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Non-Mom needs advice

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I am what I am

Member since 12/05

2825 total posts


Non-Mom needs advice

My cousin who has a boy that will be 3 in August is having a VERY difficult time getting her son off his bottle. He has at least 4 bottles of warm milk a day and in my opinion (and her doctor has confirmed) this is the reason why he wont eat much. She's trying to cut back, but he yells like bloody murder if he doesnt get his milk. Any advice for her. She's up to her wits end. Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/06 4:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

3235 total posts


Re: Non-Mom needs advice

Both my girls where big milk drinkers and it is true that milk will fill someone up. If your cousin hasn't done so already, it is past time to introduce a sippy cup. It can be done as simply as telling him "it is time to drink out of the big boy cup". He doesn't have to have his bottles taken away all at once. Start gradually and before you know it, the bottles will be gone. As for milk consumption, start mixing the milk with water some of the time. It cuts down on the calories and fat intake and won't make him feel as full. I started using 2% milk. I hope she is not letting him go to bed with a milk bottle as this will rot his teeth. To this day, my youngest (who is 19) still loves to drink milk, only now it is fat free. I can't keep enough in the house! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/06 4:31 PM

I am what I am

Member since 12/05

2825 total posts


Re: Non-Mom needs advice

She tried the sippy cups, but he hates them as well as the cups that have straws attached to them. He will use regular cups though. She brushes his teeth after he's done with his last bottle.

I'll tell her about the watering down and 2%. Im sure that will help out.

Thanks Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/06 4:50 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Non-Mom needs advice

Their is a new show on TLC called Surviving Motherhood and their is a group of 5 mothers and each day another mother talkes about issues they have with their child/children and it changes week to week. Their was a mother who had that very same problem and the expect on the show suggested that she add water to the bottles a little bit more each night until it is all water. Maybe she can bring him to the store so he can pick out his own sippy cup that way he feels like he made the decision himself.

Posted 6/7/06 10:40 PM

I am what I am

Member since 12/05

2825 total posts


Re: Non-Mom needs advice

Thanks! Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/06 10:49 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Non-Mom needs advice

Has she tried the nuby sippy cups with the soft tops

Posted 6/8/06 12:05 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Non-Mom needs advice

This is going to come off as a Nazi, judgmental mom - but I’m going to respond anyway. A 3 year old (2 year old) shouldn’t be on a bottle anymore.

Maddie (turning 3 next week) drinks out of a regular cup, but prefers sippy cups. I’m weaning her off now. I tell her all of the sippy cups are dirty & she has to drink out of a regular cup. She throws a fit, screams, cries, stomps her feet, throws herself on the floor (yup that’s right that smiley little girl at the GTG turns into the Exorcist chick). Then I ask her if she’s done crying & needs a hug. She hugs me, sits down, eats a little bit and then she’s thirsty, so she drinks out of a regular cup. She has no choice. If she knocks the regular cup over during a tantrum, she’s put in a chair for 2-3 minutes. Then she’s given paper towels to clean it up (I help her).

As for the milk, plates of food are put in front of them. Joseph’s drink is put away from him. When he wants it, I tell him he needs to eat x, y & z before he can drink more. I tell him “it’s not healthy to fill up on milk, you need to eat some protein & veggies.”

Your friend needs to decide who is running the show at her house. It’s not easy, but if she does it now – she’s not going to be the mom who has no control over her son.

Posted 6/8/06 12:16 PM

I am what I am

Member since 12/05

2825 total posts


Re: Non-Mom needs advice

Understood. But please understand I am not a mother and for me to be telling this to my cousin..... I have no right. Yes, I totally agree with you that at 3 he shouldnt be on the bottle. And he also shouldnt be making decisions about what he eats and when he eats it. But again, its not my place. The only thing I can try to do is give helpful advice which is what Im trying to do now by asking for your help. Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/06 3:44 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: Non-Mom needs advice

Posted by Seles81

Their is a new show on TLC called Surviving Motherhood and their is a group of 5 mothers and each day another mother talkes about issues they have with their child/children and it changes week to week. Their was a mother who had that very same problem and the expect on the show suggested that she add water to the bottles a little bit more each night until it is all water. Maybe she can bring him to the store so he can pick out his own sippy cup that way he feels like he made the decision himself.

I watched this episode today, and the mother got her kids to get rid of the bottles by boxing them up and mailing them to a friend who was having a baby. The kids were so into helping out a baby that they were willing to give up their bottles. If she doesn't know anybody having a baby, maybe she can bring or send them to the church or goodwill. Another suggestion today was to bring the kids to the store to buy something for themselves (whether the sippy cup or something else) and have them "pay" for their choice with the bottle by giving it to the cashier. That way, they are actually making the choice to trade one thing for another. I'm not sure if these things will help, but they are worth a try...

Posted 6/8/06 11:01 PM

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