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Great day at the dog beach and scary moment with another dog

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Member since 5/05

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Great day at the dog beach and scary moment with another dog

And I forgot my camera Chat Icon

Their is a beach in Venice that the chamber of commerce designated the official dog beach. The dogs can either be on a leash or voice command if they are unleased. No aggressive dogs allowed.

We had a blast. Simba was a little nervous at first when the water was coming towards him but he eventually warmed up and he was loving every minute of it. He met so many other dogs and just wanted to have fun.

Their was one bad moment of the day when we were walking and a doberman came running up to Simba. Simba sniffed him and the dog attacked him Chat Icon Chat Icon Simba being the big dope that he is turned onto his back and thought the big mean dog was playing. Belive me he wasnt. I was face to face with that doberman and the last thing on his mind was play time. And get this the owner did NOTHING!! He just stood there. I had a crowd of people beating the guy up to get his dog, I was screaming get your mut off my dog. The guy finally called his dog away and then said to me "you need to learn to control your dog" Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I told him he better turn around and walk away, just walk away. Good thing hubby was at the car getting something because anyone messes with his doggie they messing with him Chat Icon

The guy grabbed his things and left mumbling.

Then the rest of the day Simba just ran around the beach, chasing other dogs, swimming and enjoying the sun. We got home around 5pm and he has been sleeping since. I think he's exhausted Chat Icon

Posted 4/17/06 8:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

20046 total posts

Gerty ®

Re: Great day at the dog beach and scary moment with another dog

What a D*ck!!!!!!! I would have been PO'd!! At least he's a newsflash, dude...If everyone is yelling at YOU about YOUR dog, then you are the one who need to learn about control.
So sorry this had to put a damper on your day, but glad to hear Simba had a great time!

Posted 4/17/06 9:29 PM

I'm a mommy :)

Member since 1/06

7322 total posts


Re: Great day at the dog beach and scary moment with another dog

Awww, that's great that Simba had a blast at the beach...

But wow,Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon that dog owner was an azz. Hopefully he got the hint and won't show up there again.

Posted 4/17/06 9:38 PM

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