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another MIL Vent A bit long

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5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


another MIL Vent A bit long

First off I would like to say Happy New Year

Ok well I took my daughter and drove upstate for the weekend to spend New Years with the Inlaws. DH had to work so he could come with me so I drove 4 hours got a flat on the way but still went. Well I get there on friday and it was great had a good time until it was time to go to bed well she insist that marissa sleeps in the bed with her so I said ok not a problem figering she doesn't get to see her that often and jsut wants to have some alone time with her since the house is packed the entire weekend with family. Well a few hours go by and she comes downstairs where I was hanging out with BIL's and SIL's and says I can't handle her she won't go to sleep. I got her right to sleep and told her that if the Tv is on she won't go to sleep. Well the next day SIL comes over with MArissa's x-mas gifts so MIL says oh yeah I have something for her her as well. I didn't have time to wrap it thought I said not a big deal will she c omes down with a doll. Ok nothing wrong with a doll right? Well normally I wouldn't care but she tells me I'm sorry I didn't have time to go shopping. Which was a bunch of bull crap since her other granchildren got alot of things from her for x-mas especially her other grand daughter and I know this cuz I seen the stuff that her other granddaughter got from her. Since its at her house. Plus tw o of her grandsons were up there and she gave them gifts as well and she got them quite a few things. My dauhgter gets a doll!! Best part is that the price was still on the doll and she didn't want me to see it so she is trying to take the doll out of the box but couldn't do it so I said give it to me and I will take it out let me tell you the doll cost $8. Now you mean to tell me you didn't have time to go shopping for my daughter but had time to go shopping for your other grandchildren and got then quite a few things but my daughter gets a doll that was $8. I was so annoyed. Well later on I spoke to DH and he asked me what marissa got from his mom and I told him and he was like well what are you gonna do she didn't have time to go shopping then I told him that its bull Sh*t cuz she had time to shop for everyone else but marissa. I told him he should say something to his mother about this. HE told me its not a big deal.

I know its not a big deal but it annoys me.
Am I over reacting to this? WOuld tis bother you?

Posted 1/3/06 11:32 AM
Long Island Weddings
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5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

I jsut feel like she forgot about marissa and ran out at the last minute to get her something.

Posted 1/3/06 11:41 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: another MIL Vent A bit long


Posted 1/3/06 11:48 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

I can see why you feel annoyed, it hurts to see your child treated badly!

Are the other grandchildren living closer to her? If so, she probably feels closer to them as a result.

I don't see the point in saying anything about the gift. If you are concerned she doesn't feel close to your child that is another matter.

Posted 1/3/06 12:11 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

The one grand daughter lives up there but the two grandsons live in Long Island and she sees them less then she sees my daughter but they got more then my daughter

I just feel like she got cheated I vented to my DH but I don't think anything will be said to MIL

Message edited 1/3/2006 12:16:36 PM.

Posted 1/3/06 12:15 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

I would definitely feel that way!! If she didn't have the money or couldn't get out for anyone that would be one thing but to not treat the grandkids equally is wrong.
My MIL is fair about these things.

Posted 1/3/06 12:22 PM

Life is good!

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Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

I can see why it would bother you, but I wouldn't say anything.
I woulf feel like the only thing it would accomplish would be to make Dh feel bad and fight with his mother.

Posted 1/3/06 12:45 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

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Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

I know exactly how you feel.
My father's parents did this to me and my sister every year for Christmas. We would get a cheap stuff animal from what ever stationary store my grandparents bought their cigarettes at....while our 3 male cousins received remote control cars, power wheels, starter jackets....

The best part is...that every Thanksgiving they would cry poverty to my parents...and my parents would give them $$ to buy Christmas gifts...and me and my sister got gifts worth $5.00 each.

My 3 Male cousins don't even bother with my Grandparents as Grandfather now tells us how sorry he is for mistreating I flat out told him..."you can make up for it by being a better Great Grandfather to my son and my sister's son" He took what I said to heart and does treat my son and nephew very well for Birthday and took 28 years...but my grandparents are finally understanding thier mistakes.

Posted 1/3/06 12:52 PM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

Im so sorry you had to deal with that, I would be upset too. It probably wont do anything to say something at this point, but next year be sure not to spend more the $8 on your ILs gift and if they make a comment feel free to explain why!

Posted 1/3/06 1:16 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

Message edited 12/16/2011 4:39:26 PM.

Posted 1/3/06 1:42 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

Posted by sunny

I can see why it would bother you, but I wouldn't say anything.
I woulf feel like the only thing it would accomplish would be to make Dh feel bad and fight with his mother.

I siad something to DH cuz I know if it was the other way he would say something to me about it

Posted 1/3/06 1:51 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

Posted by curley999

Im so sorry you had to deal with that, I would be upset too. It probably wont do anything to say something at this point, but next year be sure not to spend more the $8 on your ILs gift and if they make a comment feel free to explain why!

Her b-day is coming up and I was going to start working on a project for her but now I am not going to do it.

Posted 1/3/06 1:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

I would have been really upset and told my husband too.

I would not go back up there like that. It just seems she is prioritizing her other grandchildren. When your daughter is a few years old she will really understand all of this so I would put an end to it now.
Maybe just tell her that you appreciate the doll but next year it would be nice if she could please treat your daughter the same as the other grandchild.

Posted 1/3/06 2:43 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

I jsut let it go and told Dh and that was that nothing else is beign said and I told DH that I will not go up to his parents house unless he is going as well I will not make special trips anymore.

Even with me she was treating her other daughter in Law alot nicer and more concerned with her but thats another story entirely.

Posted 1/3/06 4:33 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

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I have no advie...considering my IL's are overbearing when it comes to my son...

All I can say is your not wrong...and give you lots ofChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/06 5:03 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: another MIL Vent A bit long

Wow! I would have been annoyed about her request with the sleeping arrangement. And I would be insulted by the gift especially since you know about the other things she bought.
Unfortunately its your DH's mother and he is going to side with her I bet no matter how wrong she is. Feel free to vent to us on here.

Posted 1/3/06 5:07 PM

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