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All these stories in the news about children dying

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Member since 5/05

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All these stories in the news about children dying

Like in the past week there was the baby whose mom may have drowned her and the kid whose parents let it OD on drugs, etc.

Do you think it's just being reported now because it's a "hot" story? Like the shark attacks a few summers ago? Or do you think it's a true increase in the number of incidents?

I think it's just being reported more since it's ok to jump all over ACS right now. But it's sad to think that this is just a normal part of life. Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 12:09 PM
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is not the girl you knew

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Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

hmmm i have no idea.

Posted 2/1/06 12:11 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

I cant even listen to them anymore its is so horrible...I cant imagine who could do these things to a child! I saw a report last night on those foster kids who were taken away from their mom(there were 6 of them) because she was an alcholic and put in a foster home where the foster mom kept them in a room with a sheet on the floor , no food or water and when they did eat they had to eat out of a dog bowl! they had to just go to the bathroom wherever and when they did she beat them reports were made and never checked into until a neighbor called the police! the reporter asked one of these kids do u think most children live this way?? and he said yes omg i wanted to cry!!

Posted 2/1/06 12:21 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

I am just "thinking" that maybe some of these issues come about at certain times due to seasonal depression type issues. Maybe it is more winter related where people are more depressed and have to stay indoor and feel more irritable and anxious. Maybe some of these parents are having a harder time during these periods and doing things that they wouldnt prefer to do if they were being properly treated. I guess what I am thinking is that their psychosis is more pre dominant during this time...just a guess. I found that when I was doing therapy on the psych unit. Major times for people to be admitted were around the holidays and after that. The summer time tends to be quieter.

Posted 2/1/06 12:26 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

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Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

I think these things are happening, have been happening and will keep on happening until the law punishes people to the full extent. Many times may people who harm children have received a "slap on the wrist". I'm glad it's all over the news because it opens our eyes to these issues and provokes us to think & act!

Posted 2/1/06 12:40 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

I dont know that I think that every person has not been punished to the full extent But I do agree some havent. I am a little shocked that Nedda Nussbaum and her husband Joel Steinberg are released though. I think in all situations there are all kinds of loop holes whether its murder, rape etc...
I also think that maybe we need some jurors with qualifications instead of making them so young. I am 29 and I dont believe I have all of the knowledge to convict someone. Theres alot of issues to weigh within the judicial system.

Posted 2/1/06 1:04 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

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Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

IMO-people who harm children, abuse them & torture them should be punished to the full extent of the law/ There is no excuse for this behavior. It's really sickening. Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 1:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

Posted by LadyLainez

I think these things are happening, have been happening and will keep on happening until the law punishes people to the full extent. Many times may people who harm children have received a "slap on the wrist". I'm glad it's all over the news because it opens our eyes to these issues and provokes us to think & act!

I agree. And the laws make it a beyatch to even prove abuse. Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 1:15 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

Posted by baghag

Posted by LadyLainez

I think these things are happening, have been happening and will keep on happening until the law punishes people to the full extent. Many times may people who harm children have received a "slap on the wrist". I'm glad it's all over the news because it opens our eyes to these issues and provokes us to think & act!

I agree. And the laws make it a beyatch to even prove abuse. Chat Icon

IMO ...I totally agree with you that the law is a pain in th a@@ BUT I also wonder why ESPECIALLY in the case of an abused child does a person have to remain innocent til proven guilty...those stages are the problem. I think if there is a possibility of abuse and I dont mean just a phone call but a child saying they are abused or a social worker finding evidence, why dont they remove the child until proven innocent? The waiting period of them trying to convict the parent or abuser is when the child is usually murdered. You always hear that CPS had evidence but not enough. A child is helpless pull the child and find the parent or abusers innocence.

Posted 2/1/06 1:31 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

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Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

I think that the news has taken special intrest in these stories lately...I don't think that abuse is occuring any less or more than usual. DH tells me stories all the time such incidences...since Saturday he has had to call CPS twice to take children out of the home.

Posted 2/1/06 1:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

Posted by PrincessP

IMO ...I totally agree with you that the law is a pain in th a@@ BUT I also wonder why ESPECIALLY in the case of an abused child does a person have to remain innocent til proven guilty...those stages are the problem. I think if there is a possibility of abuse and I dont mean just a phone call but a child saying they are abused or a social worker finding evidence, why dont they remove the child until proven innocent? The waiting period of them trying to convict the parent or abuser is when the child is usually murdered. You always hear that CPS had evidence but not enough. A child is helpless pull the child and find the parent or abusers innocence.

I understand- and agree that the laws should be changed to enable the ACS to remove the abused children faster. Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 1:43 PM

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Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

I don't think it's reported more because it's ok to jump over ACS. I think the stories are being reported more in recent years. I was talking to my friend who is an NYPD sergeant just yesterday about the same thing. He said every incident he knows about hits the newspapers within a day or 2. Go back a few decades ago & it was "What I do to my child is my own business." Unfortunately this happens and happened to children all along.

Posted 2/1/06 1:44 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

this is what is the most frustrating! in the latest case of the 4 year old who was beaten to death by the BF, (allegedly because he knocked down the tv!!! Chat Icon )
ACS was VERY familiar with the family, and in recent visits to the home, they cited, among other things:

- filthy living conditions
- excessive absences from school
- inadequately dressed whenever they DID go to school
- malnourishment

I just don't get it. With these things alone, ACS didn't "have enough evidence" to pull this child out of this "home"!!! This to me, is totally unacceptable! and i'm sorry to say this, but unless ACS changes it's policies, there will be many more cases like this in the future!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 1:49 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

I think it is so sad that this is a way of life for people. Abusing their children and starving them while you go out gambling (part of the recent story.)

People are jumping all over ACS, but then they don't make the laws easier for them to take children away from abusive situations. It is really, really sad and it breaks my heart. I can't stop thinking about it! Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 1:50 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

Posted by MrsERod

this is what is the most frustrating! in the latest case of the 4 year old who was beaten to death by the BF, (allegedly because he knocked down the tv!!! Chat Icon )
ACS was VERY familiar with the family, and in recent visits to the home, they cited, among other things:

- filthy living conditions
- excessive absences from school
- inadequately dressed whenever they DID go to school
- malnourishment

I just don't get it. With these things alone, ACS didn't "have enough evidence" to pull this child out of this "home"!!! This to me, is totally unacceptable! and i'm sorry to say this, but unless ACS changes it's policies, there will be many more cases like this in the future!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

I don't work for ACS, so I don't know the policies, but I think that they have to follow certain procedures before they can do anything. I agree that they need to change their policies, but I think that the government has to aprove the changes and there are other agencies that would be involved also.

Posted 2/1/06 1:53 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: All these stories in the news about children dying

Posted by pmpkn087

I don't work for ACS, so I don't know the policies, but I think that they have to follow certain procedures before they can do anything. I agree that they need to change their policies, but I think that the government has to aprove the changes and there are other agencies that would be involved also.

oh i hear you, and i am sure there are procedures they have to follow....but if there are guidelines/policies in place NOW, that is preventing a caseworker to act on their findings, and remove a child from such a home where the child may be in danger, or there is potential for further neglect, then there absolutely has to be some changes made. and whatever agencies need to be involved, so be it. from your local councilman, to state senators, whatever it takes for the legislation to be changed/put in place, my God, DO IT ALREADY!!!! BEFORE another innocent child dies at the hands of a monster!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 2:14 PM

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