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What are your thougths on this.....

Forum Opinion Poll
Would not want to know 2 4.44%
Would Like to know if going away as a group and sharing a room with this person 7 15.56%
Would not make a difference to me if I know or not even if sharing a room with this person 36 80.00%


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Message edited 9/25/2011 4:18:07 PM.

Posted 12/15/05 12:21 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

It wouldn't make a difference to me either way, but I think DH would want to know. I think in general, guys are more skittish when it comes to homosexuality.

Posted 12/15/05 12:23 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

If it was a friend of mine...YES i would want to know

IMO that kind of information is shared between friends....

But ultimately it is up to the person to decide what they want to reveal about themselves

Posted 12/15/05 12:25 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

Totally would not make a difference to me.

Posted 12/15/05 12:26 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

i agree with nferrandi, i really don't care but i think fh would want to know.

Posted 12/15/05 12:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

I think it sux that homosexuals need to "come out". I don't have to "come out" that I'm heterosexual, I just don't see why there has to be this big announcement that they are forced to make. If they want to tell people, fine. If not, fine. Not for me to decide.

Posted 12/15/05 12:26 PM

so outrageous

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

If they were truly a good friend and I valued and loved them....what they did behind closed doors is their business...i wouldnt care, i wouldnt love them any less

Posted 12/15/05 12:31 PM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

to be honest, I can care less. It's not like they'd be wanting to shack up with me. If they feel comfortable telling then that's cool. But hey I don't need to know. IMO

Posted 12/15/05 12:31 PM


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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

I don't care if they tell me or not, it wouldn't change the relationship for the worse.

Posted 12/15/05 12:34 PM

LIF Adolescent

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This is it

Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

I'm not sure I understand what you are asking.

Posted 12/15/05 12:36 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

Posted by Leeners

I think it sux that homosexuals need to "come out". I don't have to "come out" that I'm heterosexual, I just don't see why there has to be this big announcement that they are forced to make. If they want to tell people, fine. If not, fine. Not for me to decide.

I agree with this. If I am comfortable spending a weekend away with them, knowing that they were gay or not really wouldn't make a difference to me.

Posted 12/15/05 12:43 PM


Member since 10/05

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Message edited 9/25/2011 4:18:32 PM.

Posted 12/15/05 12:50 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

I lived in CA for many years, where it is much more accepted to come out. During that time, I met many gay people and have several very close gay friends. I agree with what you are saying, about how it is a part of who they are and all that. However, I think people go through stages of coming out. According to some of my friends, even when they decide to come out, it is not like they suddenly decide to tell all of their close friends and acquaintances. I think it is more of a process, of testing the waters to see who is accepting of it and who might not be, before they disclose it to individual friends and family members. With some of my gay friends, I knew they were gay long before they decided to tell me, but for whatever reason, they weren't ready.

And, I am straight, but never really discussed my dating/romantic life with lots of people. I am very private, and only discuss things like that with the closest of my friends. I never really felt any obligation to inform other people about my dating life - this is what I thought Eileen meant in her post.

Posted 12/15/05 1:00 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

Honestly... I would like to know if friend is gay, just like I would want to know what religion they are, or what their family is like or what their hobbies are. Its just a part of who they are and I like to know that stuff about my friends. But I wouldn't mind if someone kept it to themselves. I would never be upset someone didn't tell me- unless they thought I couldn't handle it or that would change things. That would upset me if they thought that.

My best friend is gay, he was a bridesman and stood up on my side during my wedding. I was so happy when he came out to me (when we were in college). I am just glad that he is "out" because it makes his life much easier.

Posted 12/15/05 1:01 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

IMO know that a friend is Gay is important.

IMO it is sad that this HUGE aspect of a friends life is hidden.

Posted 12/15/05 1:03 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

Posted by Leeners

I think it sux that homosexuals need to "come out". I don't have to "come out" that I'm heterosexual, I just don't see why there has to be this big announcement that they are forced to make. If they want to tell people, fine. If not, fine. Not for me to decide.

I was just thinking this. It's funny b/c last week I had dinner at a friends house. She had her 2 brothers, the one's wife and another friend there too. I'd only met her brother once before so had no real impression of him. Well, while we were there, I started to think that he and the friend seemed very cozy, but I didn't know. and just before leaving, the friend was talking about something and made a comment about his "ex boyfriend." So, now, DH and I figured, yeah, I guess they are gay. Whatever. But I said to DH - "Hmm, I'm surprised she never mentioned it before" but then thought - well, why would she?
But the next day, my friend called me to tell me she was sorry she didn't tell me, and I was like, really, there's no need. I said that if we had talked about something related to it, I could have seen her mentioning it, but I thought, it's not like I have to announce to people that I'm not gay, so why do people have to announce they are.
I just think it's a weird thing I guess.Chat Icon

That being said, I don't think it would matter to me, but if I was close friends, I'd think I'd know.

Posted 12/15/05 1:09 PM


Member since 10/05

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Message edited 9/25/2011 4:19:01 PM.

Posted 12/15/05 1:10 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

Posted by dpli

Posted by Leeners

I think it sux that homosexuals need to "come out". I don't have to "come out" that I'm heterosexual, I just don't see why there has to be this big announcement that they are forced to make. If they want to tell people, fine. If not, fine. Not for me to decide.

I agree with this. If I am comfortable spending a weekend away with them, knowing that they were gay or not really wouldn't make a difference to me.

well they don't have to come out i guess
but they shouldn't go out of their way to hide it...then there would be no reason to "come out"

Posted 12/15/05 1:11 PM

My Love

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

Posted by Leeners

I think it sux that homosexuals need to "come out". I don't have to "come out" that I'm heterosexual, I just don't see why there has to be this big announcement that they are forced to make. If they want to tell people, fine. If not, fine. Not for me to decide.


Posted 12/15/05 1:13 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

To me it doesn't matter what someone's sexual orientation is. I would have the same reaction to someone telling me what religion they are. It's part of their personal life, and they will share what they want with who they want. Sure, if they were my close friends I would want to know, but they are a lot of things that people chose to tell one another. I guess sexual orientation doesn't bother me, so it's no big deal to me.

Posted 12/15/05 1:14 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

Posted by MrsFresca

I agree with you as well. I also know that people have to go through their own process at their own time but I feel they should not test the waters as you said. But I feel this happens because they are afraid of rejection and have not probably fully come to terms with it. Once they embrace it, that's when they have "come out" as they said. It's not like they are going to voice to the whole world but if that's a part of who they are, I don't see why it should be a secret.
Like you mentioned, there are gay people that you can definitely tell and there are others that you will not be able to unless they tell you.

I actually think it is good to test the waters. I know of people who were afraid to tell too many friends because they had not yet told their family, since they came from very male dominated cultures, where they were afraid the family might disown them if they came out.

I found out about a few people's sexual orientation before they told me, because mutual friends "outed" them to me before they had a chance to tell me themselves - another reason I would be choosy about who I would tell if I were gay.

Posted 12/15/05 1:16 PM


Member since 10/05

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Message edited 9/25/2011 4:17:47 PM.

Posted 12/15/05 1:43 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

Posted by Redhead

IMO know that a friend is Gay is important.

IMO it is sad that this HUGE aspect of a friends life is hidden.


Posted 12/15/05 1:43 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

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Re: Share Your Thoughts on This......Poll Included.

I could care one needs to tell me anything unless they are comfortable enough. And if you are gay that makes NO difference to me whatsoever regarding friendship.

Posted 12/15/05 2:10 PM

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