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post pardum blues

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


post pardum blues

Is anyone suffering from this or has anyone suffered from this? I am having a really hard time with this and feeling all sorts of things. My husband went back to work today and I have been crying my eyes out. my sister has been here to help me too. I did go to the Dr he said it is normal but I can't help this.

Posted 1/10/06 10:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

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Re: post pardum blues

Yes. I was devestated when my DH went back to work. For the most part it does get better once your hormones stabilize a little bit. How many weeks PP are you?
PP depression can set in though so have family members keep an eye on how your are feeling. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. That is what I am so bad at. I want to do it all then I get resentful when I burn out. Being a mom is a huge adjustement.
I still question if I have PP depression or if I am just a raving lunatic.

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Posted 1/10/06 10:22 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: post pardum blues

There is no doubt that post partum is an emotional time for new moms. Your hormones are in flux. You have newborn & are second guessing most of the things you do. Everyone feels free to tell you what you are doing wrong or worrying you that you haven't feed him/her enough or that you're overfeeding.

One of the moms posted awhile go saying that she was pregnant and depressed, but her doctor was saying it was normal. Someone wisely pointed out that if you thought you broke your arm but your doctor said it was ok, would you just take his word for it?

Sometimes we don't give the doctor the whole story, don't think certain facts are relevant, etc. If you feel strongly about it (and it does seem like you do), you should to talk to your doctor again and impress upon him that you don't feel you've been diagnosed correctly and you need his help.

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eta. Jen - we're all raving lunatics - it's just a matter of who hides it better. Chat Icon

Message edited 1/10/2006 11:14:49 PM.

Posted 1/10/06 11:13 PM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: post pardum blues

You have FM!

Posted 1/11/06 8:17 AM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: post pardum blues

I definetly have a touch of the "Baby Blues", I think most of it is anxiety that I now am caring for her all by myself, DH was an INCREDIBLE help the past 2 weeks, I just feel lost without him.Chat Icon
Can't wait till these damn hormones stabilize!!!
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BTW...How is your daughter doing???
I didn't get to see her in the hospital.Chat Icon
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Posted 1/11/06 10:07 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: post pardum blues

For the first 2-3 weeks after she was born I cried so much- sometimes it was sadness, sometimes it was from the pain, sometimes I was happy.

I couldn't even look at her sometimes without crying. It started about 1/2 hour after she was born. Your hormones will stabilize, but I would really monitor how you are feeling and discuss it again with your doctor.
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Posted 1/11/06 10:22 AM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: post pardum blues

Yep! Its called baby blues, I had it too when my husband went back to work, I cried everyday morning, noon, and night. I didnt even want to hold my DD in the begining too, so I gave her to my DH most of the time just so I could have time to myself like I was use to before she came along, I BF so it was also hard to deal with the emotions that BFing causes too. All I can say is it goes away once you both get use to each other! Mine only lasted for like 2 weeks then I was fine and happy again!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/06 11:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: post pardum blues

You need to watch out how long your blues last or how intense they get. I had a full blown case of PPD/Post Tramatic Stress. It was the worst year of my life to be honest...while having Molly was the best thing that ever happend to me.
Crying is because your hormones are going NUTS right now. It takes time for them to settle. If you start to feel truly depressed, sad or that things are just too overwhelming there is help!! I suffered for 5 months. There was no need to.
We are here if you need support!

Posted 1/11/06 12:21 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

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Re: post pardum blues

I'm not a 100% sure what I had was post partum...since my baby had to be in the NICU for 72 could have been the emotional stress of dealing with that...But I was definalty depressed. My Doc wanted to closely moniter my depression since James was so premature. So I he insisted that he take my staples out instead of the Hospital...then he told me to go back a week after that so he could look at the C/S scar...then he called me the week after that to see how things were going...when I told him that the baby had 3 head scan and all came back good...he told me then he will see me at my 6 wk check up.
So basically until he felt the baby was ok...he kept checking up on me.

Posted 1/11/06 12:53 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Re: post pardum blues

The post partum blues hit me pretty hard. After a few weeks, things seemed to be okay, but then things got bad again. After suffering for a couple of months after Christopher was born, I realized that it was too far afterwards to just be the blues. I went to the doctor and got put on medication for PP depression. It made a HUGE difference. If you find that the blues are bothering you to the point where you can't even function or it's more than 6 weeks post partum for you, I would ask your doctor about it. Having a baby is supposed to be a happy time. A little stressful, but happy nonetheless. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/06 4:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: post pardum blues

Posted by AndreaLMT

I definetly have a touch of the "Baby Blues", I think most of it is anxiety that I now am caring for her all by myself, DH was an INCREDIBLE help the past 2 weeks, I just feel lost without him.Chat Icon
Can't wait till these damn hormones stabilize!!!
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BTW...How is your daughter doing???
I didn't get to see her in the hospital.Chat Icon
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Brianna is doing GREAT!! I love her to pieces.. I feel the same way about my husband going back to work.. I feel totally lost without him too. Don't you feel like what am I supposed to do now? My DH works nights too so I have to try to get her to sleep. Last night was my first night and my sister stayed with me so tonight will be the first real night alone.. Are you breastfeeding? Have you gone out alone yet? I feel scared to do that too what if she needs to eat?Gosh I want myself back again I feel CRAZY and I know Im not..Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/06 4:12 PM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: post pardum blues

Posted by kimmie

Posted by AndreaLMT

I definetly have a touch of the "Baby Blues", I think most of it is anxiety that I now am caring for her all by myself, DH was an INCREDIBLE help the past 2 weeks, I just feel lost without him.Chat Icon
Can't wait till these damn hormones stabilize!!!
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BTW...How is your daughter doing???
I didn't get to see her in the hospital.Chat Icon
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Brianna is doing GREAT!! I love her to pieces.. I feel the same way about my husband going back to work.. I feel totally lost without him too. Don't you feel like what am I supposed to do now? My DH works nights too so I have to try to get her to sleep. Last night was my first night and my sister stayed with me so tonight will be the first real night alone.. Are you breastfeeding? Have you gone out alone yet? I feel scared to do that too what if she needs to eat?Gosh I want myself back again I feel CRAZY and I know Im not..Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh good, I'm glad Brianna is doing great.Chat Icon
Yes, I am breastfeeding, so she is totally attached to me (LITERALLY!)
I haven't brought her out yet (besides the Pediatrician), maybe I'll take her to the grandparents next week, but I'm trying to avoid the stores & stuff just yet, too many people are sick right now. Having a newborn in the Winter time kind of stinks. I can't wait for the Spring!
Best of Luck to you...It's nice to know we are not alone & can support each other!Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/06 4:16 PM

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