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Spoke with a different gyno today...

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My princess!

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Spoke with a different gyno today...

OK here is the deal...

I went earlier to my friends gyn just to "discuss" things. He was very nice and very understanding. He claims that if I were his patient, he wouldnt jump to do the hsg with me and that he would probably start me on a round of clomid first. He knows how much I am against invasive procedures and he said that it didnt make it a difference in the long run. If the clomid worked, then great but if not, THEN he would suggest that I have the hsg done. Do you ladies think that I should try a round of clomid first? Before anything though, I need to go get my thyroid test, so I have time to decide.

Posted 6/10/05 1:57 PM
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Re: Spoke with a different gyno today...

nope, I dont believe in dr's prescribing clomid, just to prescribe it. i think tests she be preformed first.

Posted 6/10/05 2:04 PM


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Re: Spoke with a different gyno today...

I have to agree wtih Deb here

I think that having some hormonal blood work done and even the HSG performed is actually more important at this point than just going on Clomid off the bat. Because even if you take Clomid, yes it will force ovulation BUT if your tubes are blocked you aren't going to have any success anyhow - and if there is hormonal imbalance it can be treated perhaps without having to GO on Clomid.

I am also not a big fan of invasive procedures BUT in this case I dont like the idea of "prescribing drugs just to prescribe them" especially when its something as serious as a fertility drug (aka Clomid) My OBGYN already told me (last time I asked her about Clomid many month ago) that she would NEVER prescribe it without first taking time to see how irregular my cycles were, and until I was given more testing (bloowork) and/or I went back to see an RE, who might have a better idea of what is going on with my body and know better how to approach my situation

Good luck - I know this is NOT easy and I do feel for you! Every doctor has a diff. approach and its very hard to say what is riight and what is wrong, but I still think I would proceed with caution and go on Clomid without having a full medical examination and other things done first

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Message edited 6/10/2005 2:12:34 PM.

Posted 6/10/05 2:08 PM

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Re: Spoke with a different gyno today...

Posted by DebG

nope, I dont believe in dr's prescribing clomid, just to prescribe it. i think tests she be preformed first.

i agree too. My gyno did an endometrial biopsy and the results were that I wasnt ovulating. That is when he prescribed Clomid. I think a lot of dr.'s are overprescribing it.

Posted 6/10/05 4:40 PM

Delay is not denial

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Re: Spoke with a different gyno today...

I agree completely with everything the girls above have said.

Clomid can be an effective drug, when monitored and used properly however, it causes cysts, and cancer. Most gynos don't monitor their patients on clomid, they just 'send them along' with the prescription...and keep raising the doses. Why aren't you ovulating ? What's the cause, has the doctor found that out ?????? Treat the cause not the symptom!

The hsg is not really's an xray exam.

Posted 6/10/05 4:56 PM

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Re: Spoke with a different gyno today...

Posted by redstar

I agree completely with everything the girls above have said.

Clomid can be an effective drug, when monitored and used properly however, it causes cysts, and cancer. Most gynos don't monitor their patients on clomid, they just 'send them along' with the prescription...and keep raising the doses. Why aren't you ovulating ? What's the cause, has the doctor found that out ?????? Treat the cause not the symptom!

The hsg is not really's an xray exam.

WHOA, before you freak everyone out! There is NO SCIENTIFIC proof that clomid causes cancer.
In fact, modern studies see no direct link and think the source of IF is what makes people more prone to the cancer in the first place.
I get we're trying to help people but before you start throwing out the cancer word, please do your research.

Message edited 6/10/2005 9:01:53 PM.

Posted 6/10/05 7:23 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Spoke with a different gyno today...

Whoa!!!!! Cancer??? Chat Icon

Posted 6/10/05 8:17 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Spoke with a different gyno today...

Posted by nycchic24

Whoa!!!!! Cancer??? Chat Icon

Redstar That's my point!
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nycchic24- please see my post above. Chat Icon

Message edited 6/10/2005 8:25:50 PM.

Posted 6/10/05 8:25 PM

Life is good!

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Re: Spoke with a different gyno today...

I am the minority here I realize, but I would try the clomid first.

I am pretty confident that I would- I was actually going to, my doctor was going to prescribe it and I was all ready to go for it.

That being said, my brother is an ob and he told me he does not prescribe it without ordering an hsg first.

Posted 6/10/05 11:02 PM

The Journey is the Destination

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Re: Spoke with a different gyno today...

Definately do the tests first. There is no sense getting your hopes up with the Clomid only to find out later something was wrong.

I went through treatments for 14 months because my doctor "forgot" to preform a specific test. If i had the test i would have saved myself alot of grief.

Good luck and btw Clomid does NOT cause cancer.

Posted 6/10/05 11:49 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Spoke with a different gyno today...

I am not here, to scare people, I just want women to be aware...that clomid isn't a "perfect' drug. My only true purpose to coming on to this board is to help people. I have been ttc for 15 months...and trust me, every month I 'try' , I learn a lot and hear a lot from other women. I also have read many books, and a lot of the books are a bit biased, I will admit..They are usually written by people who don't agree with a lot of what the medical field is doing in the area of fertility. It's scary out there, and the most you can do for yourself is take in information, research it, and make your own decisions. Stay proactive and assertive in your own healthcare.

There are actually other medications that do exactly what clomid does but...with less side effects. Next cycle, I was supposed to start, clomid and IUI. It is something I am considering, but there are 'risks' and I ovulate on my own, the clomid will just provide a more powerful ovulation....and possibly help my low progesterone.

Whenever you speed up the growth...of your 'cells', a risk of cancer is there.....however, an HSG trigger shot, lowers the chance. An Hsg trigger shot controls the time of ovulation. Most REs give HSG trigger shots...a lot of gyn/obs don't, they send their patient on their way...with a prescription for clomid and do not monitor them. Clomid is a drug that you should not be on for long....and avg of about three cycles...if it doesn't 'help'...and you continute for more than six months than that is where the 'risk' comes in. Btw, the cancer risk is higher for women who don't become pregnant. Pregnancy, stops ovulation. Birth control, also lowers the risk of ovarian cancer because that prevents ovulation as well.

Ok another thing, is that clomid works on the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland then tells the ovaries to produce the follicules......if your pituitary gland is disfunctioning......clomid will do "nothing' for you. You are better off with pergonal/metrodin which works directly on the ovaries.

I suggest you read p23 in toni weschler's book...taking charge of your fertility. She basically states how clomid needs to be monitored and there is a risk of cancer.

Bottom line, have your doctor treat the cause. The reason a person may not be ovulating can be due to their estradoil, their prolactin levels, fsh, lh, their thyroid, being insulin resistant....all having to do with the pituarity gland/endocrine system. That's where reproductive endocrinologists come in and all the tests to rule out any of those 'issues'.

Sorry, if I scared people or got them, 'ticked' off...once again, I am not a 'guru' or a doctor. I just am sharing what I have researched.

Posted 6/11/05 6:24 AM

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