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starting solids- ?

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My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


starting solids- ?

So at 4 months I was given the green light to start solids with Frankie. My PED recommend giving cereal 1st, then in a month introduce veggies, and then a month after that introduce fruits. Is this how you all started solids for your little one? Did anyone do it differently, like giving fruits with cerel.... or veggies and fruit for lunch/dinner? Just wondering what other Mom's have done when getting started... TIA for the advice Chat Icon

Posted 3/29/06 1:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: starting solids- ?

That's exactly how we started. First week we tested rice cereal. Second week was barley and third week we tried oatmeal. The next week we introduced sweet peas, after that squash for a week and then carrots for a week. Now we just started apples for this week, but she still gets her veggies for the first meal. We did it this way because our pediatrician warned us that babies favor the sweet fruits and we may have a problem getting her to accept the veggies after feeding her fruits.

Posted 3/29/06 1:51 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: starting solids- ?

I started Andrew at 4 months with just rice cereal mixed with some breastmilk. ONce he got that down, at about 5 months we intro fruits and I used to mix it into the rice cereal. And a few weeks later we tried some veggies (sweet potatoes and squash). By 6 months we were on to meats and there was no turning back - he loves food (just like his mommy)!

ETA: he had no problems starting fruits first, he loves his veggies equally.

Also, I switched back and forth between rice, oatmeal and barley cereal too after the first month or so on solids.

Message edited 3/29/2006 2:39:38 PM.

Posted 3/29/06 2:38 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: starting solids- ?

I started at 3.5 months (per my ped). I started with cereals - rice then oatmeal then barley - for about a week or so each (although ped said 3-5 days - I did at least a week each). Then I did all stage 1 fruits and then all stage 1 veggies. I gave him cereal and then the fruit/veggie on the side (sometimes I mixed it - but not often) Did them all for a week before starting a new one. No reason other than my ped recommended this order and it worked well for us. I had no problem doing fruits before veggies - he liked them all the same.

Posted 3/29/06 3:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1162 total posts


Re: starting solids- ?

we did each cereal for a week, then the veggies. My ped recommended to alternate the green and yellow veggies for vitamin reason (not to get overload on one or another)

then we did fruit, only b/c ped told us that some babies reject veggies if given after fruits.

My son hated peas at first, but I kept trying and he now loves them!

Posted 3/30/06 8:06 AM

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