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Bride Needs a Liver Transplant

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Member since 5/05

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Bride Needs a Liver Transplant

read this in the newspaper today and then came to find out that she is a client of our company. It's heartbreaking. I don't know if anyone can help, but I feel I have to pass the information on. If anyone can help, please ... She was planning her wedding last week and got suddenly sick ...

The email I received:
"Dear Friends, Family and Colleagues --

I am asking for your help to save the life of my colleague at Ogilvy PR. Her name is Shari Kurzrok and she is a 31-year old woman who is fighting for her life. She is need of a full liver transplant. If she does not get one within the next few days, she will die. The preference is to find an organ donor with blood Type A or O. Shari is a vivacious, young women who supposed to be married this October. We want to make that happen.

We at Ogilvy are mounting a full court press to get the word out about Shari's need. I'm asking you to please forward this e-mail on to as many friends and family members as you can. We just need one person who knows someone who is dying and is willing to donate their liver. The wider we cast the net, the better our chances.

The link below will take you to a blog and web site to get more information. I have also pasted in a press release that was distributed to the media today.

If you know of anyone that can help, please have them respond to the following 800# or e-mail address:
(877) 223-3386 or email [email protected] "



Posted 7/21/05 4:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Bride Needs a Liver Transplant


Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Contacts:

31-Year-Old Shari Kurzrok Will Die Unless She Receives Complete Liver Within Days

NEW YORK (July 20, 2005) - Shari Kurzrok is two months away from her wedding. The 31-year-old PR executive recently spearheaded the largest-ever national blood drive. Today, she is fighting for her life. Her doctors say she will not live if she doesn't receive a complete liver transplant within days, and her colleagues in the PR industry are urgently mobilizing to help her.

"I just pray that what Shari has loved to do for a living comes back to help her," says her fiancée Robby Schnall, 35, a marketing executive at Cole Haan. Their wedding is planned for October 15 at Woodbury Jewish Center in Long Island.

Shari's sudden illness has taken her family, friends and doctors by surprise. She was admitted to New York University Medical Center last weekend, and within 24 hours she was told she needed a liver transplant to save her life. Her illness is still unexplained.

Kym White, managing director of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, says the news has shaken Shari's colleagues and friends, as well as the extended communications industry. All are quickly rallying to spread the word through PR and advertising in order to draw attention to Shari's plight. "Shari is a phenomenal friend and colleague, and it is hard to imagine that someone who only recently led the largest-ever blood donor initiative for the American Red Cross with such energy and enthusiasm, is now in vital need of a liver donation."

Shari led the 345-city Save-a-Life-Tour, which featured two convoys that traveled across the country to raise awareness about the importance of regular blood donation and to attract new donors including a younger and more ethnically diverse demographic. The campaign collected more than 3.2 million pints of blood and registered more than 38,000 new potential donors. Kamenna Lee, Director, Sales & Marketing for the American Red Cross, said, "Shari poured her heart, soul and life into one of our largest initiatives and truly helped save lives. I urge the public to help Shari the way she helped so many people."

Shari is a native of Great Neck, Long Island, and the daughter of Gloria and Mort Kurzrok. Her father says, "This is a race against time. We want to draw attention not only to Shari's cause, but also to the urgent, ongoing need that challenge families like us every day."

Potential donors must be Type A or Type O blood. Anyone wanting to help Shari with a liver transplant referral should call: 877-223-3386 or email: [email protected]

Posted 7/21/05 4:32 PM

22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05

13659 total posts

And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: Bride Needs a Liver Transplant

I work in PR, she works at a competitive agency

All of the agencies, including mine have banded together to try to help her.

Posted 7/21/05 4:33 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Bride Needs a Liver Transplant

Gosh I hope that someone can help her .. so so terribly tragic Chat Icon

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Posted 7/21/05 4:54 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: Bride Needs a Liver Transplant

I heard about this on the radio and them needing blood donors.

(Oops! Just saw that at the end of the article)

Message edited 7/21/2005 7:59:01 PM.

Posted 7/21/05 7:58 PM

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