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Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

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Happy New Year

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Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

It's really only people at work that do this but they'll ask how the baby is and I'll say "great" or whatever and then they start: "Is crawling yet? Is he pulling up yet? Is he talking yet? Is he walking yet?"...etc etc

I don't mind those questions at all, what I mind is when I say "no, not yet" to one of their questions and I get a "Gasp! He not <insert milestone here> yet? Well, my <grandson, niece, daughter, etc> was doing that at 2 months!!" Chat Icon

Yes, your child is superhuman and mine is not because he was walking at 2 months.

So...I'm thinking that from now on, I'm just going to say "yes" to everything. As matter of fact, I think I'll just say "Walking? Heck he's starting kindergarten in the fall!"

Listen, I'm in absolutely no rush for my baby boy to grow up and I know for a fact that his development is perfectly fine but why do people feel the need to compare? Does this happen to anyone else? What do you say?

Posted 3/1/06 9:08 AM
Long Island Weddings
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my princess

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

Yes about 15 minutes ago. A older lady (about my mom's age) asked if he is sleeping through the night. So i replied he wasn't. The next question was where is he sleeping. Answer-in our room.

"well my daughter sleeped in her room and through the night from the first day"Chat Icon (i think she forgot)

btw- when I was pregnant she told me she didn't gain any weight when she was pregnant and left the hospital with her tight jeans. She also told me she went shopping the next day.

Posted 3/1/06 9:28 AM

My children are a blessing!

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

Oh it is so annoying! We get that all the time now because Andrew is one and GASP! not walking yet.

My aunt actually followed up her "Is he walking yet ?" with "Oh, does he have any other developmental difficulties?" Chat Icon

Posted 3/1/06 9:31 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

arggghhh don't ya just love it!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

I seriously think they have embellished memories of the way things went.

Posted 3/1/06 9:31 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

VERY annoying! However, it's not a stranger who does MIL always compares Jared to her kids. She even told me that Jared does something just like her nephew....

Her kids were walking by 6 months...crawling by 4 months...whatever!!!Chat Icon

I also love how I carried him for 9 months and he's never compared to me....

Posted 3/1/06 9:35 AM

Life is good!

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

Posted by Stefanie

I also love how I carried him for 9 months and he's never compared to me....

My MIL does the same thing. Every time I see her see tells me how much Abby looks like her son. It would be fine if she were talking about my husband but she is talking about his BROTHER!! My daughter is my twin. There is no way she looks like anyone besides me but every time I see her she mentions it. The last time I saw her she had pictures of my DH's brother to prove to me how much they look alike. No one else saw the resemblance. Chat Icon

Posted 3/1/06 9:44 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

My mom does this... well, not really commenting on her milestones, but she's always commenting on how *fat* she is and how cranky she is... she always, always, always has to tell me that she could put all of us in our crib and we would just play and amuse ourselves from the beginning and that we all were such happy babies and slept through the night from day one. And the weight thing is bizarre. She told me I was 13lbs when I was 1 year old, almost bragging about it! Um, mom, you DO realize that if I only weighed 13lbs I would have been seriously underweight and you were probably doing something wrong, RIGHT?!

I truly, TRULY think people FORGET how hard it is the first few months! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/1/06 9:46 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

I totally understand. Hayley was born 5 weeks early and the Drs told me not to be alarmed if she doesn't do everything other babies her age do. But some people forget and say "She doesn't XXXXX yet? Um no, she doesn't. She will when she is ready Chat Icon

Posted 3/1/06 9:59 AM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

Actually DH has a bad habit of comparing Andrew's development to his other friends' babies. That's annoying too!

Posted 3/1/06 10:18 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

MIL does that. I keep saying "What's the rush? She'll crawl/walk/talk/etc. when she's good and ready. I'm not going to start pressuring her to do things yet, she's still a baby." Chat Icon What ever happened to just letting kids be kids and have fun playing?

Posted 3/1/06 10:55 AM

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

Message edited 12/21/2011 11:46:09 AM.

Posted 3/1/06 12:21 PM

The man of my dreams...

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

Posted by aja

Yes about 15 minutes ago. A older lady (about my mom's age) asked if he is sleeping through the night. So i replied he wasn't. The next question was where is he sleeping. Answer-in our room.

"well my daughter sleeped in her room and through the night from the first day"Chat Icon (i think she forgot)

I get this ALL the time too! MIL is a PITA with this...she always says it's MY faultChat Icon Can't people just keep their comments to themselves?? Children AND parents are all individual and no 2 are alike...

Posted 3/1/06 1:08 PM


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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

oh god yes!!! i get this all the time with my 19 month old. your right. from now on i should just say "yes", he is doing everything.

Posted 3/1/06 1:25 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

Posted by BabyAvocado

Listen, I'm in absolutely no rush for my baby boy to grow up and I know for a fact that his development is perfectly fine but why do people feel the need to compare? Does this happen to anyone else? What do you say?

Yessss!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon
i just say, every kid is different, so you can't really compare!

Posted 3/1/06 1:42 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

Since Joseph was supposed to be a month and a half behind his actual age (for preemies you use their due dates for the first year), I was a bit defensive . He met all of his milestones on time or early, but would still say sarcastic replies like "I'm sure by the time he's 14, he'll be <insert milestone>."

Chat Icon

Posted 3/1/06 4:50 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

I got a new one yesterday.

MIL calls me up and asks me if ds is holdiing his own bottle. I told her no and I haven't tried. She ranted on and on about how he has to hold his own bottle and her sons held their own bottles. She insisted that by now he should be and how important it is. Chat Icon Chat Icon :

Get real I felt like telling her! Who cares!
Chat Icon

I love feeding my son and have him staring into my eyesChat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 9:04 AM

boy mamma

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

this happens ALL the time to me its so annoying especially since my nephew is 9 days older- they get compared left and right! I used to beat myself up when Bryan wasnt doing something that his cousin did but Im slowly wising up and realizing that babies develop at their own pace and the most important thing is that your child makes progress compared only to himself.

Posted 3/2/06 12:01 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

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Re: Annoying! Does this happen to anyone else?

Posted by Stefanie

VERY annoying! However, it's not a stranger who does MIL always compares Jared to her kids. She even told me that Jared does something just like her nephew....

Her kids were walking by 6 months...crawling by 4 months...whatever!!!Chat Icon

I also love how I carried him for 9 months and he's never compared to me....

yea, my mil is a peice of work!! She is the same way!!!!!! Love when she says, why is he still napping a 2 1/2 yrs old? MY SONS stopped at 1. Well HELLO! I am his mother and I napped till I was 5! Maybe just maybe he will be like meeeeeeeee

sorry for the vent

Posted 3/2/06 10:44 PM

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