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first time post- opinions needed-pretty long

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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

380 total posts


first time post- opinions needed-pretty long

This is my first time posting on this board. I decided to go off BC in February after being on it for 6 years. Prior to going on it, I had a very irregular cycle- often missed periods for months at a time. I didnt see a gyno till my twenties, at which time she put me on the pill and the cycle regulated so I never gave it much thought. Anyhow, since coming off BC in Feb, I havent had a period. My skin is exceptionally oily, and Im suddenly finidng the need to tweeze and wax under my chin almost daily (sorry TMI). So I think its obvious my hormones are out of whack. Additionally I went off the pill because after waiting a long time, I decided its time to TTC, and now I realize that TTC is pointless if Im not having a cycle.

So I went to te doc who took bloodwork and a sonogram. The nurse calls yesterday and tels me that the doc says everythings fine, just a little bit of an elevation in testosterone, but nothing to worry about. The doc wasnt there to answer questions.

Do you ladies think everything sounds fine? Or shouldnt the doc have put me on medication to at least regulate my cycle so that a chance of becoming pregnant could possibly occur? While I am aware I have not bene trying long at all, i KNOW my cycle is irregular- I just dont know why- but waiting a year simply to prove what I already know seems like a big fat waste of time? What do you think?


Message edited 6/1/2006 10:16:25 AM.

Posted 6/1/06 10:14 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: first time post- opinions needed-pretty long

I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions, other than in August you'll have been TTC 6 months. Depending on your age, that might be the right time to see an RE

Posted 6/1/06 10:17 AM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: first time post- opinions needed-pretty long

I think you have to trust your gut on this.

If you aren't comfortable with what the doctor said, then you should seek a 2nd opinion.

I was told for 6 months working with just an OBGYN that there was really nothing wrong with me except I didn't ovulate.

They didn't seem interested in all the other issues I was having - unexplained weight gain, hair growth, etc.

When I went to an RE they ran much more extensive tests and blood work and were able to help me more.

But you have to decide for yourself what you are comfortable with. Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 11:00 AM

I am Batman!

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I'm Batman, I tell you!

Re: first time post- opinions needed-pretty long

I don't want to diagnose you, but it sounds like allt he things I've read about for PCOS. That's when you're hormones are out of whack and can mean not ovulating, acne, increased hair growth and obesity. No matter what, I think you should call and speak directly to the doctor about this and that you should be on something to TTC if you're not getting regular periods. If you feel like the doc isn't listening to you, switch or try an RE.

Message edited 6/1/2006 11:02:07 AM.

Posted 6/1/06 11:01 AM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

6747 total posts


Re: first time post- opinions needed-pretty long

I agree with Newcomer.

A RE has more expertise in this area. If you are in your 30's, I would go straight to a RE.

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ETA: It could be PCOS. If so, you need to be on meds for it.

Message edited 6/1/2006 11:02:51 AM.

Posted 6/1/06 11:01 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: first time post- opinions needed-pretty long

I would go see someone that specializes in sound like you have some symtoms. Plus, it isn't normal to go months without a period so your dr. is wrong in ignoring that fact completely.

Posted 6/1/06 11:10 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: first time post- opinions needed-pretty long

the best advice on here. Trust your gut. Insist on talking to your MD, and make an appointmnet to see an RE if you think you should. Nobody knows your body getter than you do.Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 2:49 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: first time post- opinions needed-pretty long

Sounds like PCOS to me as well. I would insist on more testing now!

Posted 6/1/06 6:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

1018 total posts


Re: first time post- opinions needed-pretty long

I wouldn't go into panic mode, however, skiping periods for months at a time is not "normal" The fact that your doctor seems dismissive about your concerns and your period's irregularity, is troublesome. As the other girls have said, trust your gut. If you feel uneasy, don't apologize for it. Get a second opinion if it makes you feel better. I found it helped to some research on meds and treatments, as well as writing down your questions for your doctor. Good luck Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 11:26 PM

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