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I think I've been feeling contractions! (26 weeks)

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I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


I think I've been feeling contractions! (26 weeks)

I went to see my new doc here in Colorado yesterday, and he asked me if I've felt any contractions yet. So I was like, "uhhhhh, I don't think so?"
Then he described to me what it would feel like, that I would feel a tightening in my abdomen and my abdomen would feel hard to the touch. Well I realized that I've felt that! I thought it was the baby stretching (maybe it was a few times) but I definitely felt it last night! I thought that contractions would feel more like AF cramps.....

Posted 2/16/06 11:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I luv My Daughter

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Re: I think I've been feeling contractions! (26 weeks)

Braxton hicks. I get them also.

Posted 2/16/06 11:46 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3118 total posts


Re: I think I've been feeling contractions! (26 weeks)

Annie, mine started around that time too. To me it felt like someone took a wide elastic band and squeezed it around my belly-- then it would just let up after a minute. I thought it was just my uterus or muscles being stretched out from the baby, lol!

I'm 35.5 weeks now and still feel them... I have yet to have a contraction that actually feels like a "cramp".

Posted 2/16/06 11:46 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: I think I've been feeling contractions! (26 weeks)


Posted 2/16/06 11:48 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: I think I've been feeling contractions! (26 weeks)

Posted by Marcie


Chat Icon I guess you've been feeling them too Marcie???

Posted 2/16/06 11:49 AM

Complete Happiness :)

Member since 5/05

27789 total posts

LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: I think I've been feeling contractions! (26 weeks)

Posted by Anniegrl

Posted by Marcie


Chat Icon I guess you've been feeling them too Marcie???

yep!!! I thought it was my stomach stretching. I had a good one yesterday!!

Posted 2/16/06 11:51 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: I think I've been feeling contractions! (26 weeks)

I didn't know you could get them this early! So I wasn't really prepared....

I just found this though - interesting:

Here are a few guidelines when distinguishing true from false labor:

Timing of Contractions
• False Labor: Often irregular; not usually becoming closer together
• True Labor: Come regularly, usually 4-6 minutes apart and can become closer together. Usually last 30-70 seconds.

Strength of Contractions
• False Labor: Frequently weak; not getting stronger with time, or alternately, a strong contraction followed by weaker ones.
• True Labor: Become stronger with time. You may also feel vaginal pressure

Pain with Contractions
• False Labor: Usually felt in the front only.
• True Labor: Can start in the back and move to the front.

Position Changes and Hydration
• False Labor: Contractions may stop or slow down when you walk, lie down, change position or increase your fluid intake.
• True Labor: Contractions continue no matter what position changes you make or how much you drink.

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

If you are less than 35 weeks pregnant and you have regular contractions lasting more than thirty seconds and occurring more than 4-6 times an hour, try resting and drinking lots of fluids. If the contractions don't settle down with these changes in activity, call your practitioner. The signs of preterm labor can be subtle, and should be evaluated.

Posted 2/16/06 11:52 AM

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