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Advice needed-bringing baby on a cruise

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Member since 8/05

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Advice needed-bringing baby on a cruise

We are about to book a 5 day for 10/1/06. Brendan will be about 6 1/2 months old. Right now he goes to bed for the night around 6:30, but occassionally will stay up later. What should we do about our dinner seating? My ILs will be on the cruise also. Should we each do different seatings so that someone can stay with the Brendan or should we eat together and bring him along? If we bring him, what seating do you think is best? I'm afraid he'll be cranky if we go to the early dinner, but I'm worried that he won't be able to sleep in the stroller if we bring him with us to the later seating. Also, if we dine separately that probably means that my ILs won't be able to see any shows because they'll be babysitting. Unfortunately he's not old enough yet for the in cabin babysitting. Any advice? Sorry so long!

Posted 8/23/06 4:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Advice needed-bringing baby on a cruise

Imo, it is too soon to even know. By October he will probably be on a totally different schedule.

You are probably just going to have to wing it....good luck!

Posted 8/23/06 4:34 PM

April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: Advice needed-bringing baby on a cruise

When we were thinking of doing this this is what we had planned.We would alternate with my inlaws. One night you go to dinner while they watch the baby. They could order room service for dinner. Then they go to the show and you watch the baby. The next night we would watch the baby and the in laws go to dinner and then we go to the show.
Did I make that clear?

Posted 8/23/06 5:03 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Advice needed-bringing baby on a cruise

first, is it a kid friendly cruise? If so I would do dinner together, and hope he sleeps in his stroller. Worst case scenario, one person can get something wrapped or find dinner elsewhere, there are plenty of things to eat on the ship.

I did Carnival last summer witha 2 1/2 year old, cant remember if yours will be old enough for the group babysitting. BUt if he is going to be asleep anyway I would do that. They were wonderful.

Posted 8/23/06 7:55 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: Advice needed-bringing baby on a cruise

I would bring him to the earlier seating. If you can push off his bottle, you can give that to him while you eat/stephen eats and then flip flop. As I am typing I am remembering that you are bfing, so I don't know how that will come into play... I know Logan's sleeping patterns have changed in terms of naps, but his bedtime has stayed the same since 4 months...8-8:30.

Posted 8/23/06 9:15 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Advice needed-bringing baby on a cruise

We didn't follow bedtime routine at all on our cruise/Disney vacation. There was so much going on to keep her distracted and entertained that it was never an issue. We all ate together as a family. Nightime entertainment was a bit tricky but we managed that too a few nights.

Posted 8/23/06 10:34 PM

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