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Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

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Member since 5/05

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Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

concerned if your 28 month old son wasnt talking yet? 10 words tops........ but lots of babbling.

Im not a mom just a concerned aunt Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/05 3:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

Clearly pronounced words? No, I wouldnt worry. Kids develop differently... Muffled words that you have trouble understanding what is said, probably. He may have a hearing problem and may need to be evaluated for one or may need a visit to a speech therapist.

Posted 10/13/05 3:50 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

A lot of people don't know that there are so many services available to everyone for free through thier school districts. I'm a teacher so I've recommended it to so many people that I taught when I was in private Pre-K and friends of the family...even if the child is not in school yet, just by living in the district you are eligible for free testing and free services. My friend had her son tested at around a year and he wasn't even that delayed, and she got him free speech services through head start for 2 years. The therapist even came to her house to do it, or sometimes you have to bring the child to a place in the district if they are closer to school age.

I don'tk now if it is an issue where the mom doesn't think it is necessary, but even if there is the slightest doubt, she can definately request free testing through the district and they'll provide the services if need be.

Posted 10/13/05 4:49 PM

Best Friends

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Re: Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

Posted by Melbernai

A lot of people don't know that there are so many services available to everyone for free through thier school districts. I'm a teacher so I've recommended it to so many people that I taught when I was in private Pre-K and friends of the family...even if the child is not in school yet, just by living in the district you are eligible for free testing and free services. My friend had her son tested at around a year and he wasn't even that delayed, and she got him free speech services through head start for 2 years. The therapist even came to her house to do it, or sometimes you have to bring the child to a place in the district if they are closer to school age.

I don'tk now if it is an issue where the mom doesn't think it is necessary, but even if there is the slightest doubt, she can definately request free testing through the district and they'll provide the services if need be.

if you live in the city you can call 311 and get a free eval, but yes i would start to be concerned

Posted 10/13/05 6:41 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

If they are in Nassau or Suffolk the program is called Early Intervention- it steps in before the school district, I think the school district takes over at age 3.

They come in and evaluate the child and provide whatever services are needed (speech, ot, pt, special ed, whatever).

Let me know if you want contact numbers- it is free so it is worth having the baby evaluated.

Posted 10/13/05 7:13 PM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

Posted by sunny

If they are in Nassau or Suffolk the program is called Early Intervention- it steps in before the school district, I think the school district takes over at age 3.

They come in and evaluate the child and provide whatever services are needed (speech, ot, pt, special ed, whatever).

Let me know if you want contact numbers- it is free so it is worth having the baby evaluated.

My sister is involved in early intervention and its so important to get kids into these programs early. They have studies that show that children do so much better then being diagnosed in school. Trust me I had problems speaking till i was 5 years old and i still have issues with my speech,

The child might just need basic speech therapy or might have deeper issues. Also should be tested for autism. Delays in speech is a common symptomm of it.

Good luck. That is great of you to be worried about it.

Posted 10/13/05 8:05 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

Posted by Smileyd17

concerned if your 28 month old son wasnt talking yet? 10 words tops........ but lots of babbling.

Im not a mom just a concerned aunt Chat Icon

Yes, I would be concerned. My now 27 month old son had 10 words and a ton of babbling at 22 months and I had him evaluated (I'm in Nassau County). Not surprisingly, he qualified for speech therapy and a speech therapist has been coming to my home 2x/week since July.

My son now has over 300 words, he's beginning to say 2 and 3 word sentences and his comprehension is amazing. Chat Icon I would highly recommend "suggesting" an evaluation for your nephew.

Good luck!

Posted 10/14/05 9:49 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

Some of it may the parents too! My daughter was not talking much at 26 months and when I had a friend of mine watch how she acted and how we intereacted with her it came to lght that we did SOOOOOO much talking for her an didn't require her to speak at all, we;d feed her all the words, so she got lazy. It was recommended that we ignore her grunting when she wanted something and she would finally learn that words resulted in her needs being met (simple needs, not the major ones, e;g a bottle, an apple, etc). Every child develops differently, tghe parents have to watch their behavior forst and then if there si no change ask for an eval. Also, is he a 2nd child, 2nd children tend to be delayed in their achievements. Parents and older siblings do everything for them, including speaking!!

Posted 10/14/05 10:32 AM


Member since 5/05

20997 total posts


Re: Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

Thank you ladies for all your words and advice.

Even though I have concerns, everyone else dosent so Im not sure if suggesting may help. I thought it was also only me. Grandma,grandpa, mom and dad see no problem. They pretend he says things when he dosent and say, "boys are slower" or "he will come around".

He is the 1st child as well and I said it was part laziness and I wasnt sure.
I also heard a similar story from a couple who when their daughter wasnt talking at 2 everyone said, dont due time she will. They work on their own pace.
Well, her daughter is authistic (sp?).
That made me think.

Again, thank you all. You are all good mommies! Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/05 4:47 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

366 total posts


Re: Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

I hate to barge in to the parenting board, but I saw this post and wanted to share some info. I'm school psychology student so i know about childhood development.

There is a great website that explains about developmental milestones with a great interactive checklist for language:


You should check it out. I would call 311 for more info and possibly a free eval.

Posted 10/14/05 4:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: Moms of Toddlers-Would you be.........

My sister was a wreck when my son was about 2 and wasnt speaking (to anyone else) more than a couple of words.. Momma, daddy, head, cup, "fop" (stop), GO, and would freak..

We had my son evaluated when he was little, and his level of comprehension.. (get the red ball and give it to mommy) was above normal.. As long as he is understanding directions and stuff like that.. (wheres the circle?-child points- Wheres the square?-) and eventually- what shape is the ball-child points to circle-... I would not worry...

My son is..31 months, and just started talking in almost complete sentences, and it happened overnight, a month or so ago..


Posted 10/14/05 11:46 PM

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