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Colic: 3+ hours in a row, or can it be several shorter sessions a day?

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Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Colic: 3+ hours in a row, or can it be several shorter sessions a day?

Sarah was colicy, but she would cry for about 4 hours in a row at about the same time each day.

Andy (5 weeks tomorrow) cries pretty much the whole time he's awake. But it's for like 2 hours, then he sleeps for a while, then 1.5 hours, etc. None of the tricks that worked to calm Sarah down work for him. I don't know what to do at this point.

He's stopped spitting up, so the doctor says it's not a reaction to the formula. Now I'm starting to think it's colic. Waiting for a call back from the doctor, but thought maybe someone here would know.


Posted 7/31/06 11:15 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Colic: 3+ hours in a row, or can it be several shorter sessions a day?

I've read that babies with colic can either go for long stretches or shorter, more frequent ones like you describedChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/31/06 11:18 AM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

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Re: Colic: 3+ hours in a row, or can it be several shorter sessions a day?

Message edited 2/8/2007 12:53:28 PM.

Posted 7/31/06 12:03 PM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

2598 total posts


Re: Colic: 3+ hours in a row, or can it be several shorter sessions a day?

Andrew had colic and it wasn't one long stretch each day.

Message edited 7/31/2006 12:40:24 PM.

Posted 7/31/06 12:40 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Colic: 3+ hours in a row, or can it be several shorter sessions a day?

Kevin was considered colic but he never did 3+ hours straight. He was more how you described your son.

Congrats and glad to see you around!

Posted 7/31/06 1:52 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Colic: 3+ hours in a row, or can it be several shorter sessions a day?

I am wondering the same abour Alyssa! ahe doesnt go for hrs like that but has a few shorter bursts every day - with a longer one at night. ugh. Its hard - - Chat Icon Chat Icon let me know what your dr says.

Posted 7/31/06 3:53 PM

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