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So frustrated with eating . . . .

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I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

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So frustrated with eating . . . .

You know, I am just so tired of watching, counting every food I put in my mouth! I don't want to worry anymore if my foods are too high in carbs, points or calories! I just want to eat what I want, within reasonable portions at each meal. I don't want to pig out, but I just want to not think about what I am eating- After watching everything for 2 years leading up to the wedding, I just want to relax with the whole dieting thing, but have already gained some weight by doing that . . . .

Has anyone else gone through this?Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon External Image

Message edited 9/9/2005 4:20:20 PM.

Posted 9/9/05 3:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: So frustrated with dieting . . .

I hear you...
I always had a fast metabolism and then at around 25 it slowed down alot. So before the wedding I was a salad only eater. After wedding I have not gone back to my bad McDonalds habits but I dont watch everything I eat and I feel a difference. My pants are tight right now and I am starting not care about buy a new wardrobe with bigger sizes.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/05 3:53 PM

My Everything

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Re: So frustrated with dieting . . .

The story of my life but the only thing that has every worked is watching my diet and exercise. I am starting to believe from watching "thin" people that its more about staying active and portion control than exactly what you eat. Exercise is the hard part though.

Posted 9/9/05 3:54 PM

I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

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Re: So frustrated with dieting . . .

I have always been a believer in weight watchers, but I am telling you that when you just feel like having french fries or ice cream or fettucine alfredo (you catch my drift) you can't because then you have gone way over your points- it is just very annoyingChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

TIA for letting me b i t c h

Posted 9/9/05 3:57 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

I am the EXACT same way. I HATE that. I feel like if I even LOOK at the wrong kinds of foods, I gain weight.Chat Icon The only time in my life I felt like I could really do this was when I had a nutritionist. But at 80 dollars a week, I just couldn't afford it anymore. I never looked better in my life, but I just cannot do that on my own. Hence why I am doing weight watchers again. I hate feeling like I can't just eat. It's always a mental production.

Posted 9/9/05 4:26 PM

I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

9919 total posts


Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

Posted by prncssrachel

I am the EXACT same way. I HATE that. I feel like if I even LOOK at the wrong kinds of foods, I gain weight.Chat Icon The only time in my life I felt like I could really do this was when I had a nutritionist. But at 80 dollars a week, I just couldn't afford it anymore. I never looked better in my life, but I just cannot do that on my own. Hence why I am doing weight watchers again. I hate feeling like I can't just eat. It's always a mental production.

I am trying to do WW, but I don't WANT to COUNT anymore . . . .I just want to eat what I want when I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/9/2005 4:29:07 PM.

Posted 9/9/05 4:28 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

What's annoying is that you're supposed to learn portion control, but you get STUCK with the stupid points. I couldn't tell you looking at something if it's too much, too little or just enough. I HAVE to weight it, measure it, and everything else under the sun before I can eat itChat Icon

Posted 9/9/05 4:29 PM

Fall Is Here

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

OMG..I'm so glad you started trhis thread...I"m so annoyed lately with weeight & Carbs. I"ve been doing ATkins for about 1 year and lost 45 lbs but now I"m getting so sick & tired of counting carbs!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon I've gained 5 lbs and I get $h!t for it...Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/05 4:31 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

I can so totally relate. I was doing well until my wedding last November. I have put on about 10 pounds - most of it during December and January and having a terrible time getting it off. I still have more than that 10 to lose too.

I know what to do and I know I should do it, but like you, these past few weeks, I have just felt like saying F-it. I am so tired of the struggle. Chat Icon I don't have any wise words, just wanted to say you are not alone.

Posted 9/9/05 4:43 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

I can relate. Your dream is my DH's reality. I married a guy who eats and eats and has put on 5 lbs in the last 10 years. He is my weight loss nemesis.Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/05 4:48 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

Doesnt' WW have that new plan where you don't have to count? I think it's called core, and you can eat as much as you want of certain foods. I was thinking about doing that one. Is it no good?

Posted 9/9/05 4:59 PM


Member since 5/05

4002 total posts


Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

I know how you feel. I used to have a lot of success on WW, but lately whenever I try to do it again, I fall off the wagon. It's terrible. I was in the best shape of my life when I met my DH, but that was because I was living at home, had no expenses and I was able to hire a personal trainer...those days are long gone!

Posted 9/9/05 5:11 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

Posted by sarahsmommy

Doesnt' WW have that new plan where you don't have to count? I think it's called core, and you can eat as much as you want of certain foods. I was thinking about doing that one. Is it no good?

Yes, they do have that, but again, you're STILL watching everything you put in your mouth to make sure it is a "core" food. It's actually WORSE in terms of feeling like you can't just eat something because most foods are NOT core foods. Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/05 6:05 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

Ugh. That core thing sounded like such a good deal. I did really well on points 5 years ago (lost about 40 lbs) and then over time I put it back on and then after the baby I gained even more. But I just don't have the energy for points.

Maybe something like Jenny Craig where they make all the decisions for you would work. But I heard it's really expensive and the food tastes like crap.

What makes it really hard is people who don't understand how hard it is for some of us to lose weight. One of my uncles actually told me that I just need to exert some self control. Ummm...I have an infant, and before that I had a really stressful time consuming job. Some days I barely have time to eat 2 meals, so they tend to be cheap crap I can make and eat fast. Grrrr......

Posted 9/9/05 8:28 PM

me and baby #3!

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

I didn't diest very strictly before the was kind of the stress of it all that made me lose weight.

After getting married and moving out on our own....I probably put on 10-12 lbs. DH didn't seem to care so why should I??

Even being PG I am SO friggen paranoid about gaining weight because I have no will power ( anyone want an ice cream sandwich?)

Posted 9/9/05 8:30 PM

I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

9919 total posts


Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

The core program is not all that it seems . . . the food choices are very healthy. I know you are supposed to eat healthy, but I cannot make a lifestyle change that is so extreme. I have a lot of unhealthy eating habits, I am first to admit it. However, if I was going to do WW core, I would probably just do South Beach instead. It is such a toss up. I love SB because you just eat offof the list. I like WW because everything is allowed as long as you count points.

What is so frustrating is that even what seems to be normal for some people is too much on WW. I look at the what's for dinner thread and want to kick myself because I can't even look at some of those foods without gaining weight, never mind eat them!

Posted 9/9/05 9:03 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

Posted by sarahsmommy

Doesnt' WW have that new plan where you don't have to count? I think it's called core, and you can eat as much as you want of certain foods. I was thinking about doing that one. Is it no good?

The other thing about core is you don't eat as much as you want of the core foods, but "just enough until you feel full..." If I was that aware of what the right amount of food was that made me "full" I probably wouldn't need WW in the first place. Chat Icon So I stick with the points.

It definitely has made me change my habits and I know if I stop, I will gain back the other 25 pounds I have lost, but it is very frustrating some days/weeks.

Message edited 9/9/2005 9:34:34 PM.

Posted 9/9/05 9:33 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

give you some hugs. I know how you feel. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/9/05 9:35 PM


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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

Posted by dpli

The other thing about core is you don't eat as much as you want of the core foods, but "just enough until you feel full..." If I was that aware of what the right amount of food was that made me "full" I probably wouldn't need WW in the first place. Chat Icon

LOL! So true!

Posted 9/9/05 9:59 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

I know how you feel. Im tired of eating like a rabbit, so I feel Im NOT living my whole life in a diet phase. I am going to eat what I want, but just control the quantity of it.

Posted 9/10/05 9:56 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

Message edited 12/2/2005 8:37:07 PM.

Posted 9/10/05 11:54 AM

I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

9919 total posts


Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

Posted by annieg

Chat Icon Chat Icon To all of you that have posted on this thread.

I know exactly how you feel. I have the WORST metabolism in the world and to maintain a "normal" weight is such a struggle for me. I have to exercise on a regular basis and eat what for most people would be a pretty strict diet. I cannot remember a time when this wasn't the case.

The thing that frustrates me the most is that MANY MANY people do NOT understand what it is like for some of us. So many people think it is just a matter of eating healthy and exercising BUT it is not that easy for some of us. I put on 10-15lbs since my wedding (I have since lost some, but, not all of it). It made me so depressed. All my friends and family would try and give me suggestions (after I complained about it) on how to lose weight. It was so hard not to LAUGH in their face! If they only kn.ew that I had GAINED the weight living and eating how they do EVERY single day (and still stay super thin may I add)

I WISH that all these people with normal/fast metabolisms could walk a day in my shoes!

Exactly! And something else I noticed was the more I eliminated from my eating the more my body would eventually adjust and the more I would have to eliminate Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/05 11:57 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

158 total posts


Re: So frustrated with eating . . . .

Message edited 12/2/2005 8:36:17 PM.

Posted 9/10/05 11:58 AM

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