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When a friend comes to town and you go out...

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Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


When a friend comes to town and you go out...

My college roommate is driving through the area, and I am meeting her for lunch. She's not staying with me. I'd like to treat her for lunch, I know she'll give me a hard time. Is there any rule of etiquette about this, when some is on your "turf" more or less? It may make it easier to argue my point. Chat Icon

Posted 10/5/05 9:46 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05

15287 total posts


Re: When a friend comes to town and you go out...

From an ettiquette standpoint, stress that she is your GUEST in your HOMEtown and that you have it covered. You could throw in something about being insulted if couldn't pick up the check.

Posted 10/5/05 9:49 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: When a friend comes to town and you go out...

I had a layover in the town where a male friend of mine lived, he took me to lunch.

As for returning the favor....I've yet to do it, but I'm sure I'll find something nice to send him!

Posted 10/5/05 9:51 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: When a friend comes to town and you go out...

from waiting tables, it is quite common to give your server your credit card at the begining of the meal, that way their is no discussion about it. A lot of times people would give it to me on their way to the restroom.

Posted 10/5/05 9:55 AM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: When a friend comes to town and you go out...

I had this issue when I visited my dad. I wanted to treat him, so I politely excused myself (they thought I was going to the potty) and I paid the bill!! I was pretty slick, its hard to pull one over on pops!!Chat Icon

Posted 10/5/05 10:06 AM

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