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Yesterday morning was EVENTFUll!!!!!!!!

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But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Yesterday morning was EVENTFUll!!!!!!!!

I had to goto another office yesterday morning and also had a bridal shower to goto right after work ( I was late to it) So at about 8:15 im out the door Mike is caying out the big gift... and ZOOOOM Rudy is out the door. Now when Rudy gets out he is "free" he Runs and runs and RUNS... He starts going in everyone's backyards... we are trying to catch him. Im in heels and work clothes Chat Icon

He wont come to us at all.. Finally I get in my car cause he is really all the way down the block. All of a sudden som guy (who never met) is out getting his morning paper and Rudy see's him rudy Runs right to the guy (he loves people) Jumps on the guy who almost had a heartattack! Rudy is 80 pounds so I guess seeing him Charge at ya is a little scary. So im telling the guy he is really friendly but the guy is scared to touch him (still while rudy is standing up on the guys shoulders Chat Icon ) Mike trie's to grab him he took off. so mike backed off and Rudy went up to the guy and starts giving the guy kisses. So I was like can you just grab his collar... So finally 20 MINUTES LATER we get him. He was definetly in the dog house after that!

Posted 10/1/06 4:37 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My new 71 Super Beetle

Member since 5/05

13476 total posts


Re: Yesterday morning was EVENTFUll!!!!!!!!

OMG that man must of been freaking out.

Last week I accidently left the screen door open on the sliders in the back yard a little and I was in the front detailing a car....when I see Tiny come running out from the back yard....

So I watch him run out of the yard, over to the front side walk, and up the front path and sit at the front door - I thought I was going to have to chase him down the block - so funny that he went right to the front door though.


Posted 10/3/06 8:34 AM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06

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L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)

Re: Yesterday morning was EVENTFUll!!!!!!!!

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Posted 10/3/06 8:36 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Yesterday morning was EVENTFUll!!!!!!!!

Oh my god Chat Icon Chat Icon Thank god you caught him. That basically sums up what goes on at my house at least once a day. These dogs love to mess with us!!!

Posted 10/3/06 8:36 AM

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