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When you add oatmeal to the diet (just rice cereal now)

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Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


When you add oatmeal to the diet (just rice cereal now)

Do I give her just oatmeal for 5 days to see if she has a reaction? She's been on rice cereal for 2 weeks and it's going well, so I wanted to let her try oatmeal and see if she likes that as well.


Posted 6/29/05 4:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my son!

Member since 6/05

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Re: When you add oatmeal to the diet (just rice cereal now)

My doctor told me to try a new food every 3-5 days... with Michael I do one new food a week. He started on cereals 3 weeks ago... we did rice for a week, then oatmeal, then barley - each for 7 days. Now he is on apples and cereal for a week until Saturday. Don't know if I helped, but yes if you give her oatmeal - do it for 3-5 days to make sure she won't have a reaction.

Posted 6/29/05 4:59 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: When you add oatmeal to the diet (just rice cereal now)


Posted 6/29/05 5:05 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: When you add oatmeal to the diet (just rice cereal now)

Good Luck with it - let us know how it goes! Kevin likes oatmeal the best. I did 3 cereals and 3 fruits so far (I started early though because he was a hungry boy).

I did the same as Lauren. All for a week but my doctor said 3 days is long enough. But not for health reasons only because I like to be the one to start the new food and to be the one responsible for watching for reactions rather than my nanny - I am work from home on Fridays so I start then. This week will be bananas!

Posted 6/29/05 5:29 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: When you add oatmeal to the diet (just rice cereal now)

Do you mix the fruit in with the cereal? We start that in 2 weeks. I can't wait to see what she likes there - which fruits have you tried so far?

Posted 6/29/05 6:17 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: When you add oatmeal to the diet (just rice cereal now)

I mixed the fruit with the cereal on the spoon at first. Now I mix it up - sometimes sppons of just fruit, just cereal or combos.

I use one of those sectioned bowls and put cereal in one section and fruit in the other and mixed it on the spoon to feed him. I tried peaches first and got a nasty face but he ate it. So at first I did a lot more cereal than fruit on the spoon. By the next day he loved it and gobbled it. Then I tried apples then pears and he liked them both a lot. I am going to try bananas tomorrow. Then on to veggies. He is loving the food. He now recognizes the bowl I use and as soon as I pull it out and he sees it he starts getting all hyper and excited.

Posted 6/30/05 9:07 AM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

1468 total posts


Re: When you add oatmeal to the diet (just rice cereal now)

I say listen to Denise on this - lol, I've been following in her footsteps - she has been my "teacher" on this whole introducing solids thing! Chat Icon

We have only done apples and for the same reason as Denise I do one new food a week - for selfish reasons, haha! Chat Icon

Sometimes I mix the cereal with fruit, sometimes not - I use the bowl with the divider as well! Good luck! Have fun! Chat Icon

Posted 6/30/05 11:33 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

528 total posts


Re: When you add oatmeal to the diet (just rice cereal now)

I give her some on the spoon alone and mix the rest in the cereal

wait till you start gerber puffs, they get so excited to see those!Chat Icon

Posted 6/30/05 11:50 AM

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