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if your baby takes only three bottle a day...

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My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


if your baby takes only three bottle a day...

can you give me an idea of what times you give them and what time you feed your three meals.

Also how many ounces do they take a day? TIA.

Posted 6/25/06 2:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: if your baby takes only three bottle a day...

Alysons schedule is WIERD
Breakfast around 8am: cereal and fruit and 30-45 min later, sometimes more about 4 oz.

IF she takes a 2 hr nap, then we do lunch around 12 which is a stage 2 veggie (4 oz jar) and fruit (either homemade, or a stage 1 or 1/2 stage 2 OR I'll do a combo of homemade veggie and fruit). Then a bottle later on...prob. 3-4 oz.

IF short nap and she wakes around 10/10:30/11am and she's hungry, I'll do a larger bottle (7 oz) of which she may take 3 oz or she may take it all. Then Lunch gets pushed back.

Repeat of IF there is a long nap. If she has another short nap and is awake around 2:30ish, bottle. Dinner is around 4-4:15pm (cereal and veggie) and sometimes she'll take 1 or 2 oz right away if she is thirsty.

Bedtime bottle is when we get home 5:40ish-6:15ish and bedtime is 7pm THE LATEST (according to her royal highness)

Posted 6/25/06 2:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1162 total posts


Re: if your baby takes only three bottle a day...

bottles at 7 AM, 3 PM and 7 PM

breakfast at 10 AM
Lunch at 12-1 PM
Dinner at 6PM

He gets water with all meals

Posted 6/25/06 2:15 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: if your baby takes only three bottle a day...

Miranda gets four but the bedtime bottle she hardly drinks

wake up between 6:30-7:30 6oz

midday 10:30-11:30 6oz

2:30-3:30 6oz

Betime around 7pm we make her 4oz and she rarely drinks it all.

She usually eats her meals an hour to hour and a half after he bottle.

Posted 6/25/06 6:01 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: if your baby takes only three bottle a day...

Posted by Ricki

bottles at 7 AM, 3 PM and 7 PM

breakfast at 10 AM
Lunch at 12-1 PM
Dinner at 6PM

He gets water with all meals

This is pretty much our same schedule, except his first bottle is at 6 am and breakfast is at 8am

ETA: He's on whole milk now and takes 6-8 oz.

Message edited 6/25/2006 7:26:30 PM.

Posted 6/25/06 7:17 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: if your baby takes only three bottle a day...

We just went down to 3 bottles on Fri.

When he was only take 4 outta 8 oz. I decided- we could knock one outta there...

So far so good...


the first 2 he has break/lunch right after...

however dinner is @ like 5/5:30... and the last bottle is after his bath

eta 24oz by bottle
and then 2 oz in his am cereal
and 2 oz in his pm cereal...

so 28oz total...

Message edited 6/25/2006 7:21:31 PM.

Posted 6/25/06 7:20 PM

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