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Birth Control while BFing

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Member since 8/05

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Birth Control while BFing

What do you use for birth control? I really don't think I want to go on the mini pill. Does anyone have Mirena or some kind of IUD? How do you like it? Are those good if you are planning on trying for #2 within the next 2 years?

Posted 4/22/06 6:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Birth Control while BFing

I started on the mini pill because I was BF and hated it. I couldn't remember to take it at teh same time everyday, and my period returned every 2 weeks! So we didn't use anything for over a year Chat Icon

After my 2nd is born, I will be thinking of getting the Mirena IUD. I heard some good things about it and I know your fertility returns almost immediately when you take it out so that you can TTC again.

Posted 4/22/06 6:44 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Birth Control while BFing

I asked about the mirena, and my DR told me since I def. wanted more children and w/in the next 2-3 yrs. that I wasnt a good canidate for it...Chat Icon

Posted 4/22/06 6:53 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Birth Control while BFing

prayer!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/22/06 7:20 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Birth Control while BFing

I have had both IUDs. They are WONDERFUL, unfortuntely my body rejects them. It is VERY rare, less than 5% of women. I miss it!! It was the best birth control I have used.

Posted 4/22/06 10:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Birth Control while BFing

I have the mirena and so far, so good. Chat Icon Works much better than the prayer method. Chat Icon I tried the minipill after my first DD and didnt like it for the same exact reasons as Trish.

I can't believe some Dr's are still saying no to IUD's. I think because they are so uncommon still. Chat Icon 2 years is a long time, I think. I mean the mirena is only good for 5 anyhow.

Posted 4/23/06 7:53 AM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Birth Control while BFing

My dr said that as long as you are nursing at LEAST every 4 hrs my chance of getting PG were pretty slim to none. I however, have ZERO desire to stick more hormones in my body after being pg and pp so when the time comes it's back to High School days for us and the little hatChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/06 8:41 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: Birth Control while BFing

I have my consult on tuesday for the IUD. I think I'm going to go with the Copper IUD with no hormones. Just because I become a psycho witch when I'm on Birth Control pills. I don't want any hormones I can't tolerate them at all.

Posted 4/23/06 10:47 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Birth Control while BFing

Posted by jcndd

My dr said that as long as you are nursing at LEAST every 4 hrs my chance of getting PG were pretty slim to none.

Wow, that's something I would never live by! I nursed Andrew exclusively every 2-3 hours and I got AF back 7 weeks pp and was very regular with ovulation!

Posted 4/23/06 11:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Birth Control while BFing

Posted by jcndd

My dr said that as long as you are nursing at LEAST every 4 hrs my chance of getting PG were pretty slim to none. I however, have ZERO desire to stick more hormones in my body after being pg and pp so when the time comes it's back to High School days for us and the little hatChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Hmm, you met Gianni? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/06 11:34 PM

My Everything

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Re: Birth Control while BFing

I have the Mirena. I've had it for a month and other than the normal bleeding that comes in the beginning its fine. The bleeding has just about tapered off. There are no other side effects that I have noticed.
I go for my check up on Wednesday.

Posted 4/23/06 11:53 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Birth Control while BFing

Posted by jcndd

My dr said that as long as you are nursing at LEAST every 4 hrs my chance of getting PG were pretty slim to none. I however, have ZERO desire to stick more hormones in my body after being pg and pp so when the time comes it's back to High School days for us and the little hatChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

All of my friends BF like you do, pretty much on demand and none of them used birth control or got pregnant while nursing.
I would have taken that route but my supply was low so that worried me a little.

ETA: I just remember an exception to my friends. One friend had to have IVF to get pregnant, had twins, pumped a gallon (yes that's right a gallon) of milk a day and found out in January (6 months after the twins) that she got pregnant on her own. Chat Icon

Message edited 4/23/2006 11:55:35 PM.

Posted 4/23/06 11:54 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: Birth Control while BFing

Posted by Nancy

Posted by jcndd

My dr said that as long as you are nursing at LEAST every 4 hrs my chance of getting PG were pretty slim to none. I however, have ZERO desire to stick more hormones in my body after being pg and pp so when the time comes it's back to High School days for us and the little hatChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Hmm, you met Gianni? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/24/06 6:51 AM

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