I know this has been asked a million times...
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LIF Infant
Member since 9/05 146 total posts
I know this has been asked a million times...
but in the very beginning, did if feel like someone punched you in the stomach and you had this continued dull ache? Also, the nauseousness...does it kind of feel like a lump in your throat or kind of like that feeling that you drank way too much water and you stomach is overflowing?
I'm in obsession mood right now so any insight helps...
Posted 12/10/05 1:47 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: I know this has been asked a million times...
In the beginning (I'm assuming you mean in the beginning of pregnancy, not labor?- it was more cramping.
The nauseousness was a lump in my throat - followed once or twice by fullforce vomiting. It was this feeling that "If I have to look at that ____ (fill in anything from shrimp, chicken or whatever you may make you sick) than I"m going to throw up."
At times, I would leave the dinner table - not because of what I was eating but because I couldn't watch my DH eat.
Posted 12/10/05 2:39 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: I know this has been asked a million times...
I have that dull kind of nausea all the time, then when I go near certain foods, or even just in the kitchen, I get that lump in my throat and gag a lot. But everyone's body is different. I know it's hard, but try not to overanalyze everything. Our bodies can play tricks on us sometimes!
Posted 12/10/05 2:44 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: I know this has been asked a million times...
in the beginning, the crampiness along with bloating and gassiness did feel like AF all the time. I had crampiness up to the 7th week, then on and off.
The nausea, for me started late 5 weeks, I only puked a couple times which was probed by brushing my teeth, but otherwise the 24/7 nausea felt like someone spun me around around and around and wouldn't let me off the ride. My stomach felt upside down, I couldn't even smell my own cabinets in my house without gaggin.
Hope there is a BFP coming for you! Your body can play mean tricks on you though, i know it's hard but try not to overanalyze.
GOod luck!!
Posted 12/10/05 3:36 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: I know this has been asked a million times...
I had sharp pains like I was getting af but it was too early for the cramps and they went on for days. I also was dizzy/nauseus on and off - actually thought I had the flu or something.
Posted 12/10/05 4:59 PM |
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