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Another odd situation, could use some advice

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The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Another odd situation, could use some advice

So we totally dont get along with FSIL, and Fh moved from Brooklyn to LI a year ago. Thats the bakground

A few months ago Fh got a call from his dad saying that a year earlier (which was before Fh even lived here) someone at this address had asked for a credit report on FSIL. Yes, I know that makes no sense. So my first thought was "She's up to something" and I think I was right. Shortly after that we started getting mail for his sister here. Credit card offers and even collecetions notices from credit card companies. We had never gotten ail for his sister before. He lives in LI, she lives upstate, and they don't even have the same last name. So i think she made up the whole thing about teh credit report to cover for the fact that we'd be getting her mail here. Also, ordinarily Fh doens't pick up his mail until late at night, and I'm rarely here during the day but when I am I get the mail right after it comes. And coincicdentally I'm the one wh usualy finds these letters for FSIL, so it may be posisble she has someoen in the area coming to get the mail. I don't know if this is really true, but it's a thought. We keep getting these letters. What could FSIL possibly be up to? How can i stop it and can she get in trouble? Any ideas?

I was thinking maybe she's trying to establihs residency because her Dh wants to be a state trooper or something? I'm not sure but its fishy and I want it to stop!

Posted 8/30/05 11:46 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Chase is one!

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Re: Another odd situation, could use some advice

Wow, that's REALLY strange. And if someone IS picking up her mail there, that's highly illegal, I believe. I have no idea what she's up to. I would have you FH call her. Even if they don't talk, I'd say this is grounds for a phone call.

Posted 8/30/05 11:48 AM


Member since 5/05

10278 total posts


Re: Another odd situation, could use some advice

Send the mail back, return to sender, marked Ms. So and SO doesn't live here, no forwarding address?

Posted 8/30/05 11:49 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Another odd situation, could use some advice

FH called his dad, and his dad just kind of blew it off. He called the comanies and demanded that they invesitage and when he told his dad thisd his dad saiud it would teach her a lesson if she got into trouble. I think he should definitely call her, but they're al liars. I like how she's doing this but she tried to make it seem like we had done something wrong. Someone at this address asked for her reort months before we lived here. Umm..what are the chances? Honestly, it makes no sense. She needs to up her dosage or something.

Posted 8/30/05 11:51 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Another odd situation, could use some advice

Posted by baghag

Send the mail back, return to sender, marked Ms. So and SO doesn't live here, no forwarding address?

I would do that, but I think something's up and I want to get to the botom of it. Why is she using our address? and for what?

Posted 8/30/05 11:51 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Another odd situation, could use some advice

Definitely send the mail back as return to sender, unknown name. or something.

Posted 8/30/05 11:52 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Another odd situation, could use some advice

What could she be up to though? Surely there has to be someone I can reort this to..or something? I don't want her using our address!

Posted 8/30/05 12:17 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Another odd situation, could use some advice

Drop the letters off at the post office write return to send no such person at this address. Eventually the companies will get the hint!

Posted 8/30/05 12:59 PM

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