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weight question after giving birth.

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My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05

1101 total posts


weight question after giving birth.

I am in my 30 week and I feel like I have gained a ton of weight. I am up 35lbs and I still have 2 months to go. Everyone keeps telling me I am doing fine and it will go away after giving birth. How much weight do you usually lose after giving birth? I am afraid my Dr. is going to say something about the weight gain but I have been seeing a nutritionist and following her plan the entire pregnancy.

Sorry for the silly question I just wanted to know if they are all telling me this so I feel better or if it is the truth?????

Posted 6/13/05 9:37 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: weight question after giving birth.

If your doctor has no problem with your weight gain than I wouldn't worry. I have one girlfriend who exercised, ate great and still gained 45 pounds.

I gained about 40 with my daughter and when I left the hospital had lost 28 of it. Everyone is different - some women can wear regular clothes when they leave the hospital, I wasn't one of them LOL.

Just take care of yourself, eat healthy and try to either walk or do some yoga type stretches.

Posted 6/13/05 9:42 AM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: weight question after giving birth.

At this point dont worry about the numbers, you have done the best you can. I gained about 35 pounds with this pregnancy. Within 2 weeks I lost about 25 pounds and by 6 weeks I lost the full 35 and I wasnt the best as far as healthy eating.

Posted 6/13/05 10:27 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

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Re: weight question after giving birth.

I wish I can say the same. Chat Icon With my son I gained 65 lbs. I lost 30lbs. from giving birth, and that was it. I BF for a year too! I even worked out a lot for 9 months and haven't even lost 1 lb. My PG changed my whole body chemistry. Before I was PG I was wearing size 7/8... now I'm in a 14. Chat Icon It's been really hard for me and on me. I can't believe I haven't been able to lose anything! My son is now 17 months old. I'm joining WW this week so I hope it'll help and help me with my self esteem issues. It's hard going from a 7/8 to a 14 and staying there. I'm sure you'll lose the weight everyone I know has. Right away too. Everything that was associated with my pregnancy I was the opposite. I mean everything. I don't think I would of gained so much with being PG but my son was born almost 11 lbs. so that didn't help. I really thought though after having him I would of lost at least some weight. But my whole body and skin changed unfortunately not for the better. But like I said, I'm not the norm so I wouldn't worry about it. Good luck!

Posted 6/13/05 11:25 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: weight question after giving birth.

I had gained 43 pounds and I had lost around 20 pounds when I gave birth

Message edited 6/13/2005 11:48:26 AM.

Posted 6/13/05 11:40 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: weight question after giving birth.

Don't dwell on the lbs - it's all for the baby - hard to do I know.

For me I gained 33-35 lbs and was very lucky that within three weeks I was down to less than 5lbs from my pre-preggo weight - without trying anything. But my body is nothing like it use to be and a lot of my clothes didn't fit. My body kind of changed form. Little by little though the excess flabby skin is going away. Four months later - I am still at that same weight although my body is in a little better shape. I still have awhile to go though before I can be back in a lot of my pre-preggo fitted clothes but most of my looser stuff fits fine. My belly still has a lot of excess skin and is flabby. But I have to say I was lucky because I don't watch what I eat too much (but I eat relative heathly/decent) and I haven't exercised (although I am always on the go and active).

Posted 6/13/05 11:50 AM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: weight question after giving birth.

I was weighing in somewhere in the 170's when I had Jack 3 weeks ago today, now I am in the 120's and pre pregnancy I was about 113lbs.

I still feel huge because my breasts are still massive as well as my hips spread alot and my belly has alot of giggle to it but alas I still have a few more weeks before I can really exercise.

I went from a size 1/2 shorts last summer and 3 days post partum had to buy an 11 in jean shorts for my belly and hips. I highly doubt I will ever fit into alot of my prepregnancy clothes but I"m not that worried. My shirts would be too short anyway now with my D cup and well if I can get down to a 5/6 I will be perfectly happy.

I am having some mental issues with the extra flab around my belly and lack of stomach muscles though but I hope that will change with time and Dh keeps reminding me " you just had a baby!"

Posted 6/13/05 12:27 PM

My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05

1101 total posts


Re: weight question after giving birth.

Thanks girls I am just having a hard time with the numbers on the scale and I am afraid it is not going to go away. I have always been very picky about my weight and I understand this is all for a great cause but I still feel like a wood tick. I guess I am just one of those picky over concerned moms sorry. Thanks again for all of the input. I have been going to the gym and eating healthy that is why I posted this is because to me it doesn't make sense. So I am glad to hear I am not alone. Thanks!!!

Posted 6/13/05 1:38 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

1468 total posts


Re: weight question after giving birth.

I did not eat a lot, but towards the end packed on a good 30 pounds, which made my total up to 50. Michael is 6 months old and I'm still struggling with the last 10-12lbs - I lost 30lbs pounds right after birth the last 20 were the hardest to get off, which is why I'm still working on it!

Posted 6/13/05 3:32 PM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: weight question after giving birth.

I gained 65lbsChat Icon Chat Icon and lost 30lbs from birth. I dont regret anything I did I enjoyed my pregnancy. My daughter is 4 1/2 months and I have been doing weight watchers and knocking off the pounds. ENJOY YOUR PREGNANCY and you will take it off. Even though I have been on a strick dietChat Icon I am so glad I enjoyed my pregnancyChat Icon

Posted 6/13/05 3:40 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Mom of 2

Re: weight question after giving birth.

I gained 75 lbs Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon and lost all but 10 by the time he was 4 months old...unfortunately I am still trying to lose those last few lbs! Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/05 4:10 PM

My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05

1101 total posts


Re: weight question after giving birth.

Bump for baby avocado.

I am just as nervous. I needed to know how much everyone lost because I feel like I am a house and I needed to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It seems like there is.

Posted 6/17/05 11:22 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: weight question after giving birth.

Posted by Sassy2611

Bump for baby avocado.

I am just as nervous. I needed to know how much everyone lost because I feel like I am a house and I needed to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It seems like there is.

Thanks for bumping - I didn't see it before! Chat Icon

It took awhile for me to come to terms with the numbers on the scale continually going up and now the time is around the corner where I'm going to have to work at them to go down so I just wanted to know what I was in for - just like you!

Posted 6/17/05 1:56 PM

Best "THINGS" in my life.

Member since 5/05

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Re: weight question after giving birth.

Don't feel bad about your weight gain you're still doing really good..
I gained 60 pounds and I lost 30 right after. I was a cow! And now I'm still a little calf I'm just too tired to exercise.Chat Icon

Posted 6/17/05 5:23 PM

Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05

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Re: weight question after giving birth.

I went from 125 to 175 and only lost 13lbs after I gave birth! Juliette was 3 months yesterday, and I finally fit in to a size 6 pair of jeans. My legs are normal, but my stomach is saggy. Nothing that a little exercise can't take care of. Hopefully the summer will motivate me...

Posted 6/22/05 9:49 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: weight question after giving birth.

I gained 45 pounds with Jared. I started at 135 and ended at 180. It's been 1 week and 3 days since I've given birth and I'm down to 155. Don't ask me how I did it! Maybe it's because I hardly have time to eat!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/23/05 2:26 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: weight question after giving birth.

I'm still PG but I spoke about this same issue with my doc at my last appt. He said that women lose 1/2 of the weight they gain within 6 weeks of giving birth w/o doing a thing and the other 1/2 comes off with some effort on the mom's part (diet and excercise) usually within a 6mos-a year of giving birth. He also said that you continue to retain lots of water until about 10 days after giving birth. Hope this helps.

Message edited 6/23/2005 3:38:44 PM.

Posted 6/23/05 3:37 PM

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