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Applying for disability?

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I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Applying for disability?

My company is giving me 6 weeks paid off. They said after that I can get disablity. They are making it sound liken I apply for the disability all on my own. I was under the inpression I do it through them., but this morning the VP said it does not know how it works and I can take it off and to look into it. How do I apply for disability after my 6 weeks is up? TIA

Posted 2/17/06 2:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/05

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Re: Applying for disability?

who is in charge of your benefits?

i think we do it through our benefits people. they told me to check back a month or two prior to due date to get the paperwork started, so i don't know exactly how everything works yet...

Posted 2/17/06 2:21 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Applying for disability?

do you know if your company offers it? Is there a way your boss can get you an answer?

My company offers it and will send me the packet 4 weeks before my due date and it is through their insurance company.

If they don't have short term dis, you will prob have to go through your own supplemental short term disability policy.

Message edited 2/17/2006 2:24:02 PM.

Posted 2/17/06 2:23 PM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: Applying for disability?

I almost feel like they do not want to be bothered...I told them i need more than 6 weeks to be with the baby and then they said I can get diasability but gave no details.

Posted 2/17/06 2:23 PM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: Applying for disability?

Posted by sweetness

If they don't have short term dis, you will have to go through your own supplemental short term disability policy.

Ok what is that? And how so I do that?

Posted 2/17/06 2:24 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Applying for disability?

Posted by CJC25

Posted by sweetness

If they don't have short term dis, you will have to go through your own supplemental short term disability policy.

Ok what is that? And how so I do that?

I am pretty sure if you company doesn't do the short term disability, you can purchase supplemental ins through an outside carrier like The Hartford, Travelers, MetLIFe, prob any company that deals with life insurance..

I would DEMAND an answer from your company though, it's really awful to get "i don't know" answer from a boss. I would tell him to go find out and get back to me!

Posted 2/17/06 2:47 PM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: Applying for disability?

ohhh so would I have to pay anything? i am tinking they do not wan to have to pay for anything

Posted 2/17/06 2:49 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Applying for disability?

I hope something so works out for you! Chat Icon I would be on my boss everyday until I get an answer about the short term dis. Hey at least you get paid for 6 weeks!! that's good!

Posted 2/17/06 2:51 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Applying for disability?

This is from the web site, I hope it helps:

Q. Can a claimant collect Disability Benefits for disability caused by pregnancy?
A. Yes. If she is disabled because of pregnancy, she may be entitled to up to 26 weeks of benefits. Disability can occur at any time during pregnancy.

Q. What determines disability due to pregnancy?
A. Disability can only be determined and certified by a physician or certified nurse midwife through the submission of medical reports. If a claimant becomes disabled more than four to six weeks prior to the anticipated birth date, or is disabled more than four to six weeks after the actual birth date, more detailed information regarding the disability may be required. The medical reports should describe specific symptoms, rather than just general prognosis. Note: An elective sterilization procedure will not extend the payable period of disability, since benefits are not payable for any period an individual is unable to work due to elective surgery.

Q. Can an employee collect disability benefits if on maternity leave?
A. Yes. If she is on a leave of absence without pay (i.e. maternity leave), and becomes disabled within four weeks of the last day she actually worked, she is entitled to benefits from the employer/carrier (if otherwise eligible). If the disability begins more than four weeks from the last day actually worked and she is claiming/receiving Unemployment Benefits, she is entitled to disability benefits from the Special Fund for Disability Benefits (if otherwise eligible).

Q. Is there a limit on the number of weeks a claimant can receive benefits?
A. Yes. There is a limit of 26 weeks of benefits during a period of 52 consecutive calendar weeks or during any one period of disability. The amount of benefits a claimant receives is dependent upon the length of time he/she is actually disabled as certified by a physician. (If an employer has a separate Disability Benefits Plan, more than 26 weeks of benefits may be paid, if so specified).

Posted 2/17/06 2:52 PM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: Applying for disability?

Thanks girls. it is all so confusing to me..I feel like I am asking and asking for help and no one even acknowledges it. I am the 1st emplyee to ever become pregnant while working here..they have no set policy it is so fustrating because I do not understand any of this at all.

Posted 2/17/06 2:57 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Applying for disability?

Keep in mind that disability does not have to be paid depending on the company.

You are considered disabled after you deliver a baby for 6-8 weeks depending on the type of delivery.

Posted 2/17/06 3:00 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Applying for disability?

It is my understanding that every company has to pay into disablity for their employees. My company isn't paying for anytime off that I take. Since I do the the accounts receivable/payables I looked into what disablity company we pay and I called them up. They explained to me how it works and I am able to download the form online. Your doctor has to fill out the form, you fill out a portion and your elmployer fills out anothe protion and mails it in once you had the baby. I would speakt to your accounting department to see who they pay the disablity to.

Posted 2/18/06 7:46 AM

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