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It seems to me that everyone is getting C-sections

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Happy Summer !

Member since 5/05

2241 total posts


It seems to me that everyone is getting C-sections

I don't mean scheduled ones, of course there is a reason for all c-sections.

I am so scared of getting a c-section I don't know why maybe because I have NEVER been in surgery in my life, I guess that is why, I am just scared. It just seems like everyone is having one after trying for natural.

Do you feel the dr.'s do this without blinking an eye now-a-days?

thanks all - I am just having anxiety before the big day !

Posted 8/28/06 4:22 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love Hypnobabies

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Re: It seems to me that everyone is getting C-sections

I agree -- almost everyone I know has had a c-section delivery. Chat Icon I don't want one either!

ETA: This is one of the reasons I switched to a midwife and am planning natural childbirth -- both lessen your chance of a c-section.

Message edited 8/28/2006 4:27:11 PM.

Posted 8/28/06 4:26 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: It seems to me that everyone is getting C-sections

I think they tend to recommend c/s quicker than they used to. For me they pushed for a c/s because my growth sonos were showing a huge baby..they said 10-11lbs if I went to term.

I started to go on my own and was in labor for a long time (22hrs) and was nervous that I had to push out this giganto baby...

In the end, they did an emergency c/s bc she was in distress and so was I. They said she was "pullable" but didnt want to pull her since she was in distress.

She was 6 lbs 15oz.

I'm so glad I tried for a VBAC and didnt listen to them...but I know c/s was the best thing for her since she was in distress. I'm glad I didnt let them talk me in to a c/s because she was "huge" - bc she wasnt big at all. I'm also glas i got to go through labor...even though it was 18 hrs without an epi Chat Icon I wanted to experience it...and now that I did...I think I may elect for a c/s next time Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 6:37 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: It seems to me that everyone is getting C-sections

I feared having a c-Section with my 1st....but in the end it really was the best things for both of us under the circumstances...and it wasn't as bad as I feared.

the decision to have another c-section was not an easy one for me....but after really reading up on VBacs and realizing that I have alot of scar tissue, I have a fibriod tumor that the Dr. will take out during the its the best option this time around as well.

Posted 8/28/06 6:52 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: It seems to me that everyone is getting C-sections

Im not even PG yet and Im SOOO scared of needing a C-section. I think about it a lot. Especially because Im undergoing fertility treatments which could lead to twins which seems to automatically lead to a c section?

I am very against it unless absolutely neccesary. Seems to be a trend these days.

I know it sound ssilly, but everyone I know who gave birth in the last 2 years had had a c section. I just find it hard to believe they are all warrented and I dont want to take any easy way out.

if its a problem of distress to either me or the baby, then of course Im all for it.

I have a completely natural delivery without meds for my daughter ( who later passed away) but it is the way I want to go again.

Posted 8/28/06 7:00 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: It seems to me that everyone is getting C-sections

I did the whole labor then C/S with Emma. It sux but she was in distress so Im glad they took her.

Jeremy was a repeat C/S because I had no desire to labor again then have another C/S anyway. And I have the scar already I need one part of me still the same way it was before pregnancyChat Icon

Posted 8/28/06 7:01 PM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: It seems to me that everyone is getting C-sections

I went through being enduced and 26 hrs of labor till i got my c/s my doctos didnt want to do it but my son stressed and they had no other choice. i think it depends on the situation

Posted 8/28/06 7:39 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: It seems to me that everyone is getting C-sections

I told my Dr. in no uncertain terms that I didn't want a c-section unless my health or the baby's was in jeopardy.

Posted 8/28/06 8:13 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: It seems to me that everyone is getting C-sections

IMO doctors do perform c-sections much more readily than in the past. My original doc- who is amazing, said one of the main reasons they do it is because of "failure to progress". She also added that it isn't TRULY failure to progress unless the woman has reached 4+ centimeters and then held at that for a few hours. She said most c-sections she saw were unecessary

Posted 8/28/06 8:32 PM

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