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BFing Moms - for those babies on cereal...

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


BFing Moms - for those babies on cereal...

What is your feeding schedule like now? Sidney is 6.5 months and I feel like I am not feeding her enough cereal. We just started 3 weeks or so ago. I have been giving her 1 tbsp cereal with about 3 tbsp BM (or formula if i don't have any pumped BM). I guess it is the consistency of thin applesauce . I mostly give it to her 1x a day but have been trying lately to do 2x a day. She is also soooo gassy now.

But anyway.... how often and how much cereal (or other food) are you giving your baby now...and how old are they? And how thick are you making the cereal (how much BM mixed in?) Plus how often are you nursing at this point?

sorry for the 20 questions.


Posted 1/27/06 12:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: BFing Moms - for those babies on cereal...

Joseph is 4 months old and has been on cereal since 12wks. At this point I give him cereal for lunch and dinner - lunch is 1.5oz of BM to about 3.5 tblspns of cereal. Dinner is 2.5oz BM to about 4.5 tblspns cereal w/ fruit. It's pretty much like oatmeal - not too think and not soupy. His nursing schedule is pretty much 7AM, 10AM, 1:30PM, 4PM and then bedtime @ 7PM. But that can vary - sometimes he'll only take just one side, sometimes both and sometimes he just isn't hungry so he'll skip one feeding...

Posted 1/27/06 1:11 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: BFing Moms - for those babies on cereal...

sounds like I am making mine too soupy. hmmmm....

Posted 1/27/06 5:09 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: BFing Moms - for those babies on cereal...

Julia is also 6 1/2 months old. I give her cereal in the morning, I dont measure how much I give her I just mix it with water till I get to where she likes it, then I add 1/2 a jar of fruit to it.
Lunch: she gets a meat/veggie and a fruit like 1/2 jar each. Dinner: Is like the same for lunch.
I also BF her in between giving her food. She also gets apple juice, like 2x's a day. Chat Icon

Posted 1/27/06 5:26 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: BFing Moms - for those babies on cereal...

Don't worry about enough at this point. The cereal is really just for practice -- all the real nutrition is in your breastmilk.

You can go as thick as you are comfortable trying until the baby rejects it (up to the consistency of applesauce I'd say).

Posted 1/27/06 7:35 PM

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