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Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

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Member since 5/05

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Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

Did any of you have Group B strep? I was told today that I am positive for it and that it's an infection that can be passed to the baby when it's coming through the birth canal. They will need to give me antibiotics when I'm in labor.

My doctor told me that half of all pregnant women have this...but, I've never heard that before...

Posted 10/27/05 11:07 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

I had it...don't worry, it's not that big of a a deal. When I got to the hospital & they gave me the IV, they just gave me penicillin also and that was it!

Posted 10/27/05 11:10 AM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

Thank you!!! I was trying not to be so worried...but, I honestly never heard anyone I know say they tested positive for it.

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Posted 10/27/05 11:11 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

I had it too..nothing to worry about. Once my water broke though, I had to go directly to the hospital and be hooked up to IV for antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection to the baby. I think the risk of passing anything is very slim and even smaller with antibiotics and if I remember correctly for it is something that the more recently even tested for (maybe last 5 years or something like that). I was told it was pretty common as well.

Posted 10/27/05 12:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

I had it also. No big deal. I am sort of glad I had it because when my water broke I went directly to the hospital and was put on antibiotics. I did not have to wait at home until my contractions were 5 minutes apart. I was able to get the epidural at 2 cm.. and let me tell you I couldn't bear the pain at 2 cm!!!!.

Also, if you have it for one pregnancy, it does not mean you will have it for another pregnancy.

Posted 10/27/05 12:26 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

Yep I had it to!!! Like they all said just an antibiotic and your good to go!! No worries!!!

Posted 10/27/05 12:39 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

My cousin had it and everything did not turn out so well. Her water broke early the MORNING of her scheduled c-section. It was a very light trickle so she did not really think anything of it until later in the day when she realized it wasn't stopping. She went to the hospital, had her c/s as scheduled and everything was okay until the 2nd day or so.

The baby stopped breathing. Straight to the NICU, spinal tap, blood tests, the works. She got the infection and had to stay in the NICU for several days. Mom went home and couldn't take her baby home with her until a couple of weeks later.

The baby is healthy and totally fine now. But my heart just broke for my cousin when I heard. The moral of the story is -- if you test positive for Group B strep - if you even *think* for a second that your water broke -- GET TO THE HOSPITAL ASAP.

Posted 10/27/05 2:11 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

had it with my 1st preg, tested ned with the other 2, but i was always treated anyway. The only drawback is once you go into active labor you need to get to the hospital for an antibiotic drip. my water broke @8:30 w/ my last preg, and they instructed me to get to the hospital by 11:00 to start the IV.

Posted 10/27/05 3:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

I was too. It's no biggie. They will hook you up to a antibiotic IV in the hospital.

Posted 10/27/05 3:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

Posted by BabyAvocado

The baby is healthy and totally fine now. But my heart just broke for my cousin when I heard. The moral of the story is -- if you test positive for Group B strep - if you even *think* for a second that your water broke -- GET TO THE HOSPITAL ASAP.

I'm happy that everything worked out. But I had a similar thing happen with one of my kids (water broke but I didn't know) and I think the reason that happened to your cousin was because they didn't know that they had to treat her for Group B.

All I suggest is that you make it clear when you do go into labor, that you have Group B, so that they treat you for it upon admittance.

Good luck and don't worry. It'll be just fine!

Posted 10/27/05 3:52 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

I had it too. Got the IV when I went into the hospital. No problems.

Posted 10/27/05 6:56 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

I had it. Got the IV med during labor and all was well. Don't worry you'll be just fine.

Posted 10/27/05 7:06 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

Thanks girls!!! I feel so relieved now!!!

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Posted 10/28/05 7:38 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

Same here. No biggie

Posted 10/28/05 11:11 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

259 total posts


Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

My doctor called me today to tell me I teste positive for Group B strep. I am TTC now and am so nervous. What should I do?

Posted 4/3/06 9:57 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2246 total posts


Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

I had it - not to worry you just have to tell them when you go into the hospital and they will give you antibiotics.

Posted 4/3/06 10:02 AM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

I had it! I had to go on antibiotics the last month of my pregnancy, and I also had preclamsia and had to have an emergency c-section so when I was in the hospital they gave me meds for the group B strep and for my preclamsia. Dont worry as long as you get medicine for it, your chances of passing it to your baby are VERY slim. Chat Icon

Posted 4/3/06 10:07 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

Just realized this is an old post I already answered.

Message edited 4/3/2006 10:09:57 AM.

Posted 4/3/06 10:09 AM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

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Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

Posted by NK926

I had it...don't worry, it's not that big of a a deal. When I got to the hospital & they gave me the IV, they just gave me penicillin also and that was it!

Same here...not a big deal. The only worry is that you want to get to the hospital right away when your water delaying.

Posted 4/3/06 10:15 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Group B Strep...did anyone test positive for it?

Posted by BrunetteMom

Posted by BabyAvocado

The baby is healthy and totally fine now. But my heart just broke for my cousin when I heard. The moral of the story is -- if you test positive for Group B strep - if you even *think* for a second that your water broke -- GET TO THE HOSPITAL ASAP.

I'm happy that everything worked out. But I had a similar thing happen with one of my kids (water broke but I didn't know) and I think the reason that happened to your cousin was because they didn't know that they had to treat her for Group B.

All I suggest is that you make it clear when you do go into labor, that you have Group B, so that they treat you for it upon admittance.

Good luck and don't worry. It'll be just fine!

I think you are right, I think that may have been exactly what happened because I remember my Dr telling me that it was important to tell them when you go in to L&D whether or not you have it.

Posted 4/3/06 10:25 AM

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