june and beg july mommies- how are you feeling any progress yet
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boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
june and beg july mommies- how are you feeling any progress yet
So far Im almost 39 weeks and only soft and 50% effaced but still posterior ( baby is high and back) I feel like the big day will never come. My sil had her baby on sat because they had to do a c section- she had preeclampsia, so now Im ready to go! I have a drs appointment tonight again so i guess we'll see ifI made any progress from last week. Dh just came down with a terrible cold too- argh what timing!
Posted 6/13/05 9:05 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: june and beg july mommies- how are you feeling any progress yet
Good luck at your Dr appt - I hope you made progress!!!!
Well, I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow and I really don't think this baby has any plans of coming out on his own. Last Dr appt I still had no progress yet I've been having contractions every DAY and every day they get stronger. I'll be seeing the Dr Wednesday. I think I may have started to lose my mucous plug.
Last night I had a contraction so strong that it actually woke me up... but then there were no more.
Other than that I still feel pretty good... I just tire easily and the heat is now starting to get to me a little.
Labor Dust to you!!!!
Posted 6/13/05 9:18 AM |
Re: june and beg july mommies- how are you feeling any progress yet
Posted by BabyAvocado
Good luck at your Dr appt - I hope you made progress!!!!
Well, I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow and I really don't think this baby has any plans of coming out on his own. Last Dr appt I still had no progress yet I've been having contractions every DAY and every day they get stronger. I'll be seeing the Dr Wednesday. I think I may have started to lose my mucous plug.
Last night I had a contraction so strong that it actually woke me up... but then there were no more.
Other than that I still feel pretty good... I just tire easily and the heat is now starting to get to me a little.
Labor Dust to you!!!!
WOW, I Can't believe you're 38 weeks already! I'm sure it didn't go quick for you, but it just doesn't seem possible that you're so far along!!!! LABOR VIBES!!! (and sorry to hijack the thread )
Posted 6/13/05 9:26 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 633 total posts
Re: june and beg july mommies- how are you feeling any progress yet
I'll be 38 weeks on Friday and I am feeling DONE!! I'm 80% effaced, baby is very low but only a fingertip dialated. I am still commuting into Manhattan everyday and the heat is really starting to get to me. I've been having some pretty strong contractions at night so hopefully I'll have made some progress this week. Next dr appt is Thursday.
Good luck to everyone due in the next few weeks! I can't wait to meet this little person already
Posted 6/13/05 11:24 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1107 total posts
Name: Dree
Re: june and beg july mommies- how are you feeling any progress yet
I'm 37 weeks. Baby is head first but high up. This is the home stretch. Having a tough time going to work...not into it at all. Just want to empty all my closets instead
Posted 6/13/05 11:26 AM |
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