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omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

424 total posts


omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

ewwwwwwww! i am SO not a grown up when it comes to this and i know they weren't there yesterday since that is our cleaning day (my dh calls me obsessed!) and we had friens over in there but i noticed what i thought was a bug to dh and asked him to kill it - we turn around and holy crap! they were in the living room. i know nohting about bugs - dh swears he doesn't think they are temrites but ewwwwwwwww! i can't deal with this - i have so many goose bumps right now!

i called terminix and they are supposed to be here within a half this pt though i told dh i would pay them 90,000 dollars to fix it today!@!! (well, not that we have that but still...) i am so grossed out right now but trying not to freak out poor house!!, more $$$$$$$$$$$$$! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/05 3:08 PM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

Posted by pschica

ewwwwwwww! i am SO not a grown up when it comes to this and i know they weren't there yesterday since that is our cleaning day (my dh calls me obsessed!) and we had friens over in there but i noticed what i thought was a bug to dh and asked him to kill it - we turn around and holy crap! they were in the living room. i know nohting about bugs - dh swears he doesn't think they are temrites but ewwwwwwwww! i can't deal with this - i have so many goose bumps right now!

i called terminix and they are supposed to be here within a half this pt though i told dh i would pay them 90,000 dollars to fix it today!@!! (well, not that we have that but still...) i am so grossed out right now but trying not to freak out poor house!!, more $$$$$$$$$$$$$! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I found some bugs last year around this time - called Suburban Exterminating and they put me on a yearly plan. I have not seen a bug since (knock wood) it costs me about $130 4 times a year.

Posted 5/16/05 3:21 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

424 total posts


Re: omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

can you post or fm me their number in case terminix thing doesn't work out??

Posted 5/16/05 3:26 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

424 total posts


Re: omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

he's here...but i just read a post about terminix not being good on liw on a search....crap!!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/05 3:31 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

They have a ton of different locations based on where you live. Since I don't know if we live in the same area - maybe check your local phone book or google them.

Good luck.

Posted 5/16/05 3:31 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

what did the bugs look like?? Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/05 3:49 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

I just used Terminix and had no problems with them!

Posted 5/16/05 6:05 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

When I moved into our new house last year...we found some bugs...and I got a local exterminator to come within a few weeks of moving in...DH thinks I'm crazy because we moved to PA (the "country") and there are supposed to be bugs here...TRUE...but, not in MY HOUSE...I now have a contract for them to come monthly and have had it since the month I moved in.

I can't tolerate I feel for you and know exactly how you feel.Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/05 6:45 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

LI is a hotbed for termites - it is so normal and yet so damaging!!

I suggest an independent - Terminix is very locked in by their agreement with the pesticide company, and only use 1 method to get rid of the termites. The company I used used 3 methods and cost about one third the price of Terminix. FM me if you want details, good luck, and welcome to home ownership on Long Island!!

Posted 5/16/05 11:28 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

386 total posts


Re: omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

Do termites look like ants? I've been noticing ants in our apartment. I'm to the point where I wash the floors every day, spray with bleach, then spray with ant killer. Could they be termites?

Posted 5/17/05 7:57 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

424 total posts


Re: omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

Posted by mrsl

Do termites look like ants? I've been noticing ants in our apartment. I'm to the point where I wash the floors every day, spray with bleach, then spray with ant killer. Could they be termites?

kinda, but they have wings.....but can't fly apparently, they usually swarm around this time apparently but they guy told us they also seem to love when there is new wood/construction done to a house (almosr like they smell it) - which sux for us isnce we put in two new bay windows where we found them...and a new wood deck, plus wood floors insideChat Icon but they are now under control. we went with terminix because they came right away were not super expensive and also guarantee for damage up to 1.5 million dollars.

i'll try to find a pic of them.....i freaked out so bad i didn't take one in our poor dh!

Posted 5/19/05 11:28 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

386 total posts


Re: omg! omg! i am freakin' out! we have some type of bugs.....

pschicea...thanks for the help...

I think we determined they are ants...we set some baits...I was told to not use the raid because that won't get rid of any nest they're coming from. This is our first year living in our co-op so I had no clue what to do. I did notice a ton of ant hills outside along the sidewalks leading up to our building, so hopefully the nest is outside and they are coming in through some hole or gap that can be filled up. Just gotta determine where that hole or gap is. I want to avoid calling a professional due to the cost...

Posted 5/19/05 1:52 PM

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