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My son finally sleeps on his own (A little long)

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

187 total posts


My son finally sleeps on his own (A little long)

My son is 18 months olds and for a long time would only sleep w/ my husband and I. It got to the point where right after his nightime bottle he would want to sleep with us. At his 18 month checkup the DR said to stop letting him have his last bottle in my bed because thats where he falls asleep and wants to stay there.
Anyway, the first night we put him in the living room after the whole pre-bed routine, on his little recliner chair. He looked a little frightened because he wasnt in my bed. When he was done, still awake, he kissed us good nite and i put him in his crib and left. He screamed so much I had tears streaming from my face. After 15 minutes i went in kissed him again, stayed 60 seconds and left. He cried 10 more minutes and fell asleep. Each night after got better. It's been a week and now if he wakes up in the middle of the night, he puts himself back to sleep. After the 3rd night you increase the time you go into his room, waiting 25 minutes and then 35 the 5th night so he realizes you arent coming running.
I don't dread the nighttime anymore, and my son is getting a great night sleep, sleeping til 7 AM. Good luck to all you ladies who are having problems with sleeping.

Posted 9/13/05 9:29 AM
Long Island Weddings
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5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: My son finally sleeps on his own (A little long)

thats great I have to try something cuz marissa falls asleep with her milk either in my bed or on the living room floor I have tried to put her in her crib with her milk but I feel so bad when she cries that I go in there and take her out after about 5 minutes I have to get stronger to leave her longer I am glad it worked for you

Posted 9/13/05 11:42 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: My son finally sleeps on his own (A little long)

Message edited 8/31/2011 4:16:54 PM.

Posted 9/13/05 1:24 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

187 total posts


Re: My son finally sleeps on his own (A little long)

Thx for the replies ladies.
Believe me I loved having him with me, especially waking up to him playing with my hair. But I knew if I didn;t do something it would be harder once he's over 2
Good Luck

Posted 9/13/05 1:33 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: My son finally sleeps on his own (A little long)

Thank you for this advice. I have to say I never knew this

Basically when she is in my bed or on the living room floor she will drink her sippy cup with milk then when she is done she throws it and actually falls a sleep with the pacifier in her mouth.

I will def. start doing the water thing though. I do brush her teeth in the morning with the baby gum and teeth cleaner and she loves it.

Posted 9/13/05 3:23 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: My son finally sleeps on his own (A little long)

Message edited 8/31/2011 4:28:08 PM.

Posted 9/14/05 12:01 PM

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