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Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

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Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

Do you have to do this and if so, what do you discuss? I have an appt coming up and while I am not ready to start TTC JUST yet, it may be within the next year before I see her again (and I don't really want to make an extra trip for it!). Any info would be appreciated!!

Posted 7/5/06 11:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

I didn't have a TTC visit. I knew I had to start taking pre natals and changing my diet on my own. When I went to the Ob/GYN for my yearly it was during this time I mentioned we were TTC.

I don't think it is necessary.

Posted 7/6/06 7:21 AM

My Love!

Member since 5/05

2375 total posts


Re: Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

I only went for one b/c I had to go anyway. I dont' think it's necessary

Posted 7/6/06 8:48 AM

Big sister to be!

Member since 11/05

2174 total posts


Re: Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

At my regular appt, I just told her we would be TTC in the next 4 - 5 months...she told me to start taking prenatals a few months beforehand. That was really about it.....

Posted 7/6/06 9:38 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

I didn't make a special visit. I saw the dr. in November and just mentioned that I would like to start TTC in a few months and he just told me to take Folic Acid and good luck.

I went back with my BFP in February and he said "I'm happy to see it didn't take too long."

Posted 7/6/06 5:21 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

We did and I am glad. He told me the proper amount of folic acid that he wanted me on which was NOT the same as any website or any information friends gave me. He also told me what us could expect as a patient of his who is over 35. He confirmed that I had all of my genetic testing done and told me that based on age and family history, what further tests I could expect to be performed. I prefer to be in the know than have any possibility of surprises. He also put my mind at ease in terms of making TTC less clinical than it needs to be. You have to do what is right for you!

Posted 7/6/06 9:08 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

19197 total posts


Re: Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

DH and I are not quite yet ready to TTC, but I did talk to my dr at my yearly exam. She told me when I"m ready to start to come back and she will start me on pre-natals

Posted 7/6/06 9:20 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

Posted by 5ofClubs

I didn't have a TTC visit. I knew I had to start taking pre natals and changing my diet on my own. When I went to the Ob/GYN for my yearly it was during this time I mentioned we were TTC.

I don't think it is necessary.

how do you have to change your diet??

Posted 7/6/06 10:37 PM

Twins are here!

Member since 3/06

3597 total posts


Re: Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

I went to my doctor in april and told him we'd be ttc in august. He did the following:

gave me a sonogram to see if everything looked ok - turns out I have another ovarian cyst, so I have to go back this month to see if it's grown.

We discussed my diet and he gave me recommendations as to how much folic acid to take.

****** and one thing we talked about AT LENGTH was that I should take pharmaceutical grade fish oil (you can get it in fish or in tablet form). Dr. Barry Sears (author of the zone diet) wrote a book on it and writes a chapter about fish oil and pregnancy. My doctor HIGHLY recommends taking it - he refers to it as brain food.

So I've been cutting out the caffeine, keeping up the exercise, taking folic acid - DH and I are taking fish oil, and am charting.

Good Luck!

Posted 7/6/06 10:46 PM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

I went last night for a pre TTC visit. It was helpful and I would recommend it.

Posted 7/7/06 1:20 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Pre-TTC visit to OBGYN?

I mentioned it at my last appointment with my gyno (last August) She said at this year's appointment we will further discuss, as she knew I was having health issues.

Posted 7/7/06 4:03 PM

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