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When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

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Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

I'm really getting tired of pushing the stroller and pulling a shopping cart behind me in stores. So today Sarah and I went to King Kullen and I put the shopping cart cover on and put her in the seat. I made the seat belt as tight as possible, but it was still kinda loose and she was practically laying down at one point. She kept leaning over to one side, so I stuffed my bag there, but she was still leaning. So I still had to keep a hand on her at all times, which made shopping even harder than using the stroller and the cart is.

Was it just that it was something new, or is she still too little? She's 26.25 inches and 16 lbs 9 oz. She can sit up with assistance for a while, but on her own is only for a minute or two at the most.

Posted 9/15/05 4:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Fall Is Here

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Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

I started doing it when she was abe to sit on her own and keep her neck up.

Posted 9/15/05 4:15 PM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

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Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

When Mallory didn't fit in the baby carrier any more I carried her in her baby bjorn carrier while I shopped, which worked.... I started sitting her in the shopping cart when she could sit up on her own with this cover thing.... so she wouldn't touch the nasty shopping cart and it was a little more comfy for her....I tucked blankets on the sides of her to keep her propped up if she started to fall...
External Image

Message edited 9/15/2005 4:57:03 PM.

Posted 9/15/05 4:56 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

I used the cover b/c the carts are so dirty and rusty from being left in the parking lot. I'll try stuffing blankets in there to keep her propped up. Thanks!

Posted 9/15/05 5:11 PM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

This might sound silly, but I have jack in his convertible since he is longer then 26 inches already,so I just keep the infant seat in my trunk and pull it out and put it in the cart and then place him in the cart. He's not 4 months yet so I can't sit him in the cart and he isn't a huge fan of his snugli plus he is too big IMO for it to be comfy.

Posted 9/15/05 5:35 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

I have been putting Claire in the shopping cart seat since she was able to sit up on her own well, about 6 and a half months. Now she is a pro, but I still use my pocketbook to help keep her from tipping and try to keep a hand on her most times.

Before this I would use the infant seat that is attached to the grocery cart already and just cover it in a big blanket.......

Posted 9/15/05 5:49 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

Posted by sarahsmommy

I used the cover b/c the carts are so dirty and rusty from being left in the parking lot. I'll try stuffing blankets in there to keep her propped up. Thanks!

I did this too, from about 5 months. Even though he could sit on his own after a while he still needed support so I my cart cover came with a little matching pillow that I put on one side and on the other I put an extra blanket.

Posted 9/15/05 7:15 PM

Brady's mom too!

Member since 5/05

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Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

Posted by -Laurie-

This might sound silly, but I have jack in his convertible since he is longer then 26 inches already,so I just keep the infant seat in my trunk and pull it out and put it in the cart and then place him in the cart. He's not 4 months yet so I can't sit him in the cart and he isn't a huge fan of his snugli plus he is too big IMO for it to be comfy.

thats what we plan to do

Posted 9/15/05 7:56 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

Thanks! Sarah is also too big for the infant seat, but maybe I'll throw it in the trunk for the time being.

Laurie: Jack is tall! Over 26 inches and not 4 months. Wow! How tall is DH? Mine is 6'4" and everytime they measure Sarah she's in the 90th percentile for height. DH is now worried that she's going to be an amazon woman like his mom (5'10"!)

Message edited 9/15/2005 9:06:39 PM.

Posted 9/15/05 9:04 PM


Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

Posted by sarahsmommy

Thanks! Sarah is also too big for the infant seat, but maybe I'll throw it in the trunk for the time being.

Laurie: Jack is tall! Over 26 inches and not 4 months. Wow! How tall is DH? Mine is 6'4" and everytime they measure Sarah she's in the 90th percentile for height. DH is now worried that she's going to be an amazon woman like his mom (5'10"!)

Fm imcoming!

Message edited 9/15/2005 11:41:34 PM.

Posted 9/15/05 10:09 PM

Stop 2 smell the roses

Member since 5/05

2048 total posts


Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

When he didn't fit in the infant seat anymoreChat Icon

I never used the stroller and cart, I used to just put the car set on top of the shopping cart

Posted 9/15/05 11:30 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

I started putting marissa in the cart when she didn't fit in the infant car seat/carrier anymore I would stuff blankets around her so she wouldn't lean to much.

Posted 9/16/05 11:02 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

Posted by sarahsmommy

Thanks! Sarah is also too big for the infant seat, but maybe I'll throw it in the trunk for the time being.

Laurie: Jack is tall! Over 26 inches and not 4 months. Wow! How tall is DH? Mine is 6'4" and everytime they measure Sarah she's in the 90th percentile for height. DH is now worried that she's going to be an amazon woman like his mom (5'10"!)

I hear ya! DH is 6'5 1/2 and his sister is 6'0"!Chat Icon Chat Icon My daughter is now 27 1/2 inches and just turned 5 months. We also keep the carrier in the trunk.

Posted 9/16/05 11:07 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: When did you start sitting your baby in the shopping cart seat?

Kevin should have been out of the car seat at 3 months too since he was over the limit at 3 months. But we kept him in a little longer since he wasn't hanging over the edges...I know bad mommy.

I was so upset to give it up because it made shopping so much easier. DH and I have been going shopping together now (but we do all our errands on weekends anyway when we are both home) so one holds him or pushes the stroller while the other pushes the shopping carts. He is sitting up well on his own so I think he should be fine bow - he is 7 months - I just haven't gotten around to getting the shopping cart covers. He recently went in a high chair in a restaurant and did well so I expect this should be similar.

Posted 9/16/05 11:17 AM

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