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2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05 4377 total posts
Name: MaMMa
Anyone moving to a new place while preparing for the baby?
Its so stressful but i know things will all fall into place.
We just bought our own place and doing major renovations (new kitchen, new floors, bathrooms..) We plan to move in by January 1st and baby is due on February 18th.
I just feel so helpless sometimes because Im in so much back pain and growing so fast at 6 months that I don't think I could really pack at all - today i ran some errands to look at curtains, shower curtains and it just took so much out of me - im just physically tired and cranky and i didn't even buy anything. I just can't move around as quickly as I could and its really starting to hit me now. My mom and MIL and husband help me - but i think im going to need more of it...
How did you ladies manage transitioning the two big events taking place so soon together??!
Message edited 11/5/2005 3:52:40 PM.
Posted 11/5/05 3:51 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Anyone moving to a new place while preparing for the baby?
So funny that you posted this because I was thinking the same thing! I am 29.5 weeks now. We just moved in the beginning of last month to an apartment. I really didn't pack anything, DH did it all. I happen to be out of state for moving day but when I returned the next day I unpacked some things. It was very hard to do this, I was so tired from it all. Now that we are settled we have decided to buy a house and closing is set for January 3.. I am due on January 17!!!!! Its going to be sooooo hectic! DH is a teacher so he will do all the packing over Xmas break. Its going to be very stressful tho!
Posted 11/5/05 7:25 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Anyone moving to a new place while preparing for the baby?
We moved from Texas to Ohio, DH started a new job, we lived in the Marriot for 4 weeks until our house was ready, all while 6 months pregnant! It was a little bit crazy, but since I was not working i just did a few things at a time. Unpack a few things here, rest, unpack a little more.
Posted 11/5/05 8:07 PM |
My Boys

Member since 6/05 1019 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: Anyone moving to a new place while preparing for the baby?
DH & I moved from LI to Houston, TX during my 32nd week of pregnancy. It was stressful in more ways than one.... First being the fact that our House in NY is still on the market. We purchased our home here in Texas, so are paying 2 mortgages and I stopped working. 2nd stresser was the fact that I would have to find a new doctor and try to get to know him in such a short period of time. Luckly all fell into place and we are settling into our new home, I love my new doctor and we are still waiting for our house in NY to sell. The baby will be here in 4 weeks, so I just look forward to his arrival.
Posted 11/5/05 8:31 PM |
Member since 5/05 6265 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Anyone moving to a new place while preparing for the baby?
Just wanted to give you some !!!
Posted 11/6/05 12:08 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Anyone moving to a new place while preparing for the baby?
I had my daughter on 9/7 and we closed on our house on 9/22!! We moved in on 10/14, the day before her christening!
Because I'm a teacher, I had off all summer, so I slowly started packing maybe like one box a day--I probably should have done 2 a day because we were left with more work than I would have liked once the baby was here.
I can't lie, it was--and is--difficult. My DH wasn't around a lot when she was first born because he painted EVERY room in the house and did other miscellaneous stuff every day after work and weekends, so I was alone frequently. We still have much to do and it's not easy with a crying baby around!
Anyway, you'll do it and one day we'll both look back and laugh at what we went through--new baby and new house all in one!
PS--Katherine probably thinks she lives at Home Depot!
Posted 11/6/05 12:10 PM |
Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05 1714 total posts
Name: Brandy
Re: Anyone moving to a new place while preparing for the baby?
Just wanted to say I hope all goes well and smoothly for you!!
Posted 11/6/05 2:28 PM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Anyone moving to a new place while preparing for the baby?
We bought a house when I was 5 months pg. It was so hard bc I couldn't really lift anything and had to wait for someone to move boxes when I was done packing them.
My advice - #1 hire movers. They are so worth the money no matter how close or far you are moving.
#2 pace yourself, you will get tired easily. Start packing early so you don't feel rushed
#3 if friends offer to help, accept it. I didn't bc I wanted to do it myself and didn't want people packing my stuff. I really wish I had bc I underestimated how much stuff we had.
Good Luck!
Posted 11/6/05 6:49 PM |
2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05 4377 total posts
Name: MaMMa
Re: Anyone moving to a new place while preparing for the baby?
Thanks so much for your advice ladies!!
Because of my back pain and now my feet are swollen and hurting so bad - im just going to pace myself and welcome any help.
Im going to buy some bubble tape today and start packing a few things - we plan to be at the new house by January 1st - so there isn't too much time left. I know we will be living out of boxes for a while till we get better situated - and I just have to live with that.
I feel like this pregnancy is flying by even faster because of our move - between packing, buying stuff for the new house, preparing for the baby - it seems like the days and weeks are breezing by!
Ill let u know how it goes
Posted 11/7/05 9:06 AM |