spoon feeding- Is there some sort of trick to it?
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Member since 5/05 1752 total posts
spoon feeding- Is there some sort of trick to it?
My DD is 4 1/2 mts old and the Dr. said to start feeding her the rice cereal with a spoon, not in a bottle. We have been trying and she won't take it. Any suggestions? Did this happen to anyone else?
Posted 6/28/06 8:55 AM |
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Member since 3/06 5297 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: spoon feeding- Is there some sort of trick to it?
It is tough in the beginning. What we found with Sydney was that we couldnt try it if she was hungry. We'd have to give her the bottle and then maybe wait an hour or so and then try. She would only really take a teaspoon or so and most wound up on her face or her bib but eventually she got it. She also likes when she can hold a spoon herself. I also would let her put some on her fingers and then she would bring her fingers to her mouth to taste it.
Posted 6/28/06 9:08 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/05 1480 total posts
Re: spoon feeding- Is there some sort of trick to it?
Give her the spoon so that she can familiarize herself with it (she'll play with it but it's okay).. it takes some practice. Good luck!
Posted 6/28/06 9:21 AM |
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: spoon feeding- Is there some sort of trick to it?
Did you try giving her a spoon? I would give them a spoon & then have my own spoon and then choo-choo train or fly the food in.
Posted 6/28/06 9:21 AM |
She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05 1752 total posts
Re: spoon feeding- Is there some sort of trick to it?
Thanks! Great advice! I will try it and let you know!
You girls are great!
Posted 6/28/06 9:50 AM |
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