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Circumcision month later..

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Circumcision month later..


My son is just about one month...and over the weekend the area where the circumcision was done was swollen with what looked like scared me of course, but i noticed it at 3am while i was changing his diaper. It looked better the next day but now is a little swollen again.

Did anyone ever experience this?? Its almost like fluid is building up behind the skin under the head of the doesn't look infected and he has no fever, but its still scary. I've called my pediatrician just now..but thought i'd ask here anyway to see if anyone has gone through this.


Posted 10/10/06 8:46 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Circumcision month later..

My son wasn't circumsized so I don't have any answers for you but I just wanted to send you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I hope it turns out to be nothingChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/06 9:10 AM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

it sounds like it's infected!! get it checked out. poor guy!!

Posted 10/10/06 10:06 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Circumcision month later..

My old pediatriciina told me Joseph has "smegma" (oil, skin flakes) that gathered under the skin. Later on, it got redder and then I noticed the circumcision has reattached itself in one section. He had to go to a pediatric urologist who fixed it.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/06 10:07 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

Posted by nrthshgrl

My old pediatriciina told me Joseph has "smegma" (oil, skin flakes) that gathered under the skin. Later on, it got redder and then I noticed the circumcision has reattached itself in one section. He had to go to a pediatric urologist who fixed it.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Andrew too. Chat Icon When he was one year old, so you can imagine how hard it was for me to see him have to see a pediatric urologist peel away the adhered skin on his pee-pee. Luckily he didn't need to be re-circumsized and he is fine now. CLean it out a lot by pulling it all the way back and put lots of vaseline on it!

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Posted 10/10/06 10:42 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

Posted by chmlengr

Posted by nrthshgrl

My old pediatriciina told me Joseph has "smegma" (oil, skin flakes) that gathered under the skin. Later on, it got redder and then I noticed the circumcision has reattached itself in one section. He had to go to a pediatric urologist who fixed it.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Andrew too. Chat Icon When he was one year old, so you can imagine how hard it was for me to see him have to see a pediatric urologist peel away the adhered skin on his pee-pee. Luckily he didn't need to be re-circumsized and he is fine now. CLean it out a lot by pulling it all the way back and put lots of vaseline on it!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Funny I was going to explain it but opted for "fixed it" so as not to make anyone Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/06 10:56 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/06

291 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

I had to "fix it" too! I wish you could have seen the look on DH's face when the pediatrician was explaining all this!

Posted 10/10/06 12:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

Thanks everyone!! I just was definitely swollen with fluid and she peeled back skin where it was stuck..(adhesions) and that was causing the fluid buildup.

I cried in her office and felt like such a baby :( He was screaming when she was peeling back skin, and on top of this he's been crying a lot and constipated so i am just overwhelemed. Hopefully this all gets better. He had been such a wonderful baby but just not himself lately..

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Posted 10/10/06 12:57 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon hoping you both feel better soon - glad it was taken care of (although how hard it must have been for you both! Chat Icon ) and hoping it heals up fast and he returns to normal!

Posted 10/10/06 1:03 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

Chat Icon I'm glad it was taken care of. I'm sure it was hard to go through (for you more than him!).

I am taking my son to a pediatric urologist next month for the same thing. A small piece attached itself from the circumcision. His dr actually said it is so minor it won't cause any problems in the futureChat Icon and she doesn't even think the urologist will do anything about it but I'm taking him to see what they say anyway.

Posted 10/10/06 2:32 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

Posted by maybebaby

Thanks everyone!! I just was definitely swollen with fluid and she peeled back skin where it was stuck..(adhesions) and that was causing the fluid buildup.

I cried in her office and felt like such a baby :( He was screaming when she was peeling back skin, and on top of this he's been crying a lot and constipated so i am just overwhelemed. Hopefully this all gets better. He had been such a wonderful baby but just not himself lately..

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He's probably in a lot of pain. Have you given him Tylenol?

Posted 10/21/06 3:27 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

For anyone else going through this, please ask your doctor for an Rx for Emla cream (it's the same cream they use for electroylsis). It numbs the area.

I know Joseph didn't feel a thing when he had his done. DH, on the other hand, seemed to feel every tug from Joseph. He stilll flinches if we talk about it.

Posted 10/21/06 8:01 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

OMG I am shocked to read this as DH was tellin me just last week he didn't think DS circumcision healed right and I have to ask the Dr. about it on Monday during our 2 month checkup. I thought he was nuts but now that I know this is a possibilty I am scared they will ahve to "fix it" :(

Posted 10/21/06 9:01 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

Posted by LInative

OMG I am shocked to read this as DH was tellin me just last week he didn't think DS circumcision healed right and I have to ask the Dr. about it on Monday during our 2 month checkup. I thought he was nuts but now that I know this is a possibilty I am scared they will ahve to "fix it" :(

It's funny, because I was just looking at Christopher the other day and thinking that his didn't look like it healed right. He wasn't circumsized until he was 10 months old (long story), but it looks like I'll have to make an appointment with the pediatric urologist and get it checked out.

Posted 10/21/06 9:45 AM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

Posted by LInative

OMG I am shocked to read this as DH was tellin me just last week he didn't think DS circumcision healed right and I have to ask the Dr. about it on Monday during our 2 month checkup. I thought he was nuts but now that I know this is a possibilty I am scared they will ahve to "fix it" :(

It might be that your DS has a loose circ. Now they usually don't cut off as much, so he might not even look circed. I found this on the web.

Sometimes after a routine newborn circumcision, excess foreskin remains. Since newborn circumcision is not medically necessary, it's certainly better to leave a little extra than to take off too much and damage the child's penis.

Adhesions between the glans and foreskin are normal in infants and, by age 1, only half of the boys have retractable foreskin. Never try to forcibly strip the foreskin back because that's unnecessarily painful and may cause a raw surface and subsequent scarring. Any small, whitish lumps beneath the foreskin only represent normal skin shedding and need not be removed.

By the time he's 4 the adhesions should release on their own, and he can be taught to retract any remaining foreskin while bathing.

So, it's a common occurrence in little boys for adhesions to develop under any remaining foreskin, although it's rarely a problem and practically never requires a repeat circumcision.

Message edited 10/21/2006 10:14:45 AM.

Posted 10/21/06 9:59 AM

Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05

9300 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

samew thing happened to my nephew..hoe he is feeling better!

Posted 10/21/06 10:19 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/06

825 total posts


Re: Circumcision month later..

It's crazy how many people this happens to. Ryan's looked infected when he was abt 1 month too and the Dr. had to peel the skin back. From that day on at least once a day I peel the skin back.

When you peel it back make sure it is clean. If I have another boy now I know this ahead of time. It bothers me that the nurses in the Hospital don't tell you to do this!

Posted 10/21/06 11:12 AM
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