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Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

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Fall Is Here

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Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

Battery Ball

A 12-year-old girl in California has been charged with battery following a playground game of dodgeball, reports the Associated Press.

The charges stem from one of the regular games of Wall Ball at Hermosa Elementary School in Alta Loma, Calif. Brittney Schneiders is accused of kicking a ball at an opposing player with braces, giving him a fat lip.

Five other students were also accused of battery stemming from the incident, but they opted to take probation. Brittney's parents said they will fight the charges.

The case is set for trial in March.

Ok....the kids can't even play dodge ball nowadays????? Do you think this is going too far?

Posted 3/2/06 10:04 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

Okay, now that's just outrageous. What next? Suing teachers for giving too much homework?

Posted 3/2/06 10:06 AM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

Posted by SoinLove

Okay, now that's just outrageous. What next? Suing teachers for giving too much homework?

seriously, don't you think the whole "suing" issue is going way too far? Kids won't be able to okay anymore.

Posted 3/2/06 10:08 AM

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

It's all in the name of the game:dodge ball - if you can't 'dodge' the 'ball' then you get hit with it! Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 10:10 AM

is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05

4189 total posts


Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

not for nothing...dodgeball can be dangerous if not played correctly...

my finger broke in 2 places from dodgeball...
school (high school) covered expenses so i was ok with it but it was a long rehab thing...

of course it happen before the prom, my tennis tournament and my senior trip to europe but whatever...

Posted 3/2/06 10:11 AM

Making big changes

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

Posted by LadyLainez

Posted by SoinLove

Okay, now that's just outrageous. What next? Suing teachers for giving too much homework?

seriously, don't you think the whole "suing" issue is going way too far? Kids won't be able to okay anymore.

It most definitely is. You have to be so cautious now. You can get sued in practically any situation.

Posted 3/2/06 10:11 AM

She's 7!!!

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

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Posted 3/2/06 10:12 AM

2nd verse same as the 1st

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

That is ridiculous!! That goes in the same category of parents suing McD's for making their kids fat.

Posted by SoinLove

Okay, now that's just outrageous. What next? Suing teachers for giving too much homework?

I actually heard a preview on the radio for some show doing a story on how much homework kids receive now. I don't recall the grades the kids were in but the parents were saying that kids were getting 2-3 hours of homework a day. I remember when I was in school if it ever took me an hour for homework my parents questioned my doing all of it. It was expected to receive about 30 minutes of homework per class (on average).

Posted 3/2/06 10:13 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

Posted by BabyBoy

not for nothing...dodgeball can be dangerous if not played correctly...

my finger broke in 2 places from dodgeball...
school (high school) covered expenses so i was ok with it but it was a long rehab thing...

of course it happen before the prom, my tennis tournament and my senior trip to europe but whatever...

I absolutely agree, but the same goes for ANY sport played in school. I broke my finger twice; once in basketball and once in soccer. Many schools have started banning dodgeball, but who knows what the future holds? What else will they have to start banning because of lawsuits? ALL school sports?

Posted 3/2/06 10:14 AM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

I actually heard a preview on the radio for some show doing a story on how much homework kids receive now. I don't recall the grades the kids were in but the parents were saying that kids were getting 2-3 hours of homework a day. I remember when I was in school if it ever took me an hour for homework my parents questioned my doing all of it. It was expected to receive about 30 minutes of homework per class (on average).

Oh, yes I heard about that too. Are teachers stressing the kids w/ too much homework?? What, this is just crazy!!!! If look at statistics the US falls so far behind in test scores and education as a whole compared to other countries.

Posted 3/2/06 10:15 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

Posted by Christine
I actually heard a preview on the radio for some show doing a story on how much homework kids receive now. I don't recall the grades the kids were in but the parents were saying that kids were getting 2-3 hours of homework a day. I remember when I was in school if it ever took me an hour for homework my parents questioned my doing all of it. It was expected to receive about 30 minutes of homework per class (on average).

Wow, really? 2-3 hours sounds pretty fair to me! There were nights when I had reports or essays that took me 2-3 hours alone.

Posted 3/2/06 10:16 AM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

I think it is goign way too far. And suing just insane. Who do people think pays out the $$ when they sue a company or a person? In the long run, we suffer from it because our personal insurance goes up...and we pay a LOT more for meds because of all the suing.....and hospitals are more and more expensvie - and Dr.'s because of malpractice - it is just totally out of control....

Posted 3/2/06 10:16 AM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

I absolutely agree, but the same goes for ANY sport played in school. I broke my finger twice; once in basketball and once in soccer. Many schools have started banning dodgeball, but who knows what the future holds? What else will they have to start banning because of lawsuits? ALL school sports?

I agree! They start w/ one thing & little by little all sports may be taken away for fear of law suits. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 10:23 AM

is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05

4189 total posts


Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

ok...if you get hurt during gameplay with proper rules etc.... ok, its part of the game..

but if you have people kicking balls when they shouldn't be (in my case, my whole hand was steped on when you run to the middle to get the balls).... thats not part of the game.

these are two different things, getting hurt playing vs doing something your not suppose to be doing on purpose....

Posted 3/2/06 10:36 AM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

Posted by BabyBoy

ok...if you get hurt during gameplay with proper rules etc.... ok, its part of the game..

but if you have people kicking balls when they shouldn't be (in my case, my whole hand was steped on when you run to the middle to get the balls).... thats not part of the game.

these are two different things, getting hurt playing vs doing something your not suppose to be doing on purpose....

I see your point, but in this case, ths girl kicked the ball and it hit the other kid in the braces. If you're afraid of getting hurt then don't play. It's not like she kicked the ball and the kid fell & she walked over and trampled him.

Posted 3/2/06 10:39 AM

Making big changes

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

Posted by LadyLainez

Posted by BabyBoy

ok...if you get hurt during gameplay with proper rules etc.... ok, its part of the game..

but if you have people kicking balls when they shouldn't be (in my case, my whole hand was steped on when you run to the middle to get the balls).... thats not part of the game.

these are two different things, getting hurt playing vs doing something your not suppose to be doing on purpose....

I see your point, but in this case, ths girl kicked the ball and it hit the other kid in the braces. If you're afraid of getting hurt then don't play. It's not like she kicked the ball and the kid fell & she walked over and trampled him.

I agree. As for students getting hurt because of not playing by the appropriate rules, I don't think the student that caused the injury is to blame. It's the teacher's fault for not conducting rules properly. If you're going to sue in an instance like that (while I still don't agree with suing), the teacher is the one that should be sued.

Posted 3/2/06 11:14 AM

Life is good...

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

That's definately taking it too far. Chat Icon

I remember when we used to play handball and if we missed the ball, we had to get against the wall while everyone else pegged the ball at you. I forgot what it was called. But, I would go home with welts all over me. I'm not saying that is the safest game for kids, but I never once thought of suing people for this. What is the problem with all these parents?

Posted 3/2/06 12:10 PM

Life is good...

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

Posted by LadyLainez

Posted by BabyBoy

ok...if you get hurt during gameplay with proper rules etc.... ok, its part of the game..

but if you have people kicking balls when they shouldn't be (in my case, my whole hand was steped on when you run to the middle to get the balls).... thats not part of the game.

these are two different things, getting hurt playing vs doing something your not suppose to be doing on purpose....

I see your point, but in this case, ths girl kicked the ball and it hit the other kid in the braces. If you're afraid of getting hurt then don't play. It's not like she kicked the ball and the kid fell & she walked over and trampled him.

I agree. and, even so, the parents shouldn't be suing the kid for not playing by the rules. That's ridiculous, no matter which way you cut it. As Sonia said, if you're afraid to get hurt then don't play at all. Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 12:13 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

I work for an insurance co. and while I was at school for my Property & Casualty license my teacher used to say....

This is the USA because U Can Sue Anybody!!!!

Posted 3/2/06 12:14 PM

The Disney Lady

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

To me, that's just kids being kids. When i heard battery i thought the held the kid down and threw balls at him/her ast close range to effect of a beatdown or something..I never would have thought of what actually happenned. it's a game. Kids will be kids.

Posted 3/2/06 12:14 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

Posted by LadyLainez
This is the USA because U Can Sue Anybody!!!!

Chat Icon Sad but true

Posted 3/2/06 12:21 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Girl Sued For Battery During A Dodge Ball Game

Posted by SoinLove

Posted by LadyLainez
This is the USA because U Can Sue Anybody!!!!

Chat Icon Sad but true

I know!!!

Posted 3/2/06 12:23 PM

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