My sono hurt yesterday and now today I am in pain....
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My princess!
Member since 5/05 6548 total posts
My sono hurt yesterday and now today I am in pain....
Another question about vaginal sonos...
I had my 4th one yesterday (I am only 9 weeks) and unlike the others, this one actually hurt a bit. When she moved the wand to look at my left ovary I literally jumped and whinced. I dont know why it hurt and she didnt mention anything while she was doing it. All looked fine apparently but today I feel a lot of "pressure down there" and my stomach feels raw. I am not spotting or anything but I feel "different."
Has anyone else ever experienced this before..please honest answers. TIA
Posted 1/28/06 5:29 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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My Precious Angel

Member since 9/05 1093 total posts
Name: Aidamarie
Re: My sono hurt yesterday and now today I am in pain....
Sorry you had that kind of experience. I had 2 internal sonos and truthfully they never hurt at all. Maybe you should ask your doctor about that.
Posted 1/28/06 5:40 PM |
Complete Happiness :)
Member since 5/05 27789 total posts
Name: LOVE being a Mommy!
Re: My sono hurt yesterday and now today I am in pain....
I would call and ask my doctor. Mine were never painful
Posted 1/28/06 6:25 PM |
Re: My sono hurt yesterday and now today I am in pain....
The only times I had sono's hurt was when they were pushing around to find my ovaries (this is before I was pregnant.when I was going to the RE)
Posted 1/28/06 7:55 PM |
Earned My Bragging Rights!

Member since 5/05 6141 total posts
Name: Alexandria
Re: My sono hurt yesterday and now today I am in pain....
I hope you are feeling better Noreen!!!!!!!!
Posted 1/28/06 10:23 PM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: My sono hurt yesterday and now today I am in pain....
I experienced that a few times... I think a lot of it depends on the technician - some are aggressive and some are more gentle. They can get REALLY aggressive if your little one isn't being cooperative. I remember after my first sono it hurt, and I felt weird, and I spotted a little bit. To ease my worries they brought me in for another in a couple of weeks... all was fine
Posted 1/28/06 10:27 PM |
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