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Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

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Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05

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Thia (Cynthia)

Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

I am only like a "minute" PG and my SIL totally guessed. (I literally got my BFP this morning.) Now I'm going to end up telling everyone before I wanted to. I really wanted to wait until I heard the heartbeat. But I don't think it will stay under wraps that long.

Posted 8/19/06 9:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 8/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

my mother guessed immediately

Posted 8/19/06 10:03 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

we told familiy and close friends immediately but my coworkers didnt know until 12 weeks. A lot of people at work kept saying to me stuff like "you look different" or "are you pg?" after like being pg for only 1 week

Posted 8/20/06 9:39 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

Actually my BIL thought I was because said my face looked different and I had found out a few days before.

Posted 8/20/06 10:00 AM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

24065 total posts


Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

One of my co-workers (who is also a good friend) knew the minute I came back from my honeymoon (when I was preggo w/Damien) I just started laughing, I am the worst liarChat Icon

Posted 8/20/06 10:03 AM


Member since 5/06

2423 total posts


Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

I think a bunch of my friends are suspicious because we went out and I didn't drink with them.

Posted 8/20/06 10:10 AM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

A lot of my co-workers were suspiscious and I even caught some talking about it. Also my students had a feeling because I was sick all the time.

Posted 8/20/06 10:32 AM

Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

I had a coworker tell me I was pg BEFORE I even knew. It was so weird!

Posted 8/20/06 10:49 AM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

yeah, I had a lot of people guess prior to us telling. People read me like a book.

Posted 8/20/06 10:55 AM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

yes, two people and it was hard to not scream it out!

Posted 8/20/06 11:06 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

Yes, my grandmother. I had just o'd and she said to my mom she is PG, I was like no way mom- I just ovulated! welp grandma knew!!!!!! right at conception!!!!!!!!

Posted 8/20/06 11:13 AM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

Posted by GenLCSW

we told familiy and close friends immediately but my coworkers didnt know until 12 weeks. A lot of people at work kept saying to me stuff like "you look different" or "are you pg?" after like being pg for only 1 week

This was my case as well. I think they suspected but I didn't tell anyone else until I was 12 weeks. I can't saying that all this dining out with DH was catching up with me.......I wanted it to make sure plus my doctor suggested it as well that it's better to wait until 12 weeks because God forbids something happen, then you have to deal with people asking you it's better to wait and I felt the same way like him....luckily I didn't have to worry about that and hopefully neither will you

Posted 8/20/06 12:10 PM

My Boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

My assistant noticed right away because I had stopped smoking. She said she could also tell by my face, but no smoking, diet coke and the eating of fruit, had to give it away.

Posted 8/20/06 12:34 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

Yes.. a manager of mine looked at me when I was about 5 weeks preggo and said-- YOUR PREGNANT. I asked how she knew and she just said, she knew.

Posted 8/20/06 1:13 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

My daughter Miranda told me both time that I was pregnant, and thats before I even knew. She also guessed the sex both times

Posted 8/20/06 1:16 PM

Brothers For Life

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

Yes, my boss actually did. I took a pregnancy test before I left for work, and got a BFP. I was glowing all morning aparently and then DH husband decided to send me flowers. I still couldn't believe he guessed it since we were't even TTCing.

We weren't going to tell anyone until we passed the 20 week mark, but I felt my family needed to know since my boss knew already. Plus we figured if something unfortunate was to happen, we would need the support of our family anyway.

Posted 8/20/06 8:07 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

one of my co-workers asked me once, and I said, nope not that I know of.. I sort of felt bad lying, but mostly not b/c of all the reasons people mentioned for waiting. I didn't think she would keep quiet about it until I was ready to 'tell people'.

I picked the day I was going to tell my dept and she happened to come to my office that day and ask me again, this time I was able to say YES!, and I brought in my sonogram pictures to show her.

I think she was hurt I lied to her, but she got over it.. esp once she saw the sonograms lol Chat Icon

Posted 8/20/06 8:30 PM

My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

My cousin knew before i did. She kept saying have you tested because you are PG, i just know it. Sure enough i was.

Posted 8/20/06 10:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

I can't believe how many people knew! Chat Icon - I am hoping to keep it a secret for a little while. I would like to get my first doctors visit in at least! Chat Icon

Posted 8/21/06 6:52 AM

needs to update her avatar pic

Member since 6/05

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

Someone at work said that she had a dreamthat I was pregnant but was hiding it. I said, not that I know of but I'll be sure to tell her if I was. Needless to say, 3 weeks later, I told everyone!!

Posted 8/21/06 2:24 PM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

With my daughter I was working at an assisted living home and three of the old ladies guessed weeks before I found out...

Posted 8/21/06 8:18 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

I don't really have coworkers (I'm a dance teacher) but my students knew before I was ready to tell. My oldest students knew because my boobs got really big early on, and one of my little ones told me that my belly was getting bigger (thanks a lot Chat Icon ) Chat Icon

Posted 8/21/06 9:00 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

Yes. A cousin and my group of friends. My friends admitted to me after I told them "Oh we thought you were, we knew it"! LOL
They waited until I told them 1st though which was very nice of them.Chat Icon

Posted 8/21/06 9:08 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone guess you were PG before you were ready to tell?

A coworker kept looking at me very strangely. She kept saying, you look different. Then she pulled me aside and said, you're pregnant, aren't you. (This is before you could physically tell.) It was so strange how she knew!!!

Posted 8/21/06 9:24 PM

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