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Tell me about the mini pill, anyone?

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Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Tell me about the mini pill, anyone?

Can't decide between the mini pill or IUD, I need some advice, I'm BFing so I only have these 2 options. TIA gals Chat Icon

Posted 12/7/05 9:08 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Tell me about the mini pill, anyone?

I'm on the minipill and I love it... I'm not getting any of the symptoms that I used to get with the regular pill and for some reason, I think it's causing me to lose weight! My doctor told me it would be normal to not get my period while on the pill, and so far, he's right Chat Icon

Posted 12/7/05 9:18 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Tell me about the mini pill, anyone?

Posted by Bxgell2

I'm on the minipill and I love it... I'm not getting any of the symptoms that I used to get with the regular pill and for some reason, I think it's causing me to lose weight! My doctor told me it would be normal to not get my period while on the pill, and so far, he's right Chat Icon

Weight loss? Sounds good to me, I just called my doc and asked to call in a RX, I keep having dreams about sitting in a docs office and the doc tells us we are having a boy, when I start having these dreams a pregnancy is usually on it;s way, so I'm a it freaked out right now and could not imagine baby #4 coming when I only have a 3 month old! Yesterday I was out and counted where my 3 kids were and actually looked for the 4th!!Chat Icon This also happens to me when I am about to get pregnant, so th pill it will be!! Tanks so much!!

Posted 12/7/05 9:51 AM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Re: Tell me about the mini pill, anyone?

I can't tell you anything about the IUD.... but I was on the minipill for 10 months and I never had a problem with it

Posted 12/7/05 9:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Tell me about the mini pill, anyone?

I took the minipill last time I had Gabriella and hated it. I had a lot of breakthrough bleeding on it. This time I'm getting the IUD, Mirena. It's a little scary because so few people do have it, but I'm confident that I need to have a very effective BC and this seems like a great option since we are pretty sure we are done having children. I'm just waiting for Mirena to contact my insurance and to contact me. Chat Icon

Posted 12/7/05 9:56 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: Tell me about the mini pill, anyone?

I'm on the mini pill and haven't had any side effects at all. I haven't gotten my period (still BFing) but we always use a backup method b/c I never remember to take it at the same exact time everyday and I'm soooo afraid of getting preggo againChat Icon don't quite know why I'm even on it Chat Icon

Posted 12/7/05 12:50 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Tell me about the mini pill, anyone?

Posted by betty

I'm on the mini pill and haven't had any side effects at all. I haven't gotten my period (still BFing) but we always use a backup method b/c I never remember to take it at the same exact time everyday and I'm soooo afraid of getting preggo againChat Icon don't quite know why I'm even on it Chat Icon

That's my big reason for probably getting the IUD. You must remember to take it at the exact same time every day. HUGE drawback for me because I would never remember to do that. The slightest stray can land you pregnant. Its not like the combo birth control pills where you get a little bit of leeway and you are still protected.

Posted 12/7/05 1:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Tell me about the mini pill, anyone?

The mini-pill is really only for those VERY good at taking the pill at the same exact time every single day. That is just not me. Plus BCP makes me feel like crap.

Posted 12/7/05 8:19 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Tell me about the mini pill, anyone?

I was exclusively BFing, so my doc gave me a mini-pill Rx at my 6 week pp checkup. I took it for 2 weeks adn got my period. I was like W T F? Took it for 2 more weeks and got my period again! so much for AF staying away while BFing. I couldn't handle getting AF every 2 weeks on the mini-pill, so I stopped taking it and started praying Chat Icon

Posted 12/7/05 11:08 PM

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