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Forum Opinion Poll
Upholstered Glider (Best Chair) 4 40.00%
Wood Glider (Dutailier) 6 60.00%

Coupons to BBB /Glider? (UPDATED w/ pics)

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Coupons to BBB /Glider? (UPDATED w/ pics)

Anyone know if there are any furniture coupons for Buy Buy Baby floating around somewhere? I've been on the lookout in newspapers and stuff but can't find any yet. We are probably going to buy the glider this weekend and it would be great if we had a coupon.

Also, would you pick a wooden glider (dutailier) or an upholstered glider (Best Chairs) if you had a choice? My parents are probably going to chip in so we can probably do either or.


Message edited 9/5/2005 10:07:22 AM.

Posted 9/3/05 9:19 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider?

I saw some posted on ebay -- silly as it seems, its well worth buying a coupon for a furniture purchase.

Posted 9/3/05 9:36 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider?

I would not have even thought of that! I just went and found this one but it doesn't mention excluding furniture at all. Certainly it would be worth it to pay $5-6 to get a 20% off coupon on a $500 item, but I'm leary since i'm not seeing the coupon in person. It doesn't even mention the purchase of furniture. Does anyone know if it would cover furniture?

Posted 9/3/05 10:15 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider?

Wanted to update with pics of what the different gliders we are considering would look like.

First is the upholstered, 2nd is the wooden:

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 9/3/05 10:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

239 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider?

Well I was going to BBB to order a Upholstered Glider the day our little bean arrived, so needless to say I havent gotten there yet,
I just love the uphostered gliders soooo much!!!

I was hoping to get one of those coupons in the mail, but no luck,
over a month ago I email bbb and I was told I was added to the mailing list,
i am thinking of going to order the glider this monday w/o the coupon,
will bring bru coupon for $25 off,
something off is better then nothing,
best of luck and let us know which you decided to get

Posted 9/3/05 10:42 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider?

Posted by Melbernai

Wanted to update with pics of what the different gliders we are considering would look like.

First is the upholstered, 2nd is the wooden:

I have the first glider, the upholstered one by best chairs. I haven't had my little bean yet so I haven't officially used it with my baby, but I do sit on it practically everyday (DH makes fun of me relentlessly), and I LOVE IT... it's so tremendously comfy Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/05 9:27 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider?

You can use the coupon for the glider. Try to get 4 coupons. The glider is considered 4 parts. The 2 frames and 2 cushions (if you get the ottomon too).

Posted 9/4/05 11:41 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

239 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider? (UPDATED w/ pics)

Melbernai - Where did you buy your chair?

dree - which glider is considered 4 parts?

Posted 9/5/05 2:00 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider? (UPDATED w/ pics)

I ended up buying the sage green Best Chairs upholstered glider from Buy Buy Baby. It was $359 plus tax. It was so easy to put together and was SOOO comfortable. THey had it in stock so we were able to take it home today. We would have ordered it with a different color but since I'm 35 weeks pregnant and we can't wait 8-14 weeks, we figured the sage would do!

THanks for everyone's input!


Posted 9/5/05 2:12 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider? (UPDATED w/ pics)

i got bbb coupons off ebay bid for 3- 20
% off coupons since my sister in law needs baby furniture it cost me $15 but worth it because we used 3 for mine and saved over $400 on furniture using it.

i am a fan of Dutilier glider as i registered for one myself. in baby bargins it got a top rating and is the leader in gliders.

Posted 9/5/05 3:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider? (UPDATED w/ pics)

berlykim22....the dutailier wooden frame one is 4 parts if you also get the ottomon.

Posted 9/5/05 4:23 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider? (UPDATED w/ pics)

I definately agree that the dutailier is a LOT nicer then the shermag and jardine gliders. origionally i thought the only glider i could get was a shermag beacuse i'm big and wanted the "grand" one, for the extra space. The others were just too cramped. THen I went to BRU and they had the "grand" dutailer, but the grand ones are just so expensive. My sister dragged me along to buy buy baby and I'm glad I went because a lot of the girls on here have recommended the Best Chairs upholstered gliders, and they are roomier then the wooden ones, without having to pay the extra cost for a "grand" one. However, the dutailer would have definately been my next choice!

Posted 9/5/05 5:00 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider? (UPDATED w/ pics)

Posted by dree

berlykim22....the dutailier wooden frame one is 4 parts if you also get the ottomon.

It's 4 parts at buy buy baby because of how they have you purchase it. They ring up the chair, the chair cushion, the ottoman, and the ottoman cushion as seperate purchases. At BRU the chair w/ cushion is one item, the ottoman w/ cushion is another item. So if you go to BBB you need 4 coupons, if you go to BRU one should do.

Posted 9/5/05 5:02 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

239 total posts


Re: Coupons to BBB /Glider? (UPDATED w/ pics)

Melissa -
DID you use a coupon?
if so how many coupons did you have?
how much did you save?

I am going to buy the chair at BBB bc I dont like the upholstered one at BRU.
what material is your chair?


Posted 9/6/05 12:03 PM

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