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HELP! How much formula/Rice

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


HELP! How much formula/Rice

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I am attempting to feed solids to DD for the first time today.....and dont know what to do....I am starting her on rice cereal...I have been EBF her since she was born so this is my first time even dealing with formula......

It says on the rice box to mix it with 4 Tbsps of formula...but that seems an awful lot....

I wont be mixing this in a bottle but in a jug and then mixing the rice in...what consistency should it be?

Feel like such an *** but this is the first time I have had to worry about feeding other than to lift my shirtChat Icon


Message edited 8/15/2006 12:47:34 PM.

Posted 8/15/06 12:47 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: HELP! How much formula/Rice

I never really measured -- just put some rice cereal into the bowl and added formula until it seemed like the right consistancy to me. You want it to be pretty liquidy the first few times you do it since they aren't used to solids and then as you go you'll make it thicker.

Posted 8/15/06 1:02 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: HELP! How much formula/Rice

I believe there are directions on the box for how to do it for the very first time. I'm pretty sure it is supposed to be pretty liquidy. Then you can start adding less milk so that it slowly becomes thicker. I think you are supposed to take the milk to mix it with from the milk you would be giving in the bottle. So in the end, the baby gets the same amount of milk, but some of it is mixed with the rice first and fed with a spoon.

Posted 8/15/06 1:04 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: HELP! How much formula/Rice

I started with 1 Tbsp of rice and 5 Tbsps of formula and decreased it by a Tbsp of formula every day until we were down to 1.

Posted 8/15/06 1:05 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: HELP! How much formula/Rice

Just wanted to add that you can add Breast milk to the cereal - you don't have to use formula.

We started off with a tbsp of cereal and a few drops of Formula (you can use Breast milk) - and make it to the consistency that your child seems to like.

My daughter always liked her cereal a bit chunky - so I add very little formula - i never measured - i didn't have the patience for that and everything has been fine.

After a day or two - you can start increasing the cereal intake to 2 - 3 - then 4 tlbsp.

After we introduced cereal for a day or two - we introdcued fruits and veggies.
Have fun!! Take lots of pics.

Posted 8/15/06 1:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: HELP! How much formula/Rice

Thank you so much....I mixed it up and its very watery.....more liquid than solids....pretty stinky too....

I made such a mess out of preparing this - rice flakes and formula all over the counter top!!feel like I am a new mom again!!!

Posted 8/15/06 1:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: HELP! How much formula/Rice.UPDATE

So I mixed it up and fed her some....she was not impressed...she made so many faces and even arched her body.....she took about a teaspoon and that was it!!Very funny though watching her face.....

Can I use the stuff I just mixed to try her again in a couple of hours if I refrigerate it or should I mix fresh?


Posted 8/15/06 1:30 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

614 total posts


Re: HELP! How much formula/Rice

Posted by Melbernai

I never really measured -- just put some rice cereal into the bowl and added formula until it seemed like the right consistancy to me. You want it to be pretty liquidy the first few times you do it since they aren't used to solids and then as you go you'll make it thicker.


Posted 8/15/06 8:02 PM

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