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Moms of Toddlers.. How do you tell the difference...

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Moms of Toddlers.. How do you tell the difference...

(sorry if TMI)...

between making themselves throw up or if they are getting a stomach bug?

My son has no temp, or any other syptoms for that matter, and is throwing up. This morning He climbed into my bed and belched a HUGE burp.. and then like made himself burp a couple of little burps and then wa-la, he threw up on my bed.. Then a little later.. (40 minutes maybe max) I gave him his cereal and juice, and he was sitting next to me on my couch and belched again, and then started getting sick all over my couch.. It was mainly juice.. but of course it was darker juice on a sage couch! I dont want to get upset if hes coming down with something, but I think hes doing it himself... ANY advice on how to make him stop? or do I just wait and see if he truly gets sick??? I am soo frustrated.. Has any of your little ones gone through a phase like this???


Posted 11/16/05 10:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Moms of Toddlers.. How do you tell the difference...

Joseph used to vomit if he had a lot of mucus. I would wait to address it with him after you see if he's really sick.

Posted 11/16/05 11:23 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Moms of Toddlers.. How do you tell the difference...

I went through something similar with marissa she was coughing alot and vomiting but it was due to having mucus and she was fine no fever o r anything I took her to the doctor and he said just keep her off of dairy products and give her pedialite instead and that helped her stop

ETA They found nothing wrong with her she had no fever or anything so they said it could be a viral infection

Message edited 11/16/2005 11:29:16 AM.

Posted 11/16/05 11:28 AM

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