everynight before bed and run the humidifier.
And if it gets really bad let him sleep in the swing or carseat. Do not worry about bad habits...some babies are just hgh needs!(he is only 3 months he still has time to be trained)
At his age I would say whatever works!
I hope tonight is better
Posted 4/26/06 1:33 PM |
My girls

Member since 7/05 4303 total posts
Have you tried feeding him at the first wake up instead of just giving the paci? Maybe he still needs two feedings a night. Could be a growth spurt.
You can't force them to sleep longer during the day.
17 weeks is still very young. A lot will change on its own over the next few months.
Posted 4/26/06 1:44 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/06 1134 total posts
Posted by nrthshgrl
Ok, I realize what I'm about to suggest is EXTREMELY controversial. I was comfortable with doing it eventually, I'm not sure you will be. No one is at first. I read a book on physical development that suggested it.
You could try letting Jacob sleep on his belly for one nap in his crib (or even on the floor). Makes sure there are NO toys, stuffed animals or blankets in his crib. The mattress and sheet must be firm. Place him with his feet at the bottom of the crib. You do that so when he wakes up any flailing leg or arm movements will enable him to "crawl". If you put his head near the top of the crib, he'll bonk his head when he scoots up.
He should sleep for about 2-4 hours.
I second this, go ahead and bash me. At some point you give-up all the parenting by the book and start doing things by instinct. My son never-ever slept on his back. At 19 weeks he was sleeping straight through from 10ish to 7-8 am.
I also started cereal (at last feeding) much,much earlier than anyone on this board and I am a believer that it made for a content baby. Can you imagine if you were on a liquid diet for 4-5 months, you'd be fussy too and wake-up every night. Good Luck tonight
Posted 4/26/06 1:54 PM |
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