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Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
Anyone ever have a pinched nerve and/or pain that travels from legs to arms?
My dad supposedly has a pinched nerve but now the pain has traveled down his leg from his hip and up to his harm...he's in a lot of pain. He went the doctor and a neurologist who said he needs an MRI and prescribed meds...anyone ever have anything like this? I'm worried sick
Posted 7/14/06 8:38 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Partners in crime

Member since 10/05 14656 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: Anyone ever have a pinched nerve and/or pain that travels from legs to arms?
DH had something similar happen after a car accident. He kept getting tingling in his right arm and fingers. The doctor said it was because of the pinched nerves in his back. He was given prescription meds and saw a chiropracter. After a while the pain ceased.
Good luck to your dad. I hope his pain stops soon!
Posted 7/14/06 8:46 PM |
Little Brother

Member since 5/05 3540 total posts
Name: C
Re: Anyone ever have a pinched nerve and/or pain that travels from legs to arms?
i had one a few days ago... it was EXCRUTIATING pain!! it went from my neck down my arm and down my back... i couldnt even move or sit down without setting it off... it took about 4 days for the pain to completely go away... this also happened on a Sunday, so no doctors were open and i was also too much of a wuss to go to the ER>>>
Posted 7/14/06 8:47 PM |
Member since 5/05 2654 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Anyone ever have a pinched nerve and/or pain that travels from legs to arms?
I;ve never experience that before.. but I just wanted to send you some and to say I hope he feels better sooN!!
Posted 7/14/06 8:52 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Anyone ever have a pinched nerve and/or pain that travels from legs to arms?
My DH's father had this, and had to get surgery because of it, he was in a lot of pain, couldn't even walk it got so bad.
Posted 7/14/06 9:19 PM |
Love my little man

Member since 8/05 16290 total posts
Name: Randi
Re: Anyone ever have a pinched nerve and/or pain that travels from legs to arms?
I have had it- and both of my parents have... it's incredibly uncomfortable and i think a lot of the tests they do around it are just precautionary-- I wouldn't worry.
Posted 7/14/06 9:22 PM |
R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

Member since 5/06 28918 total posts
Name: The Mystical Azzhorse! ™
Re: Anyone ever have a pinched nerve and/or pain that travels from legs to arms?
yes ...due to several auto accidents i have this as a cronic condition. It really s*cks! Mine is caused by disc herniations pressing on the sciatic and other nerves. My daughter is just now under going testing for the same pain as your dad is going thru. She has to have an MRI of her brain after going thru the electro nerve testing with needles.I worry for her she is too young for this I hope they find the source and her gets relief soon
Posted 7/14/06 10:02 PM |
Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
Re: Anyone ever have a pinched nerve and/or pain that travels from legs to arms?
Posted by atracinact
yes ...due to several auto accidents i have this as a cronic condition. It really s*cks! Mine is caused by disc herniations pressing on the sciatic and other nerves. My daughter is just now under going testing for the same pain as your dad is going thru. She has to have an MRI of her brain after going thru the electro nerve testing with needles.I worry for her she is too young for this I hope they find the source and her gets relief soon
oh my goodness i am so sorry you all have gone through this, but at least i'm relieved that his situations sounds a lot like what you're describing and it's not something more serious like a stroke or heart attack
i guess we'll see what happens. doctor said he might get a shot it his back next week
thanks for the response ladies
Posted 7/15/06 8:42 AM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Anyone ever have a pinched nerve and/or pain that travels from legs to arms?
I have the same thing. It's very painful and can be debilitating, but it's nothing to be alarmed or worried about.
Look up danielleandscott's post on sciatica. Alot of us have experienced this and there is a lot they can do, exercises, drugs, chiropractic, accupuncture, etc etc.
If you need any Dr. recs I can pass them on
Posted 7/15/06 9:34 AM |
Life Coach

Member since 2/06 3337 total posts
Name: Paige
Re: Anyone ever have a pinched nerve and/or pain that travels from legs to arms?
Unfortunately I can relate.
IU have some pinched nerves and pain as well as bulging disks in my neck. The only thing that seems to work is physical/chiropractic therapy. I get some heat therapy and massage therapy. I also take muscle relaxers...but only sometimes and when I am at home cause it can put me to and Naporoxen for inflammation.
Good Luck.
Posted 7/15/06 10:10 AM |
R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

Member since 5/06 28918 total posts
Name: The Mystical Azzhorse! ™
Re: Anyone ever have a pinched nerve and/or pain that travels from legs to arms?
Posted 7/15/06 11:22 AM |