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Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

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Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

Anyone looking or thinking of going natural?
Or looked into Hypnobirthing or Bradley method?

Posted 1/6/06 1:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

No and No, but I give serious credit to women who give birth naturally. Friends of ours just did - and she had twins. God bless her. Not me, no way, no how. I'm way too weak. Bring on the epi!!

Posted 1/6/06 1:40 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

I took Hypnobirthing classes with a wonderful woman named Caroline Brenner.

I did eventually have the epidural and I kind of feel like a failure but I would still recommend it. I did most of my laboring at home and arrived at the hospital at 8Am and had Justin at 1:22pm.

Let me know if you need any other info!

Posted 1/6/06 1:40 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

Posted by dawnie

I took Hypnobirthing classes with a wonderful woman named Caroline Brenner.

I did eventually have the epidural and I kind of feel like a failure but I would still recommend it. I did most of my laboring at home and arrived at the hospital at 8Am and had Justin at 1:22pm.

Let me know if you need any other info!

I am dead set on Natural childbirth and I know in the end if I needed the epi I would feel like a failure too.

I am most interested in the hypnobirthing, a friend of mine gave birth to 3 beautful girls with this method with her midwife.

Is there a specific hypnobirthing website, where do you find the classes?

Posted 1/6/06 1:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

I read a book on it and truly tried, but it did not work for me, the pain was too intense. I went naturally but it was not by choice.

Posted 1/6/06 1:45 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

You can find a practioner who can teach you on this website. You call the number and they tell you a practioner in your area. It has ton of useful information.

I only had it the epidural for like an hour so I think I did pretty well all by myself.

I went to my teachers house in Rockville Centre but there are other places also.

Posted 1/6/06 1:53 PM

My Girls

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

I am going to attempt to go natural but I doubt I will go through with it fully! We will see what happens and what kind of delivery I have...

Posted 1/6/06 1:53 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/05

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

Everyone thinks that I am crazy because I want a natural birth. I don't now what my pain tolerance is. I'm leaving the option open that if it gets to bad I want a epi but I'm going to try it on my own. If my mom and grandmother can do it so can IChat Icon

Posted 1/6/06 2:12 PM

so outrageous

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

i had natural birth, and i have to say that OMG it is a pain that is indescribeable, and wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy, but after the fact i felt great without having any drugs and the baby was very alert also, If you are brave i say go for it! This time epidural here i come!!!!

Posted 1/6/06 2:26 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

I'm certainly going to try natural. My mom had an epi with me and unknowingly fractured her tailbone during delivery and was laid up for a month after. She swears it would never have happened except for the drugs and so she went natural with my brother and said she felt great afterwards. Immediately after he came out she was ready to get up and shower. So I'm going to try, but like someone else said we won't know our tolerance for pain until we're in there.

Posted 1/6/06 2:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

Did anyone watch baby story today?

I was crying by the end, the mom had 2 other daughters and had the epi and wanted to try natural for the 3rd. Such an inspiration, she breezed right through active labor, and did say at one point she thought what in heck she was doing, but in the end she said it was wonderful to be able to feel the contractions, and urge to push, where with the epi's she didn't have that experience with the other 2. She hardly screamed, and kept her breathing down, and stayed relaxed through the contractions. In the end it was so worth it and such an experience.

It really touched me, and inspired me. That's what I want

Posted 1/6/06 3:35 PM

The man of my dreams...

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

I did Bradley - if you're in Suffolk and need the name of an instructor to speak to I'd be happy to give you her info - she was wonderful. I did 14 hours and 4 hours of pushing au naturaleChat Icon but his head was in a position that wouldn't allow him to come down so I ended up with a c/s. It was a wonderful experience.

Posted 1/6/06 3:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

I had an epi, but it wore off by pushing time and my Dr was an ahole. The pain was horrifying! Chat Icon Next time, if there is one, i want to be drugged so much that I dont even know my own name..I give so much credit to women who do it naturally. Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/06 6:53 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

Posted by MrsJ

No and No, but I give serious credit to women who give birth naturally. Friends of ours just did - and she had twins. God bless her. Not me, no way, no how. I'm way too weak. Bring on the epi!!

That is excatly what I say to anyone who asks me. I am all for an epidural. Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/06 6:56 PM

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

I took Bradley and was able to have both births w/o pain medication. The breathing methods made a lot more sense than lamaze to me. I thought they were very helpful - at least the classes we did attend - we skipped the last 3 classes since we had the baby.

Yes there was pain, but I kept thinking that it will all be over soon. Having an epi slows down birth so I thought if I stuck it out, it would be over quicker. I should add that I'm a baby when it comes to pain.

I applaud you for trying it - a lot of people ask for the epidural before they've even gone into labor. Here's my problem with hypnobirthing and Bradley courses...if you are set on a natural childbirth and you feel like you are a failure because you couldn't take the pain & needed an epi, then in my opinion those teachers failed you.

I know there are a lot of women who were not happy with the way things went with their deliveries. Taking pain medication doesn't make you a failure, it's really a matter of nerve endings. Just MHO.

Posted 1/6/06 9:51 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

I'm reading the hypnobirthing book now. Its very interesting and intriguing. I think I'd like to try it but I'm not opposed to an epi if I need it, and I won't feel like a failure if I go that route.

What I like about hypnobirthing is it talks about managing the fear and tension that causes the pain, and therefore having a relaxed and (somewhat) painfree birth. I'm all for that, if it works.

If not, I see no reason to suffer through the pain Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/06 9:59 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

I am the type of person who doesn't even take an aspirin for headache or any medications with colds, etc... My husband is the same... I was in a bad car wreck 3 years ago and broke some bones, ribs and didn't even take the pain killers they prescribed me. And that pain was tremedous! I am sure childbirth pain is a lot different but I hope and pray I can go all natural!

Posted 1/7/06 2:35 PM

2 1/2

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

Posted by mishy

I am going to attempt to go natural but I doubt I will go through with it fully! We will see what happens and what kind of delivery I have...

That is exactly how I feel...

Posted 1/7/06 9:20 PM

My Everything

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

If you are set on a natural childbirth I HIGHLY recommend getting a doula. Mine was an incredible source of strength when I just thought I couldn't do it anymore.
I had a wonderful all natural birthing experience using birthing from within. My neighbor used hypnobirthing with her first and will be using it again with her second.
I can't even explain what an incredible feeling it is to have your body go through labor and to feel yourself give birth to your child.
I am not sure if you have read it before but I did share my birth story in detail after I had my daughter.

Posted 1/7/06 9:54 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

Posted by nrthshgrl

I applaud you for trying it - a lot of people ask for the epidural before they've even gone into labor. Here's my problem with hypnobirthing and Bradley courses...if you are set on a natural childbirth and you feel like you are a failure because you couldn't take the pain & needed an epi, then in my opinion those teachers failed you.

I know there are a lot of women who were not happy with the way things went with their deliveries. Taking pain medication doesn't make you a failure, it's really a matter of nerve endings. Just MHO.

I totally agree with this and this is something my labor instructor/doula emphasized.
In Birthing from Within they compare to labor process to a labrynth where you have no idea what's coming next so you just have to stay in the moment and that everyone will have a different process and getting pain meds or an epi does not make you a failure.
BUT I can totally understand feeling this way if you prepared for birth one way and it didn't turn out that way but the most important thing is to focus on your health and the baby's health during labor.
I must say I am so thrilled to see more women opting to try natural childbirth. It is such a beautiful experience.
Anyone can FM with questions if they want.

Posted 1/7/06 9:58 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Anyone thinking of doing Hypnobirthing or Bradley method? (natural childbirth)

I took Hypnobirthing. I think it is OUR own expectations that lead us to those feelings of failure. At least in my class the teacher said straight out, in hour 1....if you feel you want or need to use a medication during childbirth that is FINE- there is nothing wrong with it, just make an INFORMED decision. Don't just agree to medication that you don't understand fully how they can and do effect your labor experience.

My teacher is NO WAY was responsible for my feelings of failure.
Many women think "oh, just give me meds" but you need to know the cons...not just the pros before making that decision. And not all women are able to have epidurals. Being prepared to deliver a child without pain medication is very important I believe...whether or not that happens is not the main point. Trusting your body and yourself is what those other methods teach you.And I think too often doctors push aside the "cons" of medication during labor as well. So do your research and then make the best decision for you.

Posted 1/7/06 11:37 PM
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