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For those who went to grad school at night...

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Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

For those who went to grad school at night...

while working full time, truthfully, how hard was it? were you overwhelmed? was it totally worth it in the end?

thanks Chat Icon

Posted 2/4/06 11:57 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

It was totally worth it in the end!!!
I'm a teacher and having my Masters adds a lot of money to my salary!

It was tough....but not the hardest thing I've ever done in my life....

I was a receptionist while I was in Grad School, so I had time to work on school things while I was at work, which helped A LOT!!!!

Posted 2/4/06 12:07 PM

LIF Toddler

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

I did it twice - I worked full time when I earned a masters in public policy and then another in childhood ed. To be honest, the first program was harder and required more work but somehow I just stayed on top of it and wound up graduating with a 3.9 (I should also add I planned my wedding and got married with 2 weeks left in my last semester, but that was silly b/c looking back now I realize I didn't have the time to enjoy planning the wedding and all as much as maybe I should have, but on the flip side, I didn't drive myself crazy planning it either!)

My Master in Ed was a little tougher logistically b/c you are required to do observation hrs and then to graduate you must student teach. Luckily I worked around lunch hours or worked late/came in early (my boss was nice enough to give me flexibility - ie - coming in early or leaving late, skipping lunch hours and eating while working at my desk so I could do observation hrs.) but it was manageable and I don't regret it at all...I had to quit my job to student teach but sometimes you have to roll the dice, thats what my dh and I decided....

I also lived an hr away both times so my mindset was kind of just "hey, if I am going to school at night, I am taking more than one class" - and b/c its grad school its only one night a week during the reg. semesters" so you can do it...I graduated in December with my masters and a can certainly do it - the first semester will prob be the hardest but really, stay on top of things - if you commute, use the time to read any assignments, and take notes for anything you have to write/research/etc!

it was different for me b/c we didn't have any kids, but it can be done and I have seen evidence on the boards that you are amazing and can certainly pull it off....

good luck with whatever you decide!

ps - grad professors are great, too, and understanding as long as you try - you would be amazed how much they'll work with you as needed (I was fortunate enough not to need their help but saw them help many classmates and friends who struggled!)

Posted 2/4/06 12:16 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

It was totally worth it...I have my degree!
I was totally ovewhelmed but solved it very quickly.
My schedule looked like this
M-f 6-9pm
and my intern was tues and thursday.
i worked m,w, f and sat full time.
Looking back...OMG...I dont know how I did it!!!
the key for me was ...Having really good friends in my program. It was kind of cliquish BUT we studied together, BS'ed in class together and just really worked hard together. As a result, I was much more relaxed. I felt like school was my "fun time" hanging out with my friends etc... we looked forward to getting together and continue to remain friends. i think without that support Grad school "could" totally s@ck!
P.S. I planned a wedding during all of this! That is the only thing I regret, I really had no time to do the wedding things I would have liked to like going to shwcases etc... i had no wedding support except for when i could jump on LI weddings to ask a question.

Message edited 2/4/2006 12:23:01 PM.

Posted 2/4/06 12:21 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

I was wondering what grad program you were going into? BC I have to say if it is law/medical school I bet its so much worse in terms of studying!

Posted 2/4/06 12:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

I am currently in my last year of grad school, getting my MBA. Honestly I know it will be worth it but it is extremely stressful trying to balance life, work and class. I work from 8-5/5:30. This semester I go to school from 6-11 on Monday nights, meet with my 1 group on Thursdays and Sundays from 8-10:30...that's just one group project, and I know I have another, on top of finding time to study, write papers and read. Then add in food shopping, cleaning, TRYING to go to the gym, doing laundry, cooking meals and spending time with DH, family and friends. We're in the process of buying a house and I'm barely excited b/c I know I'll have to find time to paint and move and that just stresses me out even more. Those are kind of the downsides.

The positives are it definitely teaches you to have a balance in life, scheduling and prioritization! I know this is the best time in my life I could have done this so I have no regrets. I do live on coffee and cry from stress quite often, but I've also learned to ask DH for help and learn that things just don't get done - like cleaning as much as I used to. I also have a job where I can do schoolwork at lunchtime and take a vacation day if needed to do schoolwork, so that's always helpful and relieves a little stress. Quitting my job and going full-time was an option, but they're paying for it so that would be silly - less stress for scheduling, but more stress because of less money.

Good luck in your decision! What are you looking to go to school for?

Posted 2/4/06 1:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

I taught full time and went to grad school. I wasn't considered "full time" as a student but I finished a master's in 2 years. Ideally I would have loved to load up on credits in the summers but my program did not offer that opportunity. One semester I took 10 credits and ironically got the best grades.

It is doable. And if in the end it allows you to do something you really want to do, it'll be worth it. More than anything, I think it requires a lot of personal organization and time management skills.

Posted 2/4/06 1:49 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

It took me a year and a half for me to get my MBA at night. Yes there were times it was difficult when I had pressing issues at work and midterms or finals at the same time. My boss was really understanding, so if I had to leave early or take a day off he was OK as long as the work was done.

It also made it easier bc my DH is in an evening law school program. I will honestly say that if both of us weren't in school then our relationship would have suffered. Our quality time consisted of going to the library together on the weekends. Be sure to talk it over with your SO and get them to understand that there will be some sacrifices - like maybe not going on trips during school, spending less time together, or needing him to help with some of the household chores.

But I am so glad I did it. I feel like I accomplished a lot and was able to jungle all the things in my life. Good Luck!

Message edited 2/4/2006 2:31:33 PM.

Posted 2/4/06 2:30 PM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

I won't lie.
it was hard.
there were times when I thought I would die.
but- i think grad school wasn't as much work as undergraduate- probably b/c I was taking less classes @ a time.
in the end, it's totally worth it.
i was able to get all my homework done on weekends and in the evening when I had to.

Posted 2/4/06 2:50 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

My first and 3rd year teaching I went for my masters full time 4 nights a week. I have to be honest, it was so hard. I was always tired. But, I was in such a solid routine that I graduated with practically a 4.0. I did this also while planning a wedding. I didnt finish until after I was married, it was hectic. But..totally worth it in the end.

Posted 2/4/06 3:26 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

totally worth it. It wasnt as bad as I thought it would be.

Posted 2/4/06 3:29 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

Once you get into the groove it gets easy. I went into the city 3 nights a week and at first it was annoying but like i said...Once you get the routine of it, it goes by VERY FAST

and it is ABSOLUTELY worth it!

Posted 2/4/06 3:48 PM

big brother <3

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

It was hard, but I suppose worth it. It was really difficult when I worked 9-5, and had classes 7-10 2 or 3 nights a week. I was getting home at 10:45 and I was just physically exhausted. But since it was only a couple years, there was an end in sight, and that made it doable. Now my doctoral program is mostly weekends, which is more exhausting than weeknights, because I never get a chance to sleep late ever. I was able to take some courses online, which was great. So much easier than physically being there until 10.

Posted 2/4/06 4:24 PM

True love

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

I did it while planning our wedding so it felt like I was always busy and had no free time but it is manageable. You have to have good organizaional and time management skills (or you will learn them quickly!). It was definitely worth it!

Posted 2/4/06 4:35 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

It was HARD and I finished my last class when I was 3-4 months it made it even harder!

I feel like I accomplished my goal...even though I'm not teaching as of right now....but it was totally worth it to me.

Posted 2/4/06 4:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3353 total posts


Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

it is very hard going to school at night and working full time. It is very worth it.

Posted 2/4/06 6:55 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

Totally worth it because you can see the light at the end of the tunnel....your Masters!Chat Icon

Posted 2/4/06 7:17 PM

I'm 2!

Member since 9/05

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

personally i didnt have a hard time until my last semester when i had to write a thesis. it was more annoying then anything bc u just wanted to go home after work but u had to go to school. dont worry it goes by quick and before u know it u will have your degree GOOD LUCKChat Icon

Posted 2/4/06 7:28 PM

designer mutt

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

totally worth it. But, until you get into "the groove" it's REALLY hard. Once you're used to it, it just becomes routine.

I'm thinking about doing it again, actually Chat Icon

Posted 2/4/06 7:55 PM

Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05

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Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

My boss was very accommodating with my school schedule from semester to semester. If I need to leave early for class, I'd make it up during the week by staying later and taking 1/2 hr lunches.

At the time, I found the course-load pretty heavy, and I spent my entire weekend in the library doing homework; I didn't get together w/my friends for 2 1/2 years, but we made up for it after graduation!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/4/06 8:08 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05

19978 total posts

Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: For those who went to grad school at night...

thanks everyone Chat Icon

i went to a grad info session today at kean u. in nj. sincy i have my bs in business admin already, i went to the alternate route teaching info sessions. if i get everything in by 5/1, i have a chance of getting accepted.. i am taking the gre in mid-may but the admissions dept said i could send in my scores afterwards. its a 45 credit program, after 18 credits, i can do student teaching, and after 30 credits i will be certified. i'm just confused about financial aid etc...i just hope it will all be worth it!

Posted 2/4/06 8:58 PM

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