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Please read, alittle long but need opinions...

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

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Please read, alittle long but need opinions...

Ok i know i am paranoid but ... I posted a few days ago this is my first month using the clearble monitor now in th past i used ovulation sticks and i take note of my CM( sorry TMI)

It is now day 15 of a normally 26 day cycle and i have not gotten my three bars on the monitor( peak) I have however been getting two bars( high) since day 10.We BD on days 10,11, and 14 just in case but i noticed very little CM(again sorry TMI).

Now like i said before i think i hear other peoples story and i get crazy and think i have the same problem.. The woman who gave me the monitor said she would get two bars and never a peak and it turns out she was ovulating but the egg never reached teh place where it could be fertilized so they had to do an IUI or IVF not sure which one and she now has a beautiful 18month old boy. Also i read the girls on here and just on the internet in general and i know i am making my self nuts so heres my questions...

1) Could the monitor be off b/c someone used it before? I took the batteries out and just like the directions say first month asked me to start testing on day 6 so to me it semed like it was ok??

2) I have read on here and other boards that if you used the OPKS and were pregnant you would see a constant surge line so i am wondering and hoping that maybe i am pregnant?? ( CROSS YOUR FINGERS) does this clearblue monitor work the same as OPKs where you would see the surge b/c you are in fact preggo and maybe I am not seeing teh high because of that? i knwo thats a stretch but i can hope right??

30 Could it be I ovulate every other month because last month i swear i got a urge line on a OPK and remeber alot of CM?If ia m Oing everyother month is this a major problem??

Ok sorry this is so long andf I just want to send many (((((HUGS))))))) to everyone who is TTC and having any problrms BABYDUST TO ALL!!!

Posted 6/30/05 9:56 AM
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Re: Please read, alittle long but need opinions...

Sorry but I have no experience with any of these --- can't be of any help!!

Posted 6/30/05 10:32 AM

1 year already!!

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Re: Please read, alittle long but need opinions...

I can't answer all of your questions because I just don't too much about it but isn't it possible you might just be late ovulating? Maybe it will happen on day 16 or 17?

I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpfulChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/30/05 10:34 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Please read, alittle long but need opinions...

Noel, first of all I can totally understand your confusion - its frustrating to be waiting for a surge line or a "peak" result on the monitor. Even though you have very regular cycles, you could just be having a month where you are ovulating later than normal.. I would not yet go so far as to say that you may only be ovulating every other month .. though SOMETIMES ladies with very regular cycles "skip" a month of ovulation and its perfectl normal.. so that is nothing to stress either

Also I wanted to say - please dont read into too much of what people here are going through, or read too much on the internet about fertility issues. You said you have regular cycles and you also said you are only TTC for a few month now -- SO there is no reason to worry about there being a 'bigger" problem just yet. It could just be a matter of getting the timing right and pinpoint your ovulation time better..

As for the Clear Blue monitor, I have a bit of advice. First of all I must stress that it usually takes the monitor up to 3 months to get "used" to you and compute you personal information accurately. So since this is your first month using it, the monitor will show more HIGH fertility days than it normally does. Once the monitor gets used to your cycle length, when you typically ovulate, etc, then it will narrow down the number of high fertility days.

You said have gotten a 'high" reading for 6 days now - you may still have yet to ovulate - as long as it is still asking you to test, and giving you "high" days then keep testing !!

Also - I would not worry about the person who had the monitor before you or her fertility issues. That should have no bearing on what is going on with you right now. I dont know much about "used" monitors but as long as you are sure that you followed the directions and that her stored information is "cleared out" of the monitor than I would not factor in that she never got a PEAK reading when she used it .. just because she never got a peak reading and so far neither have you, that certainly does not mean you will need IUI too! Chat Icon

The only other thing I can think of is that you "may" have ovulated but it just didn't show up as a "peak" on the monitor... I was recently told that even though the monitor says to test first thing in the morning, you get a more accurate reading if you test later in the day.. SOO it could very well be that you DID ovulate and never got the "peak sign" for it. In which case, based by the days that you and your DH "BDd" I think you are safe anyhow Chat Icon

Again - the one thing I want to reiterate is that since this is your FIRST month using the monitor, its going to take a few times before it gets "used" to you ... so try not to overanalyze too much what is going on ... I'm sure you are OK!

(and maybe with any luck you won't need the monitor after this month anyhow Chat Icon)

Good Luck and LOTS of BD to you!! Chat Icon

Message edited 6/30/2005 10:58:22 AM.

Posted 6/30/05 10:55 AM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: Please read, alittle long but need opinions...

thank you everyone and esopecially thank you Felicia for that very detailed and sweet post. I know i get paranoid and impatient as i think alot of us do. Thank you again everyone anbd tons od BABY DUST Tpo everyone trying.Chat Icon

Posted 6/30/05 11:00 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Please read, alittle long but need opinions...

I agree with everything felicia said.

As far as using opks as hpt you can but they are just not that reliable.

The monitor needs to get to know you. If the line closest to the darker than the other line...then that is an indication you are having an LH surge or are pregnant. The clearblue monitor sticks work differently. I put in pictures of the sticks and wrote about them, on another's called something like ...."clearblue monitor and test strips" look it up ...the pictures are there...let me try to do it again :)

Day 15 was the LH surge for this person. If you are pregnant.....that same line would be a lot darker......

Image Attachment(s):

Message edited 6/30/2005 11:27:20 AM.

Posted 6/30/05 11:26 AM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: Please read, alittle long but need opinions...

wow thak you very much for that posy and picture.

Posted 6/30/05 11:29 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Please read, alittle long but need opinions...

Michelle - thanks for posting that picture of the Clear blue test strips... I was never sure how to read them w/out the monitor, that does help a lot! Chat Icon

Posted 6/30/05 12:38 PM

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